Do you ever feel so disheartened that it leads to depression? The account of Elijah leads us from the mountain tops of God's faithfulness to the valley of depression, where doubt and discouragement rule triumphant. We often view Elijah as a nobleman, a steadfast leader of Israel in the Bible. Someone who bravely holds his ground in the face of several false prophets. On Mount Carmel, Elijah faces the prophets of Baal and King Ahab and fearlessly delivers a bold challenge to the people of Israel. Elijah had been the only one who stood up for God and he believed God would show himself. Elijah showed deep reverence for God and a powerful prayer life. It's easy to think that God loves us while we're standing on the peak of Mount Carmel, but remember that His unchanging love is with us at all times, just like what he did to prophet Elijah. Watch the video as Pastor Sam Neves talks about Elijah's remarkable life and discover how to be like this bold and fearless prophet who demonstrated God's power to many people through his faith. To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
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Adventist Church and Healthcare Recognize and Honor Lucy Byard; and other world news
This week on ANN. The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Adventist HealthCare recognize and honor Lucy Byard, a devoted black Seventh-day Adventist, who was turned away from Washington Sanitarium in 1943 because of the color of her skin. On December 10, Adventist HealthCare leaders unveiled a commissioned portrait of Byard and a series of significant scholarships in her name that will benefit nursing students at three universities. The event brought together various Church, healthcare, and community leaders and representatives to acknowledge the decades-old indignity and move toward healing and reconciliation by owning the wrong and taking committed action to ensure it never happens again. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in the Philippines dispatched teams throughout different provinces affected by Typhoon Rai. The teams are working to assess the effects rapidly and support communities distressed by the most powerful typhoon of 2021. Typhoon Rai left behind massive destruction and displaced over 1.8 million people, suddenly uncertain where to get the necessary resources to keep them alive. Together with Adventist Community Services and Hope Channel Northeastern Mindanao Mission, ADRA Philippines interviewed more than 800 families to identify essential needs. Initially, ADRA was able to distribute assistance to more than 850 families in Surigao City. President of the Cabo Verde Conference, Natalino Martins, accompanied by some pastors and directors, recently welcomed the prime minister of Cape Verde, Dr. Ulisses Correia E. Silva, to the Adventist Church’s headquarters. The visit is part of the program called “Mobilization for Accelerated Social Inclusion (MAIS),” an initiative of the government to end extreme poverty. Silva also informed everyone that the government, within the framework of the targeted program, intends to emphasize improving the living conditions of families through the rehabilitation of houses. The idea is to develop actions with entities daily on the ground and know the local reality. ADRA has stepped up humanitarian relief operations to aid more than 31,000 Venezuelan refugees and migrants rebuilding their lives in Brazil. ADRA has launched the ANA Project to provide food and household and hygiene items to families in some cities. The ANA Project is locally known in Portuguese as the Food and Non-Food Actions for Venezuelan Migrants in Brazil. The city of Florence, Italy, has Ellen Gould White Street. The ceremony for the street renaming took place on Friday, December 10. Attendees included the Councilor for Toponymy in Florence, Alessandro Martini, the Italian Union president, Stefano Paris, president of the Italian Union. Go to the Adventist News Network website for more Adventist news and current affairs. Source:
God is Everywhere. Living in Peace, Purity, and Affection with Him. #shorts
Live life in peace, purity and affection. Take God as your personal Savior. God is everywhere. You have nothing to worry about, no matter where you go, because God is there. If you live in harmony with His will everyday, you will have a heart fully committed to Him. Living in God everyday can transform us to be gentle and loving. He can transform us to be Christ-like in words and actions. The daily presence of His Holy Spirit in our lives is an essential ingredient of living a life that glorifies Him. Christ is pure and gentle. Every day we can open our hearts and welcome Him to come in and live with us. We can have the security in life that can only be found in a living God. Choose to live faithfully with Him today. #shorts #theallpowerfulgod #heisomnipresent #livelifewithgod Source:
28 Fundamental Beliefs [Their Origin and Development]—Pastor Ted Wilson
We Seventh-day Adventists establish all our beliefs on the Bible alone. Our church doesn't have a set creed. Instead, we have 28 fundamental beliefs that express what we believe the Bible teaches. In this episode, Pastor Ted Wilson shares how these beliefs developed. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a movement that began the providential unfolding of the Bible prophecy to prepare people for Christ's second coming. In the mid-19th century, God used a preacher named William Miller to proclaim the first angel's message in Revelation 14. It states, "Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment has come" (verse 7). Thousands accepted this message and believed that Christ was indeed coming. However, some professed Christian churches rejected the idea. Hence, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen" (verse 8). When Jesus didn't come as they expected on October 22, 1844, many of them left the Advent movement. Fortunately, a small remnant remained. They determined to diligently study and understand the Scripture better. As a result, they saw that the end of the 2300-day prophecy in Daniel 8:14 didn't culminate in Christ's coming to earth. Instead, it ushered in a new phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. With continued prayer and study with open hearts and minds, these remnant believers uncovered more truths. One of which was the full meaning of the three angels' messages of Revelation 14. Another was the importance of keeping the holy Sabbath day. Others were the non-immortality of the soul, the state of the dead, and the second coming of Christ. About 10 years after the Great Disappointment, the small remnant had grown into almost 1,000 believers. They didn't have an official name that time yet, but they had an official publication called The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. On the front page of the August 15, 1854 issue of this publication, these five "Leading Doctrines Taught by the Review" were included: "The Bible, and the Bible alone, the rule of faith and duty."
"The law of God, as taught in the Old and New Testaments, unchangeable."
"The personal advent of Christ and the resurrection of the just, before the millennium." "The earth restored to its Eden perfection and glory, the final inheritance of the saints."
"Immortality alone through Christ, to be given to the saints at the resurrection." In 1863, the group officially named itself the Seventh-day Adventist. It reflects two prominent beliefs—the importance of the seventh-day Sabbath and looking forward to the Second Advent of Christ. The church's first formal statement of beliefs was published in 1872 entitled "A Declaration of the Fundamental Principles Taught and Practiced by the Seventh-day Adventists." Listed here were 25 points drawn from Bible study, beginning with the statement, saying, "We wish to have it distinctly understood that we have no articles of faith, creed, or discipline aside from the Bible." It explained that it was "a brief statement of what is, and has been, with great unanimity, held by [Seventh-day Adventists]." On June 4, 1874, the declaration of the Fundamental Principles was published again, this time in the first issue of The Signs of the Times. It was republished in 1875, and again in 1889. The next statement of our beliefs came 42 years later. Some points were combined, making a total of 22. They were renamed "Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists." These were published in the 1931 Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook and the 1932 Church Manual. Through the coming years, changes and minor revisions were made. By 1980, the fundamental beliefs included 27 points and were adopted at the 1980 General Conference Session in Dallas, Texas. In 2005, the delegates to the GC session in St. Louis, Missouri voted to add "Growing in Christ'' to the fundamental beliefs, making a total of 28. These 28 beliefs are what we have now, though the present form was the result of further revisions in 2015. Indeed, the Lord has led the Advent movement step by step into a more complete understanding of who He is, who we are, and what His wonderful plans for us are, as revealed in the Bible. In the next episodes, Pastor Ted will discuss the 28 fundamental beliefs one by one. Stay tuned. Source:
The Sweetness of God’s Promises is as Sweet as Honey. #shorts
God’s promises encourage us in our most difficult times. If we delve into God’s Word, we will find His righteousness and wonderful promises that will strengthen our faith. God’s promises are as sweet and useful as honey. Both can bring healing from sickness and pain. Like honey and all its sweetness and benefits, God’s promises are given for our good. Although we live in this sin-sick world and troubles are everywhere, God’s Word and His promises sustain us in our trials and sufferings. God’s Word associates honey with prosperity for it is God’s promise to bless His people and give them healing. Honey and God’s Word work the same way – they bring healing and transformation to His righteousness. #shorts #PromisesAreAsSweetAsHoney #RighteousnessInHisWords #GodsSweetPromises Source:
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