In Bible times, sacrifices were offered twice daily: in the morning and in the evening. The morning sacrifice was conducted around 9:00 am, and the evening sacrifice was conducted around 3:00 pm. The people gathered while the priests delivered worship and said prayers.
This is a psalm of complete consecration. David wrote this psalm while he was a fugitive, running for his life and unable to participate in corporate worship at the temple. Despite his circumstances, he still chooses to pray, to…Source:
Inspiration, Connection and Blessings at Christian Resources Exhibition 2024
Attending the Christian Resources Exhibition (CRE), held this year at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes, from 9-10 October, was an exhilarating experience.
CRE is the largest event of its kind in Europe. The 200-plus exhibitors enable extensive networking, witnessing opportunities, and everything you require for a thriving ministry, spiritual nurture and even better church buildings. *1
Attending the annual CRE has been a high point for me over the years. It showcases a vast array of Christian…Source:
Three Key Components of Marital Friendship
According to marriage researcher, Dr. John Gottman, in his book The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work: “The determining factor for the HAPPINESS of marriage for both men and women was the quality of the couple’s FRIENDSHIP.” Learn the THREE ingredients to creating safety, friendship, and intimacy in your marriage and other significant relationships. Source:
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy
The Final Events of Bible Prophecy is a gripping documentary on last-day events. Hosted by author and evangelist Pastor Doug Batchelor, this amazing film leads you step by step through seven end-time "events" including signs of the end, Christ's return, the millennium, and more! Source:
Inside Story: Power of Prayer in Uzbekistan
Inside Story for Friday 25th of October 2024
By Andrew McChesney
An ambulance rushed 36-year-old Nigora to the hospital in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. She could barely talk. Her arms were numb. She was struggling to swallow. The doctor couldn’t diagnose her condition.
Nigora grew worse over the next month in the hospital. She couldn’t sleep for more than 15 minutes a day. X-rays showed activity in her brain.
Then a second doctor said Nigora had a terminal illness. He saw no hope.
Nigora didn’t believe in Jesus, but she had Seventh-day Adventist neighbors who did. They visited her in intensive care and asked for permission to invite their church pastor to come and pray with her. “No, no,” Nigora said. “I’m not well. I look terrible. Tell him to come when I feel better.”
But the neighbors insisted. “Let him come and pray for you,” they said.
Reluctantly, Nigora agreed. A day later, the pastor and his wife came to Nigora’s bed. The pastor read Psalms 23:1-6, anointed Nigora’s forehead with oil, and prayed, “Lord, give health to our sister. Give her healing so she can make a full recovery.” Nigora didn’t feel any different after the prayer.
The next day, the pastor and his wife returned. Again he read from the Bible, anointed her, and prayed. Again Nigora didn’t feel any different. But that night, she was able to sleep for several hours, not for 15 minutes.
The third day, the pastor and his wife returned. Again he read from the Bible, anointed her, and prayed. Again she didn’t feel any different. But that night, she slept the whole night. After that, she slept well every night.
The pastor and his wife continued to visit. Slowly, Nigora’s speech improved. Her arms and legs began to function. Hospital X-rays showed that her brain activity had returned to normal. The doctor was astonished.
“It’s impossible that you have recovered, and so quickly,” he said.
Four months after the pastor began praying, Nigora was driving her car and back at work.
The woman who hadn’t believed in God credited Him for her recovery.
“This is a miracle of God,” she said.
She is glad to have neighbors who cared for her. “I’m very grateful to God that He gave me these kind of friends, who are like family,” she said, speaking slowly but clearly in an interview with Adventist Mission.
Although Nigora believes in God, she has not given her heart to Him. A discouraging factor may be that many people in Uzbekistan view Seventh-day Adventists as members of a sect. Please pray for Nigora and others like her who have witnessed God’s power in their lives but have yet to make a decision for Him. Nigora is a pseudonym.
Friday: Further Thought – Witnesses of Christ as the Messiah
Daily Lesson for Friday 25th of October 2024
Read Ellen G. White, “Nicodemus,” Pages 167–177, in The Desire of Ages.
Nicodemus “searched the Scriptures in a new way, not for the discussion of a theory, but in order to receive life for the soul. He began to see the kingdom of heaven as he submitted himself to the leading of the Holy Spirit. . . .
“Through faith we receive the grace of God; but faith is not our Saviour. It earns nothing. It is the hand by which we lay hold upon Christ, and appropriate His merits, the remedy for sin. . . . Repentance comes from Christ as truly as does pardon.
“How, then, are we to be saved? ‘As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,’ so the Son of man has been lifted up, and everyone who has been deceived and bitten by the serpent may look and live. ‘Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.’ John 1:29. The light shining from the cross reveals the love of God. His love is drawing us to Himself. If we do not resist this drawing, we shall be led to the foot of the cross in repentance for the sins that have crucified the Saviour. Then the Spirit of God through faith produces a new life in the soul. The thoughts and desires are brought into obedience to the will of Christ. The heart, the mind, are created anew in the image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself. Then the law of God is written in the mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, ‘I delight to do Thy will, O my God.’ Psalms 40:8.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, Pages 175, 176.
Discussion Questions
How I Found Joy in Listening to AWR
Explore how one radio program opened my eyes to the true meaning of rest and spirituality. What happened when I decided to embrace the teachings I heard? Join the conversation and hit that subscribe button for fascinating insights into faith and community! #FaithJourney #AWRImpact #SpiritualDiscovery #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: MB01AZPU3YBM0SB #short Source:
God First: Your Daily Prayer Meeting – October 24, 2024
Matthew 21:22 – "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Tag someone in need of prayer, and kindly share your prayer requests here. Source:
This is How AWR Changed Lives in Mindoro
Dive into the remarkable journey of faith in Mindoro, where people eagerly listened to AWR's programs. What role did the village chief play in building a new church? Join us as we explore this incredible story of transformation and community. Leave a comment and subscribe for more uplifting content! #RadioMinistry #EnduroPhilippines #BuildingFaith #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: MB01XXOG6CXCUVW #short Source:
October 2024 President’s Video: “Thrilling Highlights From Papua New Guinea”
Harry von Zell, a famous radio announcer, once said, “Radio is the most intimate and socially personal medium in the world today.” The amazing thing about radio is that it can reach millions of people individually in their own homes, directly communicating with the listener. And when used in the service of God, it becomes one of the most powerful evangelism tools in the world. Because radio waves know no walls, no borders and no limits! This past spring, AWR held one of the largest evangelism events ever in Papua New Guinea, with more than 2,000 preaching sites across the country. The results exceeded all expectations, with over 300,000 people baptized. Radio was key, with multiple stations blanketing the country and airing the messages being preached live every night. Here is a short video with a few of the highlights from PNG and the work of AWR around the world. I’ve also added a couple of life lessons from my own parents and the example of commitment they left behind. It’s the kind of dedication that drives our team at AWR, and inspires us to share the good news that Jesus is coming again soon! Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
President MB01N5946FRTD3O
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