Anna-Marie’s journey is a powerful reminder that spreading the gospel can be simple and impactful. Learn how you can be part of this mission through cell phone evangelism by visiting for tutorials. Watch now and be inspired to share God’s Word in your community and beyond. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more uplifting stories of faith in action. #GospelMission #BibleTruth #InspiringStories #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: #short Source:
This Blind Evangelist Is Changing Lives With Her Cell Phone
What does it take to share the gospel? For Anna-Marie, a blind woman in South Africa, all it takes is her passion for God and a talking cell phone. She forwards Bible truths to friends in Afrikaans and English, inspiring those around her with her dedication. Watch now to discover how you, too, can use technology to make a difference. Like, comment, and subscribe for more uplifting content. #BlindFaith #BibleTruth #FaithAndTechnology #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: #short Source:
This Is How a Blind Woman Is Sharing the Gospel
Anna-Marie’s story is one of faith, resilience, and joy. Despite kidney failure, amputation, and blindness, she never gave up hope. A few months ago, her life was transformed when a friend forwarded her a Bible prophecy series. Now, Anna-Marie is using cell phone evangelism to share the gospel and reach others with Bible truths. Watch her inspiring story and see how faith can bring joy, even in the face of hardship. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more stories of hope and mission. #CellPhoneEvangelism #FaithAndCourage #SharingTheGospel #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: #short Source:
This Is How One Man Reached 1,000 People With the Gospel
What happens when one person shares the gospel with 1,000 people? Marius’s story shows how lives are being changed as people return to the Lord and embrace Bible truth. At AWR, we are passionate about spreading the gospel and seeing lives transformed. Watch this video to be inspired by the power of one person’s dedication. Like, comment, and subscribe for more faith-filled content. #SpreadTheGospel #FaithJourney #ReachingSouls #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: #short Source:
How a Father’s Faith Reconnected His Son to God
Reconnecting loved ones to God is a joy like no other. This video shares the story of Marius, who used cell phone evangelism to start faith conversations with his son and others. In just a few weeks, his son will be baptized, along with several more people who were touched by these simple messages. Watch now to see how technology and faith can change lives. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more uplifting content. #BaptismJourney #FaithAndTechnology #ChristianInspiration #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: #short Source:
How Cell Phone Evangelism Reconnected a Family
How can you use technology to share the gospel? This video shares the story of Marius, a Seventh-day Adventist elder in South Africa, who felt the call to do more for God. Through cell phone evangelism, he reached out to his son, who hadn’t attended church in years. Watch to see how a father’s faith and a simple cell phone app became a tool for reconnecting his family with God. Like, comment, and subscribe for more stories of faith and mission. #ModernEvangelism #FaithAndTechnology #ChristianInspiration #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: #short Source:
Matteo 4:23 – Apri la porta del tuo cuore
“Gesù andava attorno per tutta la Galilea, insegnando nelle loro sinagoghe e predicando la buona novella del regno e curando ogni sorta di malattie e di infermità nel popolo”. 📖 Matteo 4:23 —
💌 Apri la porta del tuo cuore
🗣 Speaker: Justine Biscocho Source:
Comments of the Week Feb 3-9
Comments of the Week Feb 3-9 “To ‘challenge AND confirm their beliefs’? That’s not a thing.” –Peter Veith on Southern Professors Explore Connection Between Faith and Science Comments on Our Dearly Deported, The Omnipresent Divine Spirit, Adventists & Immigration, Southern Professors Explore the Connection Between Faith & Science, Satire about Trump Praising the GC for […] Source:
Editorial: «Apreciamos a nuestros queridos deportados»
La semana pasada, un pastor de Estados Unidos escribió en Facebook sobre una llamada desesperada que había recibido de una familia de su iglesia. El padre de la familia -uno de los ancianos de la iglesia- había sido detenido en el trabajo por el ICE (Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas) y su esposa […] Source:
See God in the mountains you face #shorts
One of the best-known hymns of the modern age was written by a pastor happening to guest preach at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933) was inspired by the Berkshire Mountains, and when he penned the words and handed them to the president of the college, he said, “Here is a hymn for you. Your mountains were my inspiration. It must be sung to the music of Beethoven’s ‘Hymn to Joy.’” These mountains were not the view of home Van Dyke was used to, and the reality of the time was of world war. Yet, he looked out his window, and saw God there in the mountains. What mountains are you facing today? Save this reel as a reminder to look for God in the mountains. Source:
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