AWR360° Medical Clinic in Ukraine Ep.1
#AWR #Health # MedicalClinic # Ukraine Songs used
Namsos-rore-musicbed Sync ID Code
MB01OLMZXDZT1Y6 #short Source:
How do you delight in the Sabbath?
How do you delight in the Sabbath? #AWR #Sabbath #Delight #Bible #short Source:
The Right Arm of the Gospel
There is a well-known quote that I love, and I’m sure you’ve heard before: If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one. (Testimonies for the Church 9:189) Every day we are given opportunities to be kind, courteous, tenderhearted and pitiful toward those around us. There is so much suffering and pain in the world that if we ask God to open our eyes, He will lead us to those who need our help, but above all, to those who need a Savior. That’s what AWR360° is all about. It’s comprehensive evangelism. It’s not just meeting people’s spiritual needs, but finding people where they are and walking them to Jesus and baptism. And as we tend to their spiritual needs, we can heal their physical wounds as well, and lead them to the Great Physician, who is kind, courteous, tenderhearted and full of pity toward suffering humanity. Here is a short video where we share how AWR is reaching people around the world not only through the preaching of the Word, but through our medical clinics—the “right hand” of evangelistic work. It is thanks to your support that these clinics are possible, and not just the clinics, but the more than 2,000 radio stations around the world that are beaming God’s Word in rays of light that reach every corner of our planet. Thank you for your support that makes this possible. Together, we are making a difference for eternity. Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
President MB01WUPJH3QMLN7 Songs used
echo-jordan-critz-musicbed Namsos-rore-musicbed Source:
Your AWR360º Moment – Our Adventist Heritage Ep.2
Your AWR360º Moment – Our Adventist Heritage Ep.2 #AWR #Evangelism #AWR360 #Adventist #Heritage Sync ID Code
MB01YEVGD3JEO27 #short Source:
Your AWR360º Moment – Our Adventist Heritage Ep.1
Your AWR360º Moment – Our Adventist Heritage Ep.1 #AWR #Evangelism #AWR360 #Adventist #Heritage #shorts Sync ID code
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