Daily Lesson for Sunday 10th of November 2024
Jesus was not shy in declaring who He was, nor in calling on witnesses to testify to who He was, even witnesses who were long gone, including Abraham. “ ‘Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad’ ” (John 8:56, NKJV).
Why was Abraham’s witness so important that it was included in John’s gospel? (Genesis 12:3, Genesis 18:16-18, Genesis 26:4, Matthew 1:1, Acts 3:25.)
“Through type and promise God ‘preached before the gospel unto Abraham.’ Galatians 3:8. And the patriarch’s faith was fixed upon the Redeemer to come. Said Christ to the Jews, ‘Your father Abraham rejoiced that he should see My day; and he saw it, and was glad.’ John 8:56, R.V., margin. The ram offered in place of Isaac represented the Son of God, who was to be sacrificed in our stead. When man was doomed to death by transgression of the law of God, the Father, looking upon His Son, said to the sinner, ‘Live: I have found a ransom.’ ”—Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 154.
Abraham was the father of the Jewish nation. He received the promise that, through him, all nations would be blessed. This blessing came through the Messiah, born through his lineage.
Abraham was also the father of those who respond to God in faith (Hebrews 11:8,17-19). His willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22:1-24), the son of promise, was not only an evidence of faith but a window into the plan of salvation.
When Jesus said, “ ‘Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day’ ” (John 8:56, NKJV), the leaders responded, “ ‘You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?’ ” (John 8:57, NKJV).
Jesus’ answer was astounding. “ ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM’ ” (John 8:58, NKJV).
Jesus uses language reminiscent of what God said to Moses at the burning bush. This was a claim to be God, the self-existent One. No question, the leaders understood the implication of what He said because they then “took up stones to throw at Him” (John 8:59, NKJV).
Read Romans 4:1-5. How does Paul use this story of Abraham to reveal the great truth of salvation by faith alone, without the deeds of the law? How do these verses help us understand the idea of Abraham as the father of those who live by faith? |

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-07-harking-back-to-abraham/