Are you feeling weighed down by the burdens of daily life? Do you long for a renewed mind and a refreshed spirit? The Sabbath is more than just a day—it's an opportunity to experience true rest, reflection, and renewal. 2 Corinthians 5:17 reminds us that in Christ, we are made new:
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." This weekly reset is a divine gift—a chance to start anew and fill our hearts with what is honorable, pure, and lovely. Take this time to reflect, rejoice, and embrace the blessings of the Sabbath. 🌿 How do you experience renewal on the Sabbath? Share in the comments! 🔔 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more inspiring content! #SabbathRest #FaithJourney Source:
God First: Your Daily Prayer Meeting #949
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (Matthew 21:22, NIV).
Tag someone in need of prayer, and kindly share your prayer requests here: Source:
Mission Spotlight for March 22
Our Sabbath School program has always been linked to the support of the Seventh-day Adventist Mission program. This video provides a little insight into this important work.

Isaia 26:2 – Apri la porta del tuo cuore
“Aprite le porte ed entri la nazione giusta, che si mantiene fedele”. 📖 Isaia 26:2
💌 Apri la porta del tuo cuore
🗣 Speaker: Elisa Ghiuzan Source:
Amazing Facts patrocina a la radical australiana Barbara O’Neill
Un reciente anuncio de Amazing Facts muestra a Doug Batchelor como invitado de Barbara O’Neill, cuyas extravagantes enseñanzas sobre salud han provocado que se le prohíba prestar cualquier servicio relacionado con la salud en Australia. Batchelor la describe como «educadora de la salud». Sacramento Central es la iglesia anfitriona de O’Neill esta semana, y según […] Source:
Paulo Lopes Becomes New President of ADRA International
20 March 2025 | Paulo Lopes has just been announced as the new president of Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International, effective April 1, 2025. After the announcement of Michael Kruger’s choice to step away as president, many anticipated who would step into the position. According to ADRA’s official statement, Lopes boasts a decades-long […] Source:
La Iglesia de Village Berrien solicita una reunión constitutiva con la Asociación de Michigan
En una carta hecha pública ayer, la Iglesia de Berrien Springs Village ha pedido una reunión extraordinaria en la Asociación de Michigan para discutir el despido de su pastor, Ron Kelly. SE RESUELVE POR LO TANTO, que la junta de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día de Village por la presente solicita formalmente al Comité […] Source:
Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Walla Walla se fueron a huelga contra la administración
Los medios de comunicación de toda la zona se hicieron eco de la protesta convocado por los estudiantes de la Universidad de Walla Walla (WWU) en respuesta a la discriminación y la censura, aunque se prohibió el acceso de la prensa al campus durante el acto. Asistieron a la protesta más de 100 participantes, y […] Source:
Ucrania y Corea del Sur crean una asociación para las universidades adventistas
El Instituto Humanitario Ucraniano ha dado pasos hacia el desarrollo de relaciones internacionales con instituciones educativas adventistas, en particular con la Universidad Sahmyook de Corea del Sur. Andriy Shevchuk, director del complejo educativo, visitó el país en agosto de 2023 para firmar un memorando oficial de colaboración. La colaboración proporcionaría una mayor unidad y ampliaría […] Source:
Living with Grief
Pastor Emile Maxi, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, who after experiencing a tragic past of loss and traumatic abuse, discovered the blessings that you too may experience in the midst of your sorrows—how you too can come to a place of healing for your heart and mind on your own journey through the process of grief recovery. Source:
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