24 February 2025 | In a press release dated today, Conrad Vine, controversial for his stands on vaccinations, tithe, and Christian nationalism, has stepped out of Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM) leadership. Says Vine: God brought my family and me to AFM in August 2011 in a providential manner, and since then He has blessed our ministry […] Source: https://atoday.org/conrad-vine-leaves-leadership-of-adventist-frontier-mission/
How One Man Led 400 People to Christ
How do 400 people come to accept Christ in such a short time? Hiram Edson’s story of faith and obedience holds the answer. After hearing William Miller preach, he felt called to share the message of Jesus’ return with his neighbors. Though hesitant at first, his faithfulness led to a powerful revival in his community. Watch now to be inspired by his journey. #LivesChanged #FaithAndHope #SecondAdvent #awr #adventistworldradio #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG9J4zb_vLU
Aunty, I’m afraid to go to my friend’s Roman Catholic funeral
24 February 2025 | Dear Aunt Sevvy, I want to go to a funeral service for a dear Roman Catholic friend. But I’m afraid to, because a Catholic funeral service involves so many idolistic rituals. What should I do, Aunt Sevvy? Signed, Frightened Dear Frightened, Roman Catholic services feel strange to us Adventists. We don’t […] Source: https://atoday.org/aunty-im-afraid-to-go-to-my-friends-roman-catholic-funeral/
Tuesday: The Origin of the Controversy in Heaven
Daily Lesson for Tuesday 25th of February 2025
Genesis 1:1-31; Genesis 2:1-25; Genesis 3:1-24 alone shows that evil existed before the fall of Adam and Eve. Even if evil was not a concrete reality in Eden, conceptually, “evil” has already appeared, in the name of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9,17). Then the serpent accuses God of lying when, in fact, he, the serpent, is the one lying. The existence of the serpent (Revelation 12:9), along with his lying, shows the reality of evil there. Thus, even in Eden before the Fall, the presence of evil is manifest.
Read Ezekiel 28:12-19 in light of Exodus 25:19-20. What is the nature of this being’s fall?
According to this passage, the origin of evil and the cosmic conflict began in heaven.
Before he fell, the being who became known as Satan was a covering cherub. Beyond being identified as this cherub, he was “ ‘the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty’ ” and was “ ‘in Eden, the garden of God’ ” (Ezekiel 28:12-13, NKJV). Neither of these things could be said of the human king of Tyre (or any other human). Hence, we know that we have been given here a glimpse into the fall of Lucifer.
Read Isaiah 14:12-15. What additional light does this shed on the origin of the great controversy?
According to Isaiah 14:1-32, Lucifer decided to exalt himself and make himself like God. This verse complements what we saw in Ezekiel 28:1-26, that his “heart was lifted up” because of his “beauty” (Ezekiel 28:17), which should have brought him to glorify the God who made him beautiful. Instead, he became proud. Worse, in this pride, he set out to take God’s place and to slander Him. The Hebrew term for “trading” in Ezekiel 28:16 also means “slander,” an indication of how Satan will operate against God and against us, as well.
How do we understand the fact that Lucifer, who fell, was originally “perfect . . . from the day” he was created “till iniquity was found” in him (Ezekiel 28:15)? How could a perfect being fall unless being “perfect” included true moral freedom? |

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/25a-09-the-origin-of-the-controversy-in-heaven/
Artículo de prensa critica a ADRA por los altos salarios y viajes en primera clase de sus directivos
La Agencia Adventista de Desarrollo y Ayuda -ADRA- fue mencionada en un artículo publicado en el Washington Examiner, titulado «Vuelos en primera clase, salarios de siete cifras: Cómo los jefes de las ONG viven bien con el dinero de los contribuyentes». El autor, Robert Schmad, escribió: «Una serie de organizaciones sin fines de lucro que […] Source: https://atoday.org/articulo-de-prensa-critica-a-adra-por-los-altos-salarios-y-viajes-en-primera-clase-de-sus-directivos/
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