18 December 2024 | Raising questions about what inspiration means is not new. Do you ever wonder how inspiration worked in a prophet? And were all biblical prophets inspired in the same way? In fact, are there different levels of inspiration? Take, for example, the narratives of the life of Jesus, or of the kings […] Source: https://atoday.org/atss-denis-fortin-what-is-inspiration-another-look-at-the-rejected-views-of-g-i-butler/
A Gift of Joy
In this short video, we reflect on God's blessings throughout 2024 and look forward with hope to the new year. Thank you for helping AWR take the Gospel to the hardest-to-reach places on earth—a lasting impact that is changing lives for eternity! Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfXcJoH8hR0
This, Too, Is Resistance
by Christopher C. Thompson | 19 December 2024 | I recently attempted here to address our present political context, and to show why the correctives in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians are relevant today. The responses to that piece were vocal and varied. One of the things I’ve learned is that even Adventist Christians struggle […] Source: https://atoday.org/this-too-is-resistance/
Inside Story: Kingston Finds Hope
Inside Story for Friday 20th of December 2024
By Andrew McChesney
A Bible worker invited several people to the Seventh-day Adventist church in Bethel, Alaska, to share their life stories with a visitor from Adventist Mission. Part of the Thirteenth Sabbath Offering for fourth quarter 2024 will go to repair and expand the church so it can accommodate a center of influence for ministry in Bethel. I had flown to the town of 6,300 people to collect mission stories to promote the project.
But no one showed up at the church at the designated time. The Bible worker, Joy Anderson, waved toward a large pizza that she had picked up on her way to the church from her office, where she works as a lawyer.
“Help yourself,” said Joy, who is originally from Alabama and co-leads the church with another Bible worker. “I had hoped that pizza would encourage people to come.”
About half the pizza was gone when Kingston walked in. He expressed surprise that he was the only person present. Then he took a slice of pizza, sat down, and spoke about why he worships at the Adventist church.
The 59-year-old custodian said he struggled for years with alcohol and drugs in Hooper Bay, a Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta town of 1,400 people located 90 minutes by small plane from Bethel. “I wanted to get out of the crummy life that I was living,” he said. “I told myself, ‘If I do not learn from this lesson, if I do not learn from my mistakes, people will think that I am dumb.’ ”
Then Kingston moved to Bethel, following the path of many Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta residents who have left small towns in hope of better lives in Bethel, the largest community in western Alaska. Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta’s population is about 85 percent Alaska Native, who are primarily Yup’ik, Cup’ik, and Athabascan.
One day, Steve, an Adventist and Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta native, invited Kingston to the Bethel Church. “He asked me if I was troubled or down,” Kingston said. “I was curious where he was going, so I started coming.”
Kingston found strength in spending time with other churchgoers who had overcome their dependence on alcohol and drugs. “They helped me to stay away from those things,” he said. “This setting has helped me.” He said he is happy but still seeking answers. “The Good Man up above sees everything,” he said. “We all find our answers somehow.”
Please pray for Kingston, who attends church nearly every Sabbath but has yet to make a decision for baptism. Thank you for your Thirteenth Sabbath Offering that will support the Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church’s mission outreach this quarter. The names of Bethel residents have been changed to protect their privacy. The photo depicts Joy Anderson.

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-12-inside-story-kingston-finds-hope/
Video Giornale Avventista – 21 dicembre 2024
La comunità avventista di Napoli ha compiuto 140 anni. Una celebrazione ha ripercorso la storia e la fede della prima chiesa della denominazione costituita in Italia. Il Sindaco di Ragusa e l’assessore allo sviluppo di comunità hanno consegnato gli attestati ai partecipanti del IX Corso di alfabetizzazione per stranieri con indirizzo lavorativo. I Ministeri Femminili della chiesa avventista di Sesto San Giovanni promuovono una serie di incontri dal titolo “La domenica è donna”. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn_eSHVc-AA
Friday: Further Thought – The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection
Daily Lesson for Friday 20th of December 2024
Read Ellen G. White, “ ‘It Is Finished,’ ” Pages 758–764; “ ‘The Lord Is Risen,’ ” Pages 779–787; and “ ‘Why Weepest Thou? ” Pages 788–794, in The Desire of Ages. See also, Clifford Goldstein, Risen: Finding Hope in the Empty Tomb (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2020).
“Pilate longed to deliver Jesus. But he saw that he could not do this, and yet retain his own position and honor. Rather than lose his worldly power, he chose to sacrifice an innocent life. How many, to escape loss or suffering, in like manner sacrifice principle. Conscience and duty point one way, and self-interest points another. The current sets strongly in the wrong direction, and he who compromises with evil is swept away into the thick darkness of guilt.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 738.
“Christ did not yield up His life till He had accomplished the work which He came to do, and with His parting breath He exclaimed, ‘It is finished.’ John 19:30. The battle had been won. His right hand and His holy arm had gotten Him the victory. As a Conqueror He planted His banner on the eternal heights. Was there not joy among the angels? All heaven triumphed in the Saviour’s victory. Satan was defeated, and knew that his kingdom was lost.
“To the angels and the unfallen worlds the cry, ‘It is finished,’ had a deep significance. It was for them as well as for us that the great work of redemption had been accomplished. They with us share the fruits of Christ’s victory.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 758.
Discussion Questions

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-12-further-thought-the-hour-of-glory-the-cross-and-resurrection/
Pentecost 2025 Prayer Meeting Invitation
Join us on January 8, 2025, as we kick off the 10 Days of Prayer in the North American Division! #Pentecost2025 #prayerSource: https://vimeo.com/1040804796
Sostenere i disoccupati della chiesa
Mini devotional n. 12 / 4° trimestre 2024 – Gestione Cristiana della Vita Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw2_s203qwQ
Missioni nel mondo – 21 dicembre 2024
La speranza del Natale blu – La missione nella Divisione nordamericana. Missioni dal mondo 12° episodio – IV trimestre 2024 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ER48d7YSrU
John 1:10-11
He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
The post John 1:10-11 appeared first on Daily Bible Promise.
Source: https://api.follow.it/track-rss-story-click/v3/jL28dc7E3KD8rIzfa0mbaj-JSHNZ8ptM
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