David is an unlikely character to be a worshiper. He was a warrior. He was fierce, but he has written more Psalms than anybody else. God sent the Prophet Samuel to Bethlehem and led him to David, a humble shepherd, and talented musician. God looked at David’s heart and saw the reflection of His own. David had this incredible sense of God’s presence. He knew God was in control and that the name of God is to be worshipped and revered. David loved to worship. He was a man after God’s own heart. But are we like David? His life reminds us there can be only one God who we ought to worship. It demonstrates the values of courage and loyalty to what you believe in, whatever the odds. You may already know who David is. But in this video, we will be reflecting more about everything we can learn from David. Join us as Pastor Sam Neves helps us understand the importance of true worship, just like David did. To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
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#SamNeves Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShISe0iGM88
Haitians Migrate to Several Countries Following the 2010 Earthquake; and other news | Adventist news
This week on ANN. Following a 7.0 magnitude earthquake in 2010, where more than 220,000 people died, 1.5 million people were displaced, and roughly 300,000 people were injured, Haitians migrated to several countries, chief among them Brazil, where an estimated 85,000 arrived between 2010 and 2017. Additionally, there were 48,000 Haitians requested asylum between 2010 and 2015, and significant arrivals continued at least through 2019 when nearly 17,000 Haitians sought protection. Haitian immigrants have also looked to move to countries like the United States and Chile. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has deployed teams and mobilized resources to Mexico, Honduras, and Colombia. ADRA Inter-America Regional Manager, Ellen Giaccarini, says there are ongoing needs among migrants for access to food, mattresses, blankets, and psychosocial support. As fire engulfed the Bay Island of Guanaja off the northern coast of Honduras on October 2, Seventh-day Adventist leaders and members quickly moved to prevent damage to its school, churches, and community. The fire destroyed or damaged more than 200 homes and businesses. The school sustained damage to its third floor while 30 church members lost their homes and properties. A volcanic eruption on la Palma in Spain sent lava oozing through the streets of populated areas, setting fire to homes and destroying property on September 19. More than 10,000 people were evacuated from the island. No casualties have so far been reported. According to information from the Adventist pastor in La Palma, Maicer Romero, the eruption has not affected the Church. The lava route towards the beach has only caused the relocation of one church member and his family. Statistics indicate that approximately 400,000 people go hungry daily in Jamaica. Recognizing this urgent issue, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica is fighting to alleviate hunger through a large food bank center. The virtual launch took place at the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Center in Mount Salem, St. James, on September 25. The Food Bank will seek to source food and distribute food through the five conferences, and in turn, they will distribute the food to persons in the church and the wider community. It’s never too late for one to accept Jesus Christ as personal Savior. This is a living testimony coming from the North Zambia Union Conference, one of the unions in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. Edward and Joyce Tembo have been married since 1942, giving us a shining example that love indeed lives in their home. Joyce is now 98 years old, and Edward is 109, giving them a combined age of 207 years. They just got baptized! As more and more grandparents have become primary caregivers for their grandchildren, the Seventh-day Adventist Primary School on the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius hosted a program in September to honor their dedication. More than 35 grandparents visited their grandchildren’s classrooms and engaged in arts and crafts — the day corresponded with National Grandparent’s Day, which is celebrated on the second Sunday in September. Former editor of Signs of the Times, Marvin Leroy Moore, died on September 27 at his home in Caldwell, Idaho, with his wife, Lois, by his side. He was 84. Moore attended the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, located at Washington Missionary College, now Washington Adventist University, in Maryland. To hone his writing skills, Moore attended the University of Texas at Dallas, earning a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing. Around 1974, he began working as a freelance writer and published his first book, Trial by Fire, a compilation of stories about bravery. In 1985 he was offered his dream job at Pacific Press Publishing Association, where he served for a total of 36 years, first as a book editor and for the last 27 years as editor of Signs of the Times magazine. The Adventist Church has started its Annual Council business meetings, starting with the LEAD Conference. LEAD stands for “Leadership, Education and Development.” This year, the Annual Council will be presented by Adventist Mission, and the theme will be “Through the Storms: Mission During Crises.” The Annual Council is one of two yearly meetings of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church’s Executive Committee. The Adventist Multi-cultural Family Service Center is an Urban Center of Influence in South Korea. As a result of the center’s presence in the community, new congregations have started in various languages. More from Adventist Mission: (link) Know the latest news and current events. Visit Adventist News Network for more info and inspiring stories within the Adventist community. For more Adventist news and current events, go to Adventist News Network. ANN site – https://adventist.news/
ANN youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/AdventistNewsNetwork
#AdventistNewsNetwork Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMc7Gx3C1Vg
Creación. ¿Cómo lo celebramos a través de la naturaleza? – Pastor Ted Wilson
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Site: https://www.adventist.org ¿Alguna vez has tenido la experiencia de estar en algún lugar de la naturaleza, tal vez en las montañas, el desierto o algún otro lugar apartado, donde no hay estructuras creadas por el hombre? Solamente hermosos escenarios de la creación de Dios. Y hablando de el cielo y las estrellas, los científicos nos dicen que sólo en nuestra galaxia, conocida como "La Vía Láctea", hay entre 100 y 400 MIL MILLONES de estrellas. ¡Y esa es sólo una galaxia! Y si incluímos a otros TRILLONES de galaxias, hay al menos DIEZ MIL MILLONES DE TRILLONES de estrellas en el universo. ¿Puedes imaginar eso? Pues así de maravillosa es la creación de Dios. Como el Salmo 19:1-3 dice, “Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios, Y el firmamento anuncia la obra de sus manos. Un día emite palabra a otro día, Y una noche a otra noche declara sabiduría. No hay lenguaje, ni palabras, Ni es oída su voz.” Sin embargo, el espacio es solo un aspecto de la naturaleza que revela la excelente obra de creación de Dios. Otro es la biología de organismos vivos, como los humanos. Al estudiar el cuerpo humano a través de la biología molecular, podemos ver billones de células y octillones de átomos. Los sistemas organizados e integrados interactúan entre sí para facilitar las funciones corporales. El salmista escribe en el Salmo 139: 13-14: Porque tú formaste mis entrañas; Tú me hiciste en el vientre de mi madre. Te alabaré; porque formidables, maravillosas son tus obras"
Debido a esto, es bueno saber que no evolucionamos simplemente de la nada o por accidente como lo que afirma la teoría de la evolución. En cambio, Dios el Creador nos creó con Su propia mano. El pastor Ted Wilson te invita a celebrar la creación de Dios, a través del Sábado de la Creación, este 22 de octubre. Este evento está organizado por el Instituto de Investigación en Geociencias (GRI) de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. El Sábado de la Creación es un sábado especial reservado para que nos enfoquemos en el tema central de la Biblia: Nuestro Creador nos ama, ha alcanzado nuestra salvación y nos ofrece la vida eterna. Es un momento especial de celebración para regocijarse por lo que Dios ha hecho, alabarlo por los dones que nos ha proporcionado y descansar con Él en la belleza de la creación. Unámonos a nuestra familia de iglesias en todo el mundo para celebrar este sábado especial. #TEDWILSON
#BIBLIA Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBoRK7nC4vk
Criação. Como celebramos isso por meio da natureza? – Pastor Ted Wilson
Nossas contas oficiais na mídia social:
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Site: https://www.adventist.org Você já experimentou sair na natureza? Digamos que em uma montanha, deserto ou em qualquer lugar não haja estruturas feitas pelo homem – apenas belos cenários da criação de Deus. Que tal olhar para o vasto céu? Às vezes você tenta contar as estrelas. Mas você percebe que é impossível determinar. Tendo mencionado o céu e as estrelas, os cientistas dizem que só a Via Láctea tem de 100 a 400 bilhões de estrelas. Então, incluindo trilhões de outras galáxias, existem pelo menos dez bilhões de estrelas em todo o universo. Você consegue imaginar isso? Bem, é assim que a criação de Deus é incrível. Como o Salmo 19:1-3 diz: "Os céus proclamam a glória de Deus, e o firmamento anuncia as obras das suas mãos. Um dia discursa a outro dia, e uma noite revela conhecimento a outra noite. Não há linguagem, nem há palavras, e deles não se ouve nenhum som”. No entanto, o espaço é apenas um aspecto da natureza que revela a excelente obra de criação de Deus. Outra é a biologia de organismos vivos como os humanos. Estudando o corpo humano por meio da biologia molecular, podemos ver trilhões de células e octilhões de átomos. Os sistemas organizados e integrados interagem entre si para facilitar as funções corporais. Com isso, o salmista escreve no Salmo 139:13-14: "Pois tu formaste o meu interior, tu me teceste no seio de minha mãe. Graças te dou, visto que por modo assombrosamente maravilhoso me formaste;” Por causa disso, é bom saber que não evoluímos simplesmente de nada ou por acidente, como afirma a teoria da evolução. Em vez disso, Deus o Criador nos criou. Por esta razão, o pastor Ted o convida a celebrar a criação de Deus por meio do sábado da criação neste dia 22 de outubro. Este evento é organizado pelo Instituto de Pesquisa em Geociências da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia (GRI). O sábado da criação é um sábado especial reservado para que enfoquemos o tema central da Bíblia – nosso Criador nos ama, conquistou a salvação para nós e nos oferece a vida eterna. É um momento especial de celebração para nos alegrarmos com o que Deus fez, louvá-Lo pelos dons que Ele nos deu e descansar com Ele na beleza da criação. Com tudo isso, vamos nos juntar à nossa família mundial da igreja para celebrar este sábado especial. #TEDWILSON
#BIBLIA Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ9zXXKRZNI
Creation [How Do We Celebrate It Through Nature?] – Pastor Ted Wilson
Have you experienced going out in nature? Let's say on a mountain, desert, or anywhere there are no manmade structures – just beautiful sceneries of God's creation. What about looking up in the vast sky? Sometimes you try to count the stars. But you realize it's impossible to determine. Having mentioned the sky and the stars, the scientists say that the Milky Way Galaxy alone has 100 to 400 billion stars. Then, including trillions of other galaxies, there are at least ten billion stars in the entire universe. Can you imagine that? Well, that's how amazing God's creation is. As Psalm 19:1-3 says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard." Yet, space is just one aspect of nature that reveals God's excellent work of creation. Another one is the biology of living organisms like humans. Studying the human body through molecular biology, we can see trillions of cells and octillions of atoms. The organized and integrated systems interact with each other to facilitate bodily functions. With this, the Psalmist writes in Psalm 139:13-14: "You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Because of this, it's good to know that we didn't simply evolve out of anything or by accident like what the theory of evolution claims. Instead, God the Creator handcrafted us. For this reason, Pastor Ted invites you to celebrate God's creation through the Creation Sabbath this October 22. This event is organized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church's Geoscience Research Institute (GRI). Creation Sabbath is a special Sabbath set aside for us to focus on the central theme of the Bible – our Creator loves us, has earned salvation for us, and offers us eternal life. It is a special time of celebration to rejoice at what God has done, praise Him for the gifts He has provided us, and rest with Him in the beauty of creation. With all these, let's join our worldwide church family in celebrating this special Sabbath. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saOXCWo9y2I
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