Representantes de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en el estado de Mizoram, en el noreste de la India, han emprendido acciones contra las políticas discriminatorias religiosas impuestas por el gobierno local. El 7 de mayo de 2024, miembros del personal de la Escuela Adventista Helen Lowry y miembros de la Federación de Jóvenes Adventistas, […] Source:
¿Son inspirados los apócrifos? Una reveladora carta del hijo de Ellen White
Cuando Denis Fortin, de la Universidad Andrews, escribió el apartado de la enciclopedia sobre el uso de los apócrifos por parte de Elena de White en 2013, señaló cuál era la discusión central: «si ella consideraba que los Apócrifos eran Escritura inspirada». Señala que «ocho referencias a los Apócrifos aparecen en los primeros escritos de […] Source:
Lesson 13.The Risen Lord | 13.6 Summary | THE BOOK OF MARK | LIVING FAITH
13.6 Summary
The Resurrection of Jesus: Hope and Proclamation by the Disciples
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central event of the Christian faith and forms the core of this lesson. The risen Lord first appeared to women, particularly Mary Magdalene, which enhances the credibility of the account, as women were not highly regarded as witnesses in the society of that time. This fact underscores the authenticity of the resurrection narratives.
The lesson addresses the reactions of the disciples, who were initially marked by unbelief and doubt. Jesus had to rebuke them for their “hardness of heart,” yet through His encounters and the signs of His resurrection, He confirmed the reality of His resurrection. These experiences ultimately transformed the disciples into bold proclaimers of the Gospel.
In the command “Go into all the world” (Mark 16:15), Jesus gives His disciples the universal mandate to spread the Gospel. This command still holds today: every Christian is called to proclaim the message of the resurrection through word and deed. Jesus’ promise, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20), gives us the assurance that we never have to fulfill this mission alone.
The lesson reminds us that the resurrection of Christ is not just a historical event but a living reality that should shape our faith and daily lives. It provides us with hope, courage, and the strength to boldly proclaim the Gospel—trusting that Jesus is always with us.
The connection between the resurrection of Jesus and our everyday life and faith is profound and influences our daily living in various ways:
Hope and Victory Over Death: The resurrection shows us that death is not the end. It gives us hope, even in difficult times, that there is ultimate redemption and new life beyond suffering. This hope encourages us to remain steadfast in our trust in God, even amidst daily challenges.
New Beginning and Forgiveness: Jesus’ resurrection means that we can find forgiveness and a new beginning in Him. Each day offers us the opportunity to start anew with God and to be renewed by His grace. This shapes how we deal with our own mistakes and those of others—with forgiveness and love.
Responsibility to Proclaim: Jesus has given us the mandate to carry the Gospel “into all the world.” This affects our daily lives because we are called to bear witness through our behavior, words, and actions. The way we interact with others should reflect the love and hope we have found in Christ.
Divine Presence in Daily Life: The promise “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20) assures us that we are never alone, no matter what we encounter in daily life. Whether facing difficult decisions, moments of doubt, or times of joy, Jesus’ presence accompanies us and empowers us to act in faith.
Courage and Overcoming Doubts: The disciples struggled with doubt and unbelief, even though they had directly encountered Jesus. This lesson shows us that doubt can be a normal part of the faith journey. However, Jesus meets us in our doubts and strengthens us through His presence and fellowship with other believers.
In Summary: The resurrection of Christ gives us daily hope, strength, forgiveness, and the mandate to actively live out our faith. It shapes how we handle challenges, mistakes, and our interactions with others, reminding us that we are never alone but always living in the presence of the risen Lord.
The resurrection of Jesus gives us new hope every day, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, a new beginning and eternal life are possible.
27.09.2024 – Luke Chapter 15 | BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS
September 27, 2024
1 Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners for to hear him.
2 And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
3 And he spake this parable unto them, saying,
4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
5 And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.
7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
8 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?
9 And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.
10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:
12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.
13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.
14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.
15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine.
16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him.
17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!
18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.
21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.
22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:
23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry:
24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry.
25 Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing.
26 And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant.
27 And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
28 And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.
29 And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends:
30 But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf.
31 And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.
32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.
King James Version. Public Domain
Luke chapter 15 is one of the most well-known chapters of the New Testament, which recounts three powerful parables: the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Coin, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son. These parables emphasize the central theme of God’s unconditional love and the joy over the repentance of sinners. Jesus directs these stories at the Pharisees and scribes who grumbled about Him dining with sinners. Each parable presents a valuable lesson about forgiveness, grace, and the importance of repentance.
The chapter begins with the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Here, Jesus demonstrates that the shepherd who loses one of his hundred sheep goes to great lengths to find it. He leaves the 99 that are not lost in safety to seek the one that is lost. This illustrates the immense love of God, who cares for each individual soul and does not leave it to perish. The joy of the shepherd who finds the lost sheep is a picture of the heavenly joy when a sinner repents. It reminds us that no one is too lost for God and that He actively seeks those who have strayed from the right path.
The second parable, the Parable of the Lost Coin, further reinforces this message. It tells of a woman who loses one of her ten valuable coins and diligently searches for it until she finds it. Again, great joy follows when she recovers the lost item. This parable underscores God’s attentiveness, even to what seems small and insignificant, and shows that every soul is of immeasurable value.
The third and longest parable, the Parable of the Prodigal Son, vividly illustrates God’s forgiveness. The younger son demands his inheritance, squanders it, and ends up in extreme poverty and despair. When he finally returns repentant to his father, he is not met with punishment or reproach but with open arms and unconditional love. The father symbolizes God, who is ready to receive any sinner who genuinely repents and returns to Him. This parable showcases the depth of divine grace and the great celebration of reunion that takes place in heaven when a sinner returns.
Interestingly, the Parable of the Prodigal Son does not end with the joyous celebration but with the reaction of the older brother, who is angry and jealous of his father’s grace. He sees himself as the “righteous one” who never strayed from the right path and feels it is unfair that his lost brother is treated so generously. Here, the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes is depicted, as they complain about Jesus’ dealings with sinners. However, the father reminds the older son that the return of the lost brother is a cause for joy because he was lost and is now found.
Luke chapter 15 is a chapter of joy and hope. Through the Parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son, Jesus illustrates how precious each individual soul is to God. It highlights God’s infinite grace and the joy in heaven when a sinner repents. These parables teach us that God’s love knows no bounds and that it is never too late to repent and receive forgiveness. At the same time, the chapter admonishes humility and reminds us that we should not judge others but rejoice with God over anyone who finds their way back.
WEEKLY SPIRIT OF PROPHECY READING – Ellen White | The Desire of Ages
Chapter 65—The Temple Cleansed Again
This chapter is based on Matthew 21:12-16, 23-46; Mark 11:15-19, 27-33; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 19:45-48; Luke 20:1-19.
Read online here
In Chapter 65, we witness a pivotal event from the life of Jesus, where He once again cleanses the temple of unholy business dealings. This scene highlights the sanctity of the temple as a place of worship and demonstrates Jesus’ commitment to true worship. At the same time, Jesus reveals Himself as the divine King and Judge, fighting against hypocrisy and corruption in the temple, while the Jewish leaders grow increasingly hostile towards Him.
The cleansing of the temple is a powerful symbol of purity and respect in worship. Jesus demonstrates that true worship is not about outward rituals, but about obedience and a sincere heart. By driving out the merchants and healing the sick within the temple, He reveals the contrast between His mission of healing and the greed of the religious leaders. This act of Jesus serves as a profound warning to all believers not to honor God merely through rituals, but through lives that embody love, justice, and compassion. The hypocrisy of the priests, who rejected Jesus’ authority, is an example of how the religious elite can reject spiritual truths.
The second cleansing of the temple underscores Jesus’ role as the divine King and Judge, who purifies the temple of corruption and restores it as a place of true worship. His actions show that God values obedience and a sincere heart over ritual sacrifices. The response of the religious leaders, who opposed Him, symbolizes the rejection of divine truth and serves as a serious warning. Jesus’ parables, such as the one about the cornerstone, call for repentance and illustrate that Christ is the central foundation of our faith—the rock upon which we must build.
The Great Controversy: The Final Warning, Pt. 2
What is God’s final warning to the world before Jesus returns? In this episode, Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, discusses part 2 of Chapter 38 of The Great Controversy by Ellen White. Listen as he delves into the crucial messages of Revelation 18 and the life-and-death decisions everyone will face in the end times. Discover the importance of understanding God’s law, the mark of the beast, and the seal of God. As the world approaches these prophetic events, now is the time to draw close to Christ, trust in His Word, and prepare for His soon return. 🔗 Read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at Source:
News Brief: 26 September 2024
26 September 2024| News from Jamaica Over 100 final-year students from Northern Caribbean University received laptop computers and stethoscopes donated by AdventHealth during a donation ceremony held in Kingston, Jamaica. For full articles, click here. News from Detroit “On Sabbath, September 14, the Detroit City Temple Seventh-day Adventist Church marked a significant milestone as […] Source:
Maryland Program Confronts Pregnancy Mortality
26 September 2024| Pregnancy mortality ratings have been steadily on the rise due to racial and gender bias in the medical field. To prevent pregnancy mortality and complications, the Maryland Patient Safety Center created B.I.R.T.H. Equity Maryland: Breaking Inequality Reimagining Transformative Healthcare in partnership with the Maryland Hospital Association and local experts in maternal health, […] Source:
Our Journey of Faith and Excellence at Stanborough Primary School
At Stanborough Primary School, our pupils’ journey begins with a guiding principle rooted in scripture: “Let your light shine before others” (Matthew 5:16). From the earliest stages in Nursery, our children are taught to embody the values of excellence, curiosity, and compassion. These values aren’t just words; they are actions seen daily as our pupils challenge themselves to be the best in their academics and relationships with others.
Our school is a nurturing environment where pupils develop…Source:
Inside Story: A Church Built on Garbage
Inside Story for Friday 27th of September 2024
By Andrew McChesney
Purna faced a seemingly impossible task. He had volunteered to plant a church in an unentered district of a major South Asian city, and he didn’t know where to start. He had moved to the district after volunteering to serve as a Global Mission pioneer. But how could he share his love for Christ with his non-Christian neighbors?
“God, please help,” he prayed.
Purna prayed for a week, but he still didn’t know where to start. But he did know one thing. He couldn’t stand the stench on the road outside his house. Piles of garbage and puddles of dirty rainwater mingled on the road. One morning, he saw that the garbage had blocked the gutters, and filthy water was overflowing onto the road. He decided to do something. Taking a long bamboo pole, he began picking away the trash from the gutters.
As he worked, the neighbors noticed.
“Did the city government send you to clean the road?” someone asked.
Purna replied that he had not been hired to clean the road and that he simply lived on it. The neighbors were impressed. Nobody had ever cleaned the road before.
“You’re a good man,” a neighbor said. “We need you here.”
“Don’t ever leave here,” another said.
As he cleaned the road, Purna became a local celebrity. Everyone knew him and was talking about him. People invited him into their homes.
As he met the neighbors, he learned that one man was paralyzed on his left side. Purna, who had been trained in massage, offered to help. The man agreed, and Purna began to give massages. Every time they met, Purna prayed and then gave a massage. The man recovered fully.
Neighbors were amazed to see the man in such good health.
“Who healed you?” they asked.
“Oh, it was the good man who cleans our road!” the man replied.
Then the neighbors really wanted to get to know Purna. They began to ask for prayers and massages.
Today, Purna has accomplished the seemingly impossible and planted a church. Eleven people have been baptized, and 20 others are studying the Bible. “Please pray for God to help us serve Him more and more,” Purna said. “Even today, I am cleaning the road. If I see garbage stuck in the drains, I clean it up.”
Purna lives in a veiled country that Adventist Mission is not identifying so as to protect his work among a population often hostile to Christianity. Learn more about Global Mission pioneers on the Adventist Mission website:
Friday: Further Thought – The Risen Lord
Daily Lesson for Friday 27th of September 2024
Read Ellen G. White, “ ‘The Lord Is Risen,’ ” Pages 779–787; “Go Teach All Nations,” Pages 818–828, in The Desire of Ages.
“To the believer, Christ is the resurrection and the life. In our Saviour the life that was lost through sin is restored; for He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. He is invested with the right to give immortality. The life that He laid down in humanity, He takes up again, and gives to humanity. ‘I am come,’ He said, ‘that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’ ‘Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’ ‘Whoso eateth My flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.’ John 10:10; John 4:14; John 6:54.
“To the believer, death is but a small matter. Christ speaks of it as if it were of little moment. ‘If a man keep My saying, he shall never see death,’ ‘he shall never taste of death.’ To the Christian, death is but a sleep, a moment of silence and darkness. The life is hid with Christ in God, and ‘when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory.’ John 8:51-52; Colossians 3:4.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, Pages 786, 787.
Even atheist historians, those who cannot accept the reality of the Resurrection, admit not only that Jesus had been killed but that after His death many people claimed to have seen the resurrected Christ, and as a result they began the nucleus of what became the Christian church. Some, in an attempt to explain why they claimed this, said that Jesus had a twin brother or that the early disciples hallucinated, thinking that they saw Jesus. Others said that Jesus never really died but only swooned and then, later, revived. Another person claimed that aliens came down and took the body. For a look at all these arguments and how they don’t work, see Clifford Goldstein, Risen: Finding Hope in the Empty Tomb (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press, 2021).
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