Blending drama, music, and faith, a new video web series asks and answers the spiritual question of how Christian living applies to daily life.
Bequadro (“Natural”) is the latest addition to the Feliz7Play programming catalog, an original production from the Adventist Church’s video aggregating platform. Set in an Adventist boarding school, it tells the journey of a musical group and its conductor, both with little prestige. In the struggle to be recognized, they forget spirituality and Christ,…Source:
Volunteers create ‘solidarity tent’ to help needy people
Despite a substantial agricultural sector and a high standard of living, poverty and food insecurity still dogs the poor in the city of Chapadão do Céu, in the central Brazilian state of Goiás. Recently, Seventh-day Adventists in the community took steps to help, setting up a “food exchange” stand.
The stall was displayed in front of the home of a resident of the Jardim Terra Nova neighborhood. With a sign reading, “Take if you need it and leave if you can,” the project captures the attention…Source:
Church partners with City Hall and manufactures lab coats for health professionals
Members of the Central Seventh-day Adventist Church in Campo Novo do Parecis, located in the western part of Brazil’s Mato Grosso state, recently came up with a different way to thank health system workers during the COVID-19 crisis: they made 150 disposable lab coats and donated these to the city health department.
Elaine Aparecida da Silva, who developed the idea, is a member of the Central Church and coordinator of the Municipal Mobile Emergency Service (Samu). According to her, the action…Source:
Partnership between ADRA, Uber, and Sesc distributes over 900 lunchboxes in Samambaia
A partnership between the Adventist Development and Assistance Resources Agency (ADRA), the Municipal Administration of Samambaia, the Uber transport company, and Mesa Brasil Sesc (Brazil Table of the Social Service of Commerce) served more than 900 people in Samambaia, the administrative region of the Federal District. The distribution was on the morning of July 1, at the city’s ADRA center. The families were duly registered, and all COVID-19 safety measures were taken in the distribution.
Bill approved that guarantees religious freedom during pandemic in São Paulo
In June, Adventist state deputy Damaris Moura passed an amendment that guarantees religious conscientious objection to students and civil servants in the Brazilian state of São Paulo.
The text is part of Bill 350/2020, which establishes emergency measures for the period of public calamity caused by the new coronavirus, voted in an extraordinary virtual session by members of the São Paulo Legislative Assembly (Alesp). The amendment helps Seventh-day Adventists in the state of São Paulo.
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