When was the last time you had people from your church over to your house? The New Testament speaks of churches in homes. See Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthians 16:9, Colossians 4:15,Philemon 1:2. GoodSalt.com-prcas4674 Years ago, when I became a Bible Worker at a church in Texas, an elderly saint informed me of a group of people who began having church in one of their houses. She wanted me to get them to come back to the “real” church because, according to her, having church in a house was not “real” church. Realizing that having church in a house was indeed “real church,” I reached out to them and began a wonderful friendship. We worked together and played together, even though they “assembled themselves together” for worship in a house, while the rest of us assembled at the church building. God’s remnant church will look like the original church, and the original church first met in homes as well as meeting in the temple court.
Read more at the source: When Was The Last Time You Invited Someone to Your House?