Suffer no more! Take Jesus as your personal Savior. Set yourself free from the captivity of sin. Freedom is the best gift we can ever receive. We don't have to worry, Jesus already purchased it for us. It’s free! We only need to accept it! When our first parents, Adam and Eve fell into temptation, the world forever changed. We have all suffered from the consequences of sin. But despite our shortcomings, our Heavenly Father cannot just see us from His place in heaven, He is always with us. Jesus' sacrifice for us frees us from being captives to sin. Cast away the bitterness of your life now and accept God's offer for a FREE GIFT of life and happiness. You do not need to suffer being a prisoner of sin. We only need to have an ear that hears God's voice and a heart willing to receive the blessing of eternal life. #shorts #BitternessofSin #BitternessofSlavery #ChristSacrificedforUs Source:
The Ark of the Covenant: Crafted for God’s Glory
The Ark of the Covenant is the most essential piece of furniture in the Israelite tabernacle or temple. Hebrews 9:4 says the Ark contained the tablets of the covenant, manna, and Aaron’s rod. It was one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God’s presence. The Lord commanded Moses to build an ark of acacia wood, an excellent wood available in Sinai. At the time, the wood was also used as an offering to the Lord. “And they shall make an ark of acacia wood; two and a half cubits shall be its length, a cubit and a half its width, and a cubit and a half its height. –Exodus 25:10, NKJV. Like the acacia used as an offering for the Ark of the Covenant, we, His greatest creation, may be a living offering to Him. #OfferingtoTheLord #ArkofCovenant #GodsTabernacle Source:
Great Miracles of Jesus Through Simple Things #shorts
Great miracles of Jesus were written in all four of the gospels One of those was the miracle of the five barley loaves and two fishes. This small amount of food was able to feed more than five thousand hungry people! Through this great miracle, Jesus didn’t just satisfy the physical needs but also the spiritual needs of those who came to see and hear Him preach. Today, we are invited to experience the great miracles of Jesus in our own lives. This miracle is not with barley loaves but with the bread of life that Christ offers to everyone. Great miracles happen when we accept Jesus as our staple food. Every day we should fill our hearts and minds with the messages of His love and care. We can communicate with Him and listen to His voice as we meditate and read the Bible each day. #shorts #MiracleofJesus #BarleyLoaves #GreatMiracles Source:
Sermon “Daniel: Taking Care of Your Body and Mind” | Hope at Home
Do you glorify God in whatever you eat or drink? Daniel was one of the finest men of his time. When King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah, Daniel and his friends became captives. Living in captivity wasn't easy. Their faith was tested when the king called on them to eat lavish food and drink wine. Their faith is strong enough not to compromise, but instead choose healthy, Biblical principles. Daniel bargained with the king's officer to give them a chance to have only simple foods for ten days. God must have been truly glorified by their decision. After a few days, Daniel and his friends were healthier and smarter than others. God truly blessed them. Daniel was given wisdom and understanding so he could testify to God's power. When no one could interpret the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar, God gave the interpretation to Daniel. He remained a man of faith and integrity his whole life. Our mind and body are gifts from God. Let us stay faithful stewards of God’s blessings. God needs our commitment to live with His heavenly principles. Choose what is right. Live your life with integrity. To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
Site: #HopeAtHome
#SamNeves Source:
Adventist Ministries Help People in Need This Christmas; and other world news
This week on ANN. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has worked to bring aid and relief to people around the world. Despite stay-at-home orders and logistical barriers, ADRA never stopped working to serve those who needed them most. ADRA worked to change the lives of more than 35 million people worldwide. Impact Hope is an inspiring Adventist supporting ministry that works in Rwanda to help refugees get an education. In 1994, Hans and Mindy Thygeson learned that 80,000 refugees had flooded into Rwanda from the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo. Many of the refugees were not only Christians but Seventh-day Adventists. Maranatha is an Adventist supporting ministry that works to provide strong, dignified structures for worship and education around the world. Years ago, the Adventist Church in central Kenya sent a missionary to a remote tribe near the border with Ethiopia. Soon the Adventist message was heard and accepted. Maranatha volunteers have gone back to build churches and dig wells to provide clean water through the years. More than 3 million people are displaced in Iraq—people who have to endure some of the worst torture and war imaginable. Adventist Help, a Seventh-day Adventist supporting humanitarian team, works to provide free medical service to refugees in need. Recently, the Adventist Help team arrived in Iraq and are just about to open their doors again. For more news and inspiring stories within the Adventist community, visit Adventist News Network Source:
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