Discover the inspiring story of Richard and Bodo, a couple from a remote Madagascar village whose lives were transformed by Adventist World Radio. Despite the distance and societal pressures, their hunger for truth led them from idol worship to baptism, sparking a new chapter in their faith journey.
#AWRTransformation #MadagascarFaithJourney #FromIdolsToBaptism #RichardAndBodo #RemoteFaithRevival #awr #adventistworldradio Source:
An Adventist in Madagascar: Revelations from Sadabe
Embark on a unique journey to Sadabe, a remote village in Madagascar, with Ray Allen and a local AWR worker. Experience the intriguing blend of African and Asian cultures, the stunning landscapes, and the warm welcome of the villagers. Share in their prayers and witness the miracles that have unfolded in this vibrant community.
#MadagascarJourney #SadabeVillage #AWRinAction #CulturalFusion #MiraclesInMadagascar #awr #adventistworldradio Source:
The Expansive Influence of Adventist World Radio
Explore the inspiring narrative of La Tara, whose life transformation illuminates the far-reaching influence of Adventist World Radio. The story underscores how one listener's baptism can ripple outwards, changing countless lives.
#BroadcastingFaith #RippleOfChange #BaptismBroadcast #AdventistWorldRadioImpact #awr #adventistworldradio Source:
From Rebels to Evangelists
One of the most amazing modern-day stories of God’s intervention to change lives is the saga of the rebels of Mindoro, Philippines. It’s also a testament to the power of radio—and especially the power of radio when in God’s hands. Below is a brand-new video where we share the highlights of this incredible story of amazing grace. From the rebels’ very beginnings, through the years of violence, to the moment when they first heard the messages of hope on Adventist World Radio deep in the jungle, to their final surrender—this is a story of redemption. But we didn’t stop there. We continued to help them, not only in building their own churches, but by officiating at their weddings, securing a new trade, and above all, guiding them to be evangelists for Jesus! Watch this video and be inspired. I know we were. These are the rewards of evangelism, and the stories that energize us to reach every nation, kindred, tongue and people with the gospel message. I love to see lives changed for God’s kingdom, and I especially love it when He uses Adventist World Radio to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
Baptism and Beyond: A Teen’s Message to Other Youth
Read the moving testimony of La Guitarra, a teenager who, after his baptism, shares a heartfelt message to other young people about finding true peace and happiness in knowing and following Jesus.
#BaptismTransformation #YouthMessage #TruePeace #TearsAndTriumph #SacrificesForFaith #awr #adventistworldradio Source:
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