The Spirits of Armageddon | Doug Batchelor Source:
Come vedo Dio | Riccardo Caprili
Fede e miracoli non sempre si presentano insieme; il coraggio del cristiano e andare avanti ugualmente anche senza miracoli. Meditazione a cura del Frat. Riccardo Caprili.
Registrata presso la comunità di Cesena il Sabato 19 Ottobre 2024 Source:
La cena del Signore tra giudizio e salvezza | Past. Robert Caciula
Versetto introduttivo: Giovanni 5:22-24 Meditazione a cura di: Past. Robert Caciula Registrato presso la chiesa cristiana avventista di Trieste il 19/10/2024 Source:
A Divine Affirmation for an Ordinary Guy
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” John 1:47 NKJV
We don’t hear much about Nathanael before or after this story. Nathanael does not go on to be a world-renowned preacher. If he wrote anything it was never published in the canon. There is no record of him parting the waters or calling fire down from heaven. By all accounts he was just an ordinary guy, but wow, what an awesome affirmation he received from God!
Before Nathanael met Jesus, Jesus already knew him by name and publicly recognized his integrity. I am more than happy to just remain a common ordinary guy, so long as I can hear Jesus one day say about me what He said about Nathanael. Such an affirmation coming from God means way more to me than all the worldly accomplishments and fame this world can give.
Nathanael is not the only “ordinary guy” that God knew by name and held in high esteem. In Exodus 31:1-6 God calls out Bezalel and Aholiab by name as the “construction workers” he wanted working on the temple. He even said they were filled with His Spirit, demonstrating that God not only fills priests and pastors with His Spirit. He fills people with the Holy Spirit in all walks of life. In Nehemiah 3:1-32 Nehemiah calls out several construction workers by name, who made repairs in rebuilding Jerusalem.
A few weeks ago, Florida, where I live, was hit by two hurricanes. Linemen came from all over the country and some even came from Canada to help restore electricity to our communities. All our churches were praying for these linemen. In Revelation 1:20 we see how Jesus holds His ministers in His hands, and I realized that God also knew these linemen by name and held them in His hands as well.
The world may have some kind of hierarchy, but we all stand on level ground at the foot of the cross and in the presence of God. God does not esteem us according to our fame or worldly status. We may be just ordinary folk to the world but still be precious in the eyes and in the hands of God. I would gladly trade all the praise and esteem this world has to give just to hear Jesus say about me, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!” By God’s grace, no matter what our positions or worldly titles may be, no matter how common or ordinary we may appear, we may all hear Jesus tell us,
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” Matthew 25:21 NKJV

Video Giornale Avventista – 26 ottobre 2024
“Vangelo, cultura, tradizione: quali possibilità per la nostra chiesa?”. È questo l’argomento di riflessione del nono Forum Permanente per l’Evangelizzazione, in programma a fine novembre a Grosseto. Racconta ai ragazzi la storia dei pionieri avventisti sotto forma di intervista la serie di podcast audio dei Ministeri in favore dei Bambini. Tutta da ascoltare. La settimana di preghiera è un tempo speciale e atteso nelle chiese avventiste. Ricorre a novembre e quest’anno ci invita ad andare a condividere la Parola di Dio. Source:
Nelle mani di Dio tutto acquista valore
Mini devotional n. 4 / 4° trimestre 2024 – Gestione Cristiana della Vita Source:
Thursday: The Witness of Nicodemus
Daily Lesson for Thursday 24th of October 2024
Read John 3:1-21. How does the testimony of Nicodemus support the theme of the Gospel of John?
Nicodemus was a respected teacher in Israel and a wealthy member of the Sanhedrin. His testimony plays an important part in John’s Gospel for several reasons. He referred to Jesus as “Rabbi” and pointed to the signs that Jesus performed as evidence of His divine mission. Hence, even before Nicodemus realized what he was doing, he was giving evidence in support of the Messiahship of Jesus.
Nicodemus viewed the signs themselves as evidence of Jesus’ divine calling but did not see them as pointing to Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah. So, Nicodemus came with some doubt; he did not yet at this point recognize Jesus as the Christ.
Read John 3:3-21. What did Jesus say to Nicodemus to show that He could see right through him?
Jesus knows the heart of each individual. His response to Nicodemus may seem abrupt, but He goes directly to the issue. Though the Jews believed that Gentiles needed to be converted, many didn’t understand that they, too, the chosen people, needed a conversion experience. No one is born saved, regardless of their nationality or the church that they were raised in.
Without question, the Jews’ wonderful heritage, going back to Abraham, offered them many distinct advantages (see Romans 3:1-2). But, in and of itself, that was not enough. Jesus told Nicodemus the unthinkable—that he, a teacher and ruler in Israel, must be born again from above!
Jesus then confronted Nicodemus with his own spiritual ignorance: “ ‘Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?’ ” (John 3:10, NKJV). How could you, an exalted teacher, not know this? The rebuke must have been stunning.
Despite whatever questions he had regarding Jesus then, Nicodemus later took His side with the followers of Jesus (see John 19:39).
What does it mean to be “born again,” and why would Jesus put such emphasis on it? |

This is Why the Philippines is a Travel Paradise
Discover the stunning natural beauty and incredible wildlife of the Philippines, a traveler's paradise! With over 7,000 islands, this region boasts one of the highest rates of new animal species. How does AWR reach remote villages steeped in superstition? Hit that like button and subscribe for more amazing travel insights! #PhilippineCulture #TravelDestinations #Biodiversity #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: MB01WBYILNAJ3QN #short Source:
Why Is Stoning In the Bible?
There are four main reasons given for Stoning in the Bible. Find out what they are and why a book like the Bible, which reveals the character of the God Who is LOVE, contains the act of stoning as a method signifying the final judgment of the wicked. ===
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Mike and René Lemon are the hosts for It Is Written Canada, a nationwide television ministry that spotlights the life-transforming power of trusting God’s Word! Source:
God First: Your Daily Prayer Meeting #803
Matthew 21:22 – "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Tag someone in need of prayer, and kindly share your prayer requests here. Source:
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