El pastor polaco Henryk Patryarcha, coleccionista apasionado de Biblias antiguas y raras, expone en Australia su impresionante colección europea. Su colección de casi 200 Biblias, además de sellos y pergaminos, se formó a lo largo de 50 años, y algunas datan de los siglos XV y XVI. Sus búsquedas comenzaron en su Polonia natal, pero […] Source: https://atoday.org/una-excepcional-coleccion-historica-de-biblias-llega-a-la-division-del-pacifico-sur/
Carta abierta para que Wilson se enfrente a un presunto depredador sexual
En la revista Spectrum se publicó una carta abierta al pastor Ted Wilson, presidente de la Asociación General, en relación con el presunto depredador sexual y abusador espiritual Daniel Țecu, miembro destacado de la Iglesia Adventista. La autora, Mihaela-Alexandra Tudor, profesora titular de la Universidad Paul Valéry Montpellier 3, es subdirectora del Centro de Investigación […] Source: https://atoday.org/carta-abierta-para-que-wilson-se-enfrente-a-un-presunto-depredador-sexual/
Calvary Wasn’t a Pagan Marketplace
by Mark Johnson | 24 September 2024 | “I simply argue that the cross be raised again at the center of the marketplace as well as on the steeple of the church. I am recovering the claim that Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral between two candles, but on a cross between two thieves; […] Source: https://atoday.org/calvary-wasnt-a-pagan-marketplace/
SDA Kinship Hosts Retreat for Queer Adventists in Denmark
24 September 2024| Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., a private support organization for active and former Adventists from the LGBTQ+ spectrum founded in the USA in 1978, hosted a meeting in Denmark under their European branch. The meeting intended to offer an opportunity to connect to like-minded individuals and pour over the scriptures. Around 4,800 […] Source: https://atoday.org/sda-kinship-hosts-retreat-for-queer-adventists-in-denmark/
Wednesday: Appearing to Mary and Others
Daily Lesson for Wednesday 25th of September 2024
Read Mark 16:9-20. What do these verses add to the Resurrection story?
Almost all of Mark 16:9-20 has parallels to other passages in the New Testament—Mary Magdalene at the tomb seeing Jesus (Matthew 28:1,9-10; John 20:11-18; compare with Luke 8:2); two disciples see Him in the countryside (Luke 24:13-35); the 11 disciples are commissioned (Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:36-49, John 20:19-23).
The first person to see Jesus alive was Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18). Other women saw Him, as well (Matthew 28:8-10). It is significant that the first people to see the risen Lord were women. Because women in the ancient world did not have high status as witnesses, if the story were fabricated, it would have been much more likely to name men as the first witnesses. But it is not men, not the 11, but a woman. She goes to tell the good news to the disciples, but, not surprisingly, they do not believe her testimony, most likely because it seemed fantastic and also, unfortunately, because Mary was a woman.
Apologists for the resurrection story of Jesus have used this fact, that of women being the first ones to have seen Jesus, as powerful evidence for the veracity of the story.
What happens in Mark 16:14 that makes no sense if this story were a fabrication?
Of course, if they were making the story up, why would they have made themselves look so bad? Jesus had to rebuke them for their “hardness of heart.” The Gospel accounts, from the time of His arrest to His appearances after the Resurrection, depict the followers of Jesus in a very negative light—fleeing, denying, disbelieving, and so forth. This would make no sense if the story were made up.
In contrast, their later bold and unwavering proclamation of the risen Christ, and the hope it offers everyone, presents powerful evidence for the veracity of their claims.
How can we protect ourselves from falling into the spiritual trap of doubt and unbelief? Why must we daily link ourselves to the risen Christ? |

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24c-13-appearing-to-mary-and-others/
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