How can God allow all pain and suffering if He is good and loving? A war is currently raging between the spiritual forces of good and evil. Evil forces bring pain, but God stands with us and will ultimately bring an end to suffering as He conquers evil. Blog: ___
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The Bible [Should We Take the Bible Literally?]
Is the Bible literally true, every story, every word? What do we believe as Adventists on how we should read the Bible? What happens when the Bible doesn’t line up exactly with the history and science we understand today? Find answers to these questions and much more in this newest episode of ANN In-Depth. For this episode, we are joined by Ty Gibson. Ty is the Director of Light Bearers and pastor of Storyline Adventist Church in Eugene, Oregon. He teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love as the central theme of the Bible. Learn more about Light Bearers: Website:
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Mexico brings a record breaking 23,000 new church members; and other world news
This week on ANN News: In Mexico, Seventh-day Adventists celebrate the more than 23,000 people who joined the church after a coordinated evangelistic event across the nation. The special week of ‘reaping’ crowned months of evangelistic initiatives across the five unions and major church regions. For the closing week of evangelism, the guest speaker was Alejandro Bullón, who delivered a spiritual message online every evening from Brazil. Under the theme “Hope Beyond Uncertainty,” Bullón’s messages reached an average of 280,000 people each evening. The comprehensive effort was coordinated by the city of Mérida, where the Southeast Mexican Union leaders led the rest of the church regions in Mexico in facilitating the landmark initiative. The feature film ‘Uncertainties,’ produced by the video platform Feliz7Play, was awarded in the Best Foreign Film category during this year’s International Christian Visual Media (ICVM) Crown Awards held on June 23 in the United States. During one of the world’s largest Christian media events, the ceremony took place, at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. ICVM was created in the 1970s to celebrate films and the work of filmmakers to encourage and inspire creativity by presenting examples of excellence in communicating Christian values. Under its motto, “Justice, Compassion, and Love,” the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Colombia recently distributed 1,100 hygiene kits among Venezuelan migrants in the northern town of Arauquita. The kits distributed by ADRA’s workers and volunteers will benefit families displaced after conflicts broke out in the area and arrived in the 43,000-resident border city looking for shelter. The team traveled to Arauquita to support local lay church members and volunteers in distributing the kits to the families in need. The country of Slovakia has witnessed highest number of COVID-19 cases, with nearly 100 news deaths daily from January to March this year, according to Worldometer, a real-time world statistics database. The death toll has been decreasing, according to local reports. Still, older adults, people without homes, marginalized communities, and people with disabilities remain heavily impacted due to lack of access to COVID-19 resources. The most vulnerable are the elderly, whom the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) has been aiding. In Portugal, church and state have been separated by law since 1911. It was not until 2001, however, that the state legally recognized full religious liberty rights. Since that time, with the approval of the Religious Liberty Law, citizens and communities have enjoyed an open and tolerant legal frame to live, practice, and share their beliefs. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of this law, the Portuguese Religious Liberty Commission, an official entity that defends and upholds the law content; and the High Commissariat for Migrations, a governmental agency that promotes inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, organized a conference detailing the history, achievements, and the future of religious liberty developments in Portugal. The conference included participation by the president of the Republic of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Justice, and other official entities, religious and academic leaders. The Samoa and Tokelau Adventist Mission launched its first-ever online visual radio station. In the region, the Samoa and Tokelau Adventist Mission president, Sione Ausage, made the first transmission delivering a spiritual message. He emphasized the significance of the Three Angels’ Messages going to all the world. Streaming on weekdays from 6 am to 6 pm on Facebook, knew station includes a diverse range of Bible studies and health programs. According to reports from the Samoa and Tokelau Mission media committee, implementing an online radio has been a priority due to the easy access and ability to reach a much wider audience. The North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church represents more than 1.2 million members spanning from Bermuda over the mainland to Palau. Adventists in North America continue to reach out to and form community with native people groups such as Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and First Nations people in their local communities across the region. More from Adventist Mission. For more current events and inspiring stories, go to News | Adventist News Network Source:
Heart Like Jesus [How Can We Learn to Love a Broken World? Pastor Wilson]
How can we learn to love a broken world? In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson reminds us of the love that Jesus had for this world and how we can pray for a heart like Him. Sabbath, July 3, is an opportunity to come together as a worldwide church family in a very special way. Under the guidance of the Revival and Reformation committee, the first Sabbath of each quarter has been set aside as a special day for fasting and prayer. Each of these Sabbaths has a special theme, and the theme for the third quarter is: "Praying for a Heart Like Jesus as We Seek to Love a Broken World." Nowhere do we see more clearly the love Jesus had for this broken world than in the book of John, chapter 13. Here, as Jesus is nearing the end of His earthly life, and we read in verse 1: "Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end." In spite of their frailties, in spite of their doubts, He loved them to the end—even Judas. Jesus only had love in his heart for His betrayer and did everything He possibly could to save him. That same love that Jesus had for His betrayer, He longed for His disciples to have for one another, and for us to have as well. He said, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34, 35). This love does not come naturally. With our own human hearts, it is far easier to love those who are good to us, and to hate our enemies. But praise the Lord, as it says in 1 John 3:20: "God is greater than our heart, and knows all things." When we surrender our hearts to Him, He transforms us so we love like He loves–longing for the salvation of all, and loving them "to the end." Join the world church this Sabbath in this special day of fasting and prayer, as we seek to become more like Jesus and to carry out the mission He has given to each of us. Many inspiring, helpful materials have been prepared to help guide you as you participate in this special day. They are available for free download now at: May God bless us as we come together in prayer and fasting, seeking His will and His transforming love so that we will, indeed, have a heart like Jesus to win the world for Him. Source:
How Can We Know Good from Evil?
How can we, as humans, know good from evil? There is Someone who never changes, who wants to show us the truth. From the very beginning, God gave humans the power to choose whether or not to follow Him. Although the first humans made a huge mistake in straying from God, we can choose to walk according to His leading. That’s how to live life purposefully. Blog: ___
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