It is often said that forgiveness is evidence of a changed heart. Jesus himself once said that God forgives us in the same way we forgive others. Because how can we believe God forgives us if we’re incapable of forgiving? Gilbert was a rebel soldier from the New People’s Army (NPA) deep in the jungles of Mindoro, Philippines. He had been taught to kill, and he did it well. Jimmy, on the other hand, was a soldier with the Philippine military, and he, too, had learned to fight, but against the NPA rebels. He was loyal to his duty and had a deep friendship with his commanding officer. One day, Gilbert and Jimmy’s lives collided with tragic consequences. As Jimmy and his commander patrolled the jungle, Gilbert was hiding in wait and shot the commander dead. Jimmy was inconsolable and vowed revenge against Gilbert. At about that time, Adventist World Radio began broadcasting on the island, and as radio waves are not respecters of persons, not only did Gilbert and the rebels begin listening, but Jimmy and other military soldiers did as well. You know the story of how the island was transformed, and how the lives of both rebel and military soldiers were changed. Gilbert and Jimmy were among those transformed by the gospel message. But what would happen when these two men met again? Would Jimmy be able to forgive? Watch this video for the rest of the story and be inspired. I love to see lives changed by God’s grace, and I especially love it when He uses Adventist World Radio to do it! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
President MB01TJNUOQVSTCD Source:
Taken and Tried – Hit the Mark Sabbath School
Join the Hit the Mark panel as they discuss Sabbath School Lesson 11 – Taken and Tried. It’s the fastest hour of the week!

by Melody Tan | 11 September 2024 | Humankind wanting to know “why?” is the reason we know about things such as gravitational forces (“Why does an apple fall to the ground and not up?”) and the structure of the atom (“Why do materials have different properties?”). Our natural curiosity has led us to make […] Source:
Incendio forestal en el Sur de California provoca evacuaciones y afecta a instalaciones adventistas
El sur de California llevaba más de una semana luchando contra avisos de calor excesivo cuando la situación desencadenó un incendio forestal el 5 de septiembre y llegó a su punto álgido el sábado 7, lo que llevó al gobernador Newsom a declarar el estado de emergencia en el condado de San Bernardino. California obtuvo […] Source:
Rare Historic Bible Collection Reaches South Pacific Division
11 September 2024| Polish pastor Henryk Patryarcha, an avid collector of rare, historic Bibles, is bringing his impressive collection from Europe to Australia in a special exhibition. His collection of nearly 200 Bibles, as well as stamps and scrolls was curated over 50 years with some dating back to the 15th and 16th centuries. His […] Source:
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