Is there a master puppeteer behind all that’s going on around the world? Beyond conspiracy theories, there is a clear answer, and Revelation identifies it through a strange woman, “The Harlot.” This episode will be a study on the book of Revelation and the rise of Babylon. The Bible tells people to “come out of Babylon.” How can you know if you're in it? In this master class, Babylon will be identified from historical books and the Bible. This is the 11th episode in the AWR Master Class series called Unlocking Bible Prophecies. You can follow the series and interact LIVE at: ABOUT CAMI OETMAN
Ten years ago, Cami Oetman had a real encounter with God that would change her life forever. She was a successful entrepreneur at the time, and the transition wasn't easy. However, the truth Cami will share in this series was so compelling that she knew every human being in the world should experience the love of Jesus as she had. Within three years, she had preached 350 Bible presentations. Today, as a vice president for Adventist World Radio, Cami travels the world documenting the miracles that take place when people give their hearts to Jesus. It may seem difficult to imagine yourself understanding Bible prophecy. Cami couldn’t either. She had spent two decades in the modeling world—in front of and behind the camera. She had also used her master’s degree in social work to care for hospice patients. She then started a successful retail business. But no one can predict how they will react when they have a real experience with God! THE HARLOT
The book of Revelation uses two different women to illustrate two different systems of religion—one that follows Jesus and one that has separated itself from Jesus. In Revelation 12, there is a striking symbol of a woman dressed in white. In prophecy, a pure woman symbolizes the bride of Jesus, or the true church (see Jeremiah 6:2 and Ephesians 5). God compares His church to a beautiful, pure woman who is faithful to her true lover, Jesus. She is undefiled with the corruption of false doctrine. In Revelation 17, another woman arises. This woman rides upon a scarlet-colored beast and the Bible calls her a harlot. She has left her true lover, Jesus. The harlot is the apostate system of religion. In this chapter, we find that Babylon is a fallen church system that has committed fornication with the kings of the earth, thus symbolizing that instead of gaining its power from God, it obtains its power from the state as it is united with earthly authorities (see Revelation 17:1). Verse 3 of Revelation 17 identifies the harlot as blasphemous. She claims to have the power to forgive sins and stand in the place of God (see John 10:33, Matthew 9:2, 3). Revelation 17:4 clearly identifies the dress of the harlot as being “arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls . . .” Furthermore, this harlot, Babylon, has “in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication” (Revelation 17:4). She is a fallen system of religion with false doctrine that has confused all the world. Verse 5 of Revelation 17 says Babylon is a mother, which means she must have children. Furthermore, she is identified as great, clearly showing the parallel between literal Babylon and spiritual Babylon. Like physical Babylon, spiritual Babylon represents a man-made religion established by men, based on human teachings, established on human ideas. There is a form of man-made religion, built by human religious leaders, that stands in opposition to the power of the gospel and the true church that Jesus built. IDENTIFYING MARKS OF SPIRITUAL BABYLON BASED ON LITERAL BABYLON
• Babylon has an earthly head who speaks for God and in place of God (see 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and Isaiah 37:16).
• Babylon was the center of image worship throughout all of the Old Testament. • It was the center of false teachings about death, teaching the immortality of the soul.
• Babylon was also the center of sun worship. All sun worship came through varying pagan channels (see Ezekiel 8:16). God abhors these false systems of worship as they are doctrines of devils. However, God dearly loves His people, even though they may be currently deceived. He warns them to leave Babylon and all its counterfeit teachings! #UBP20 #Ep11 Source:
Special Report of Adventist Global Humanitarian Efforts; and other world news
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?” Martin Luther King hit it right. What do we do for others, especially at this time of health crisis? This week’s episode is special. We bring you hope through some ministries and programs around the world that help those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s hear and watch inspiring reports from the:
Adventist Development and Relief Agency – an untiring group that has been providing immediate assistance to victims of disasters and long-term projects to needy communities;
Impact Hope – a foundation focused on helping Rwanda refugees get an education; and
Maranatha Volunteers – a group of volunteers that builds schools, wells, and churches. How about you, what are you doing for others? Together, let’s watch this special coverage. Be inspired. Be blessed. Get involved now! Visit News ( Source:
Pastor Wilson: God’s Greatest Gift to Us is Jesus Christ
In this video, let’s take a few moments together to consider the greatest gift ever given—Jesus Christ. We read in 2 Corinthians 5:19 “that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not putting their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” God was in Christ, reconciling us to Himself. Here we have an amazing picture of the plan of salvation—it is a picture of a God who takes the initiative to restore the relationship that He once had with human beings, a loss keenly felt when mankind chose to separate themselves from their Creator. Imagine that night, so long ago, in the hillside town of Bethlehem. A baby is born—not in a comfortable bed, but in a barn—a stable, surrounded by creatures He Himself designed. He was both fully human, and fully divine. We see God in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself through the helplessness of an infant, through the innocence of a Child, by the faithfulness of a Young Carpenter, through the compassion of a Great Healer, in the wisdom of a Respected Teacher, and through the humility of an innocent Man turning the other cheek. We see Him on the cross, arms outstretched, seeking to reconcile the world to Himself. God seeks reconciliation with us. That’s what He wants—more than anything. He longs for us to be with Him—not only in the future, but now. His work of reconciliation did not end at the cross—it continues still, as He serves as our High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary, ministering in the holy of holies, pleading His blood on our behalf. Christ is actively participating in this important ministry right now. How wonderful it is to know that the God of the universe, who was willing to humble Himself and come to this world where He experienced our trials and sorrows, is the same Jesus who is now our advocate and high priest ministering for us in a real heavenly sanctuary. We are all called to this special ministry, and God has empowered us through the Bible. It is through His word that we find the keys to reconciliation with one another—confession, forgiveness, hope, and healing. Whatever difficulties, disputes, frustrations, we are now facing, the Lord has made a way for reconciliation, for unity among His believers.
His humble yet focused life, His selfless ministry to others, His amazing sacrifice, are examples for us, encouraging us to set aside anything that keeps us from being reconciled to Him, and to each other. As we think about our wonderful Savior, whose birth we remember in a special way this time of year, let’s reflect on His ministry of reconciliation. God is the same today as He was yesterday. He is still in Christ, reaching His hand out in reconciliation, healing wounds, making people whole, offering each of us the opportunity to be united together in Him. And one day very soon, angels will again appear in the sky as they did so long ago above the hills of Bethlehem—this time not to herald the birth of the babe, put to accompany the King in his glory, coming to take His people home. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus! 00:00 Greetings
00:36 The greatest gift ever given
01:38 Imagine that night
02:16 Pastor's Sermon
07:53 Pastor's Prayer To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
God With Us: A Special Message by Pastor Ted Wilson
What is it about this season that makes it so special? Well, let's go behind the scenes to understand the background as to why people are focused upon Christ as the baby who came to Bethlehem. Well, what is it about this season that is really so unique in terms of the presence of Jesus? It is the incarnation. Jesus willing to descend from heaven, to save us, to redeem us; His creation, His people, and to die for us as our Savior. That is the reason for the season. In the Book of Romans Chapter five, we read in verse six: "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." You see, the Lord, in His graciousness has died for those who at times don't even know that He has given His life for them. And then when they awaken and realize what Jesus has done and they give their hearts to Him because of what He has done, that is the new beginning, the awakening in a person's life that yes, Jesus is my Savior. Well, it says in verse seven, "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die;" I mean, somebody might give their life or risk their life to save someone who's drowning. If that was a good person. "Oh, I don't want my loved one to die. Let me help them." But then it says here, "yet perhaps for a good man, some would even dare to die." Then it says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners– while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." And so, here we were, sinners. We are sinners in need of a Savior. And even though at times we reject Christ, it's a sobering thought. But we reject Him every time we do our own will and not the will of the Heavenly Father. Even in those situations, Christ died for us. "Much more then," verse nine "having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." His blood covers us with His righteousness. That's justification. Well, it goes on to say in verse ten, "For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son." In other words, we were rebellious, sinful people, "…much more having been reconciled we shall be saved by His life." His perfect life. His magnificent life. His life without sin. He died for you and for me that He might take on our sins and we might take on His righteousness. This is the magnificence of Christ becoming incarnated into a human being and being fully human, fully divine. Now, I can't explain that, but He is fully human and He will maintain those special characteristics throughout eternity. We will identify with this one that has come to take us into eternity by His grace. The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the reason for the season and I thank God for Jesus and what He means to me. My Lord, my Savior, my soon coming King, Emmanuel, God with us. I appeal to each of you, to recognize that God wants you to humble yourself before Him. To be filled with His Holy Spirit, and to then proclaim this magnificent message to all those around you as we look forward to Jesus soon coming and proclaim those three angels messages in a powerful way through the Holy Spirit's power. The Lord will use you as you commit your life to Him, for He is the reason for the season. Let me pray with you. Our father in heaven, we pray for our dear believers, and workers and leaders, churches, teachers, health professionals, literature evangelists, publishing workers and so many more. Encourage them right now and help each one to say, "Yes, Lord, I will go. I will be part of the final proclamation. To tell people, about this incarnation and about Christ's soon second coming and about the three Angels messages helping people to turn back to the true worship of God." Lord, thank you for hearing us and thank you for the incarnation of Christ who will forever bear the marks of humanity and of His crucifixion, reminding us of what He has done for us, as the reason for the season. In Jesus' name, we ask it. Amen. Source:
2020 Christmas Sermon by Pastor Ted Wilson
What is it about this season that makes it so special? Well, let's go behind the scenes to understand the background as to why people are focused upon Christ as the baby who came to Bethlehem. Well, what is it about this season that is really so unique in terms of the presence of Jesus? It is the incarnation. Jesus willing to descend from heaven, to save us, to redeem us; His creation, His people, and to die for us as our Savior. That is the reason for the season. In the Book of Romans Chapter five, we read in verse six: "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly." You see, the Lord, in His graciousness has died for those who at times don't even know that He has given His life for them. And then when they awaken and realize what Jesus has done and they give their hearts to Him because of what He has done, that is the new beginning, the awakening in a person's life that yes, Jesus is my Savior. Well, it says in verse seven, "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die;" I mean, somebody might give their life or risk their life to save someone who's drowning. If that was a good person. "Oh, I don't want my loved one to die. Let me help them." But then it says here, "yet perhaps for a good man, some would even dare to die." Then it says, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners– while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." And so, here we were, sinners. We are sinners in need of a Savior. And even though at times we reject Christ, it's a sobering thought. But we reject Him every time we do our own will and not the will of the Heavenly Father. Even in those situations, Christ died for us. "Much more then," verse nine "having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him." His blood covers us with His righteousness. That's justification. Well, it goes on to say in verse ten, "For if when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son." In other words, we were rebellious, sinful people, "…much more having been reconciled we shall be saved by His life." His perfect life. His magnificent life. His life without sin. He died for you and for me that He might take on our sins and we might take on His righteousness. This is the magnificence of Christ becoming incarnated into a human being and being fully human, fully divine. Now, I can't explain that, but He is fully human and He will maintain those special characteristics throughout eternity. We will identify with this one that has come to take us into eternity by His grace. The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the reason for the season and I thank God for Jesus and what He means to me. My Lord, my Savior, my soon coming King, Emmanuel, God with us. I appeal to each of you, to recognize that God wants you to humble yourself before Him. To be filled with His Holy Spirit, and to then proclaim this magnificent message to all those around you as we look forward to Jesus soon coming and proclaim those three angels messages in a powerful way through the Holy Spirit's power. The Lord will use you as you commit your life to Him, for He is the reason for the season. Let me pray with you. Our father in heaven, we pray for our dear believers, and workers and leaders, churches, teachers, health professionals, literature evangelists, publishing workers and so many more. Encourage them right now and help each one to say, "Yes, Lord, I will go. I will be part of the final proclamation. To tell people, about this incarnation and about Christ's soon second coming and about the three Angels messages helping people to turn back to the true worship of God." Lord, thank you for hearing us and thank you for the incarnation of Christ who will forever bear the marks of humanity and of His crucifixion, reminding us of what He has done for us, as the reason for the season. In Jesus' name, we ask it. Amen. Source:
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