“A crisis situation like we are facing right now is an opportunity to call people to an understanding of who Chrit is and that He is the answer to the problems we face,” said Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson, as he addressed thousands of church administrators, institutional leaders, department heads and pastors today, on day two of Inter-America’s annual Segment Leadership Development (SeLD) Conference. “Energize church members in total member involvement, helping them to…Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ann-en/~3/B5DedsXl6A8/
“Wherever you are and in whatever setting you find yourself right now, God is calling to be part of His last-day message to a world crying for eternal answers.”
As Seventh-day Adventists we are people with a mission; we are people with a purpose. And what a privilege it is to be called by God to join Him in His amazing mission and purpose in these last days of earth’s history.
In the past few months we have seen how quickly world events can change. Almost overnight, as it were, world economies were hit hard, community and business life almost shut down, and of course we’ve also seen terrible loss in human life.
This has brought many challenges to our…Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ann-en/~3/8nraTl6uR-E/
ADRA project contributes to the recovery of drug addicts
Seventh-day Adventists in Brazil are helping drug addicts rebuild their world, one life at a time. Surveys carried out in August last year in the country polling approximately 17 thousand people in more than 300 municipalities reveal that 4.9 million Brazilians have used some illicit drug in the last 12 months. The percentage is even higher among young adults in the ages of 18 to 24. Marijuana was the most consumed illicit drug in Brazil, followed by cocaine. Between 12 and 65 years old, 1.4…Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ann-en/~3/9cpOxrBg99k/
Impossible Young Adult Conference Defies Limitations
Dozens of young people gathered in living rooms across South Queensland for the annual Young Adult “Exiles” Conference for 2020, which was hosted online over the weekend of June 19-21.
“The most significant element of the entire conference was that young adults throughout South Queensland met in homes in small groups and engaged as a community,” said Alina van Rensburg, young adult ministry coordinator for the South Queensland Conference.
The original conference was cancelled due to COVID-19…Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ann-en/~3/wUJDqpfY-W4/
Author Discusses New Edition of “Live More Happy,” a Sharing Book on Emotional Wellbeing
Dr. Darren Morton is director of the Lifestyle Medicine & Health Research Centre and an associate professor at Avondale University College. He talked about the new edition of Live More Happy and the timeliness of sharing this practical guide for emotional wellbeing.
From a wellbeing perspective, what are the unique challenges you see in what we have all experienced in the past few months?
Over the past few months, we have experienced unique challenges to our wellbeing. For some, the social…Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ann-en/~3/u0zwgahDyIk/