Have you ever felt trapped by your past? In this video, I share my journey from the grips of witchcraft to finding freedom in God's Word through Adventist World Radio. Discover how prayer and spiritual truth transformed my life and my village. Hit that like button if you've experienced a life change! #FaithJourney #Transformation #AdventistWorldRadio #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko5z7fnrVe4 MB01IQSFWC7CDGW #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMaljN2O8W8
Comments of the Week September 30-October 6
Comments of the Week September 30-October 6 Comments on The Beasts of Revelation, whether or not Adventist Higher Education can be saved, is God really in control, and Adventist-raised children who left the denomination. Is your comment featured here? Who Are the Beasts? I Don’t Know! “One of the main principles of responsible Bible study […] Source: https://atoday.org/comments-of-the-week-sept30-oct6/
Remembering the Persecuted During Pastor Appreciation Month.
“For Christ’s love compels us…..” 2 Corinthians 5:14 NIV
Around the world, some children get baptized and are given a celebration dinner with nice gifts.
Around the world, other children get baptized and get beaten by their parents and disowned by their family.
Around the world this month, some pastors will be given warm greeting cards, with beautiful gifts.
Around the world this month, other pastors will be persecuted and killed for sharing the Gospel.
It’s not a fair world, is it? One child being celebrated by her family when being baptized, and another child being disowned by her family when baptized. One pastor is lauded by his church family while another pastor is condemned by his church family while both are doing the same job. This is where we need to remember why we do what we do. Is it for gifts and rewards? Is it for praise and appreciation? Or does the love of Christ compel us to be baptized and share the gospel with the world? These words of Jesus are for anyone who follows Him. They are for free United States citizens as well as those in communist countries.
Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross]daily, and follow Me. Luke 9:23 NKJV
I was baptized over 50 years ago, and since then have totally lost my baptism certificate. I think of this every time I baptize someone and given them their certificate. But Christ did not give his followers certificates. He did not give them a nice Hallmark card congratulate them for their decision. He did not give them a nice devotional book as a gift. He gave them a cross to go die on.
It is not the fear of punishment, or the hope of everlasting reward, that leads the disciples of Christ to follow Him. They behold the Saviour’s matchless love, revealed throughout His pilgrimage on earth, from the manger of Bethlehem to Calvary’s cross, and the sight of Him attracts, it softens and subdues the soul. Love awakens in the heart of the beholders. They hear His voice, and they follow Him.-Ellen White, Desire of Ages, Page 480.
I have shared the story before how years ago I was at an awards banquet for literature evangelists, when I fist started canvassing. I was mesmerized by the plagues and trophies –I wanted one so bad. So I went and worked hard all year to earn my trophy, and by the ed of the year I had led my conference in sales. I was so disappointed when the conference canceled the awards ceremony that year! I became bitter. But a while after that I found myself in an old cemetery. As I walked around, reading the words on each gravestone, I felt the Holy Spirit asking me, “Why are you alive today, William?” After considering this question and all the suffering that is going on in the world, I realized I was not alive to win trophies and awards. I was alive to share the hope of the Gospel with a hurt and dying world. The words of an old hymn suddenly had new meaning,
Till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross,
Alone in that cemetery that day I understood, Jesus was not handing out plaques and trophies. He was not handing out gift cards and greeting cards. He handed me a cross to die on. In that cemetery I gained a clear vison of my calling. Trophies, plaques and gift cards can’t forgive sins or heal broken hearts. They can’t give hope to a dying world. I picked up my cross to follow Jesus.
Later I became a Bible Worker and served many years in three conferences, until one day a couple of years back I got a call from the Florida Conference to pastor a three-church district. Many of my friends and family celebrated this call. I greatly appreciated the encouragement. However I realized once again, I have been given a cross. My three congregations have been very wonderful to me. They encourage me when I do well, and they are graceful when I fail. Either way – no matter how I do – they love me because Jesus’ love is in their hearts. I realize not all pastors have loving congregations. While I am being loved even though I made a big mistake other pastors are being persecuted while doing exactly what was right.
This month is pastor appreciation month around the world. As a pastor who is loved unconditionally by God and my three churches, I encourage us all this month to be mindful of those who are serving under persecution. Let’s also remember those who serve as lay pastors while also working at a vocation to support themselves instead of being paid by the church. They work hard for their churches and do just as good a job as full time conference paid pastors. They make a sacrifice by working hard at a vocation and then also working hard for their church. Let’s also remember the children who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus. There are children who have tasted persecution for their faith, like this pastor has never tasted. I have a comfy job as a pastor in the United States, while there are children who could preach sermons about their personal experiences with persecution that would put me to shame. And yes, please give what you can in ways of support to these worthy ministers. Since I am already spoiled, and have way more than I deserve, for pastor appreciation month instead of giving gifts to me, please send a donation to the Seventh-day Adventist Chinese Union Mission (You will probably want to click on or touch the “EN” at the top right corner. of the page to see the English-language site.) On the donation link there is a section called “other.” I have been told by a pastor near that area that you can write, “persecuted missionaries” in that section and they will get it to help those being persecuted.
I can’t speak for all pastors in the United States, but what I need more than anything is words of inspiration and to know that you are praying for me. As far as gift cards go, there are persecuted pastors around the world who need and deserve your monetary gifts much more than I do. Let’s make sure all the pastors, lay pastors, missionaries, and lay evangelists get the love and support they need this month and always.

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/remembering-the-persecuted-during-pastor-appreciation-month/
Sunday: The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Daily Lesson for Sunday 6th of October 2024
In John 6:4-5, the apostle goes out of his way to state that the timing of the feeding of the 5,000 was near the Passover. The Passover was a commemoration of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt. The Passover lamb took the place of the death of the firstborn. This sacrifice symbolized the death of Jesus in our behalf. On the cross, the punishment that we deserved because of our sins fell on Jesus instead. Christ, our Passover, was indeed slain for us (1 Corinthians 5:7).
“He bore the guilt of transgression, and the hiding of His Father’s face, until His heart was broken and His life crushed out. All this sacrifice was made that sinners might be redeemed.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 540.
Read John 6:1-14. What parallels can be found here between Jesus and Moses? That is, what did Jesus do here that should have reminded the people of the deliverance that their ancestors had received through the ministry of Moses?
Numerous details of this story place Jesus in parallel to Moses in the Exodus. The time of the Passover (John 6:4) points to the great deliverance from Egypt. Jesus goes up on a mountain (John 6:3) as Moses went up Sinai. Jesus tests Philip (John 6:5-6) as the Israelites were tested in the wilderness. The multiplication of the loaves (John 6:11) is reminiscent of the manna. The gathering of the leftover food (John 6:12) harks back to the Israelites’ gathering the manna. Twelve baskets of leftovers are picked up (John 6:13), the same number as the twelve tribes of Israel. And the people comment that Jesus is the prophet coming into the world (John 6:14), parallel to the “prophet like Moses” predicted in Deuteronomy 18:15. All of this points to Jesus as the new Moses—come to deliver His people.
Thus, John is showing Jesus not only doing signs and wonders but doing signs and wonders that, in their context, should have had special meaning for the Jewish people. Jesus was pointing them, in essence, to His own divinity.
Read Isaiah 53:4-6 and 1 Peter 2:24. What great truth do these texts teach about Jesus as the Lamb of God? How does His divinity tie into this truth, and why is this truth the most important truth we can ever know? |

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-02-the-feeding-of-the-five-thousand/
Why Sharing Faith Can Heal Communities
Ever felt lost after a tragedy? In this powerful video, Surendra shares how tuning into a radio program opened his eyes to faith and healing after the loss of his sons. Discover how he transitioned from being a witch doctor to a voice of hope in his community. Hit that like button if you believe in the transformative power of faith! #VoiceOfHope #FaithJourney #Transformation #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko5z7fnrVe4 MB01V1KUDNSP8CT #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRQ3YCFgzEY
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