Does it ever seem like the world is spiraling out of control? Do you ever get the feeling that the end of the world is almost here? The good news is that in the midst of all the chaos, you can be confident that God has a personal rescue plan for you. This plan is none other than the second coming of Jesus Christ! Why should we learn about what Jesus’ second coming will look like? About 2,000 years ago, the people of Jerusalem were left stunned and unprepared because Jesus’ first coming didn’t match their expectations. Rather than coming as a glorious conqueror, Jesus came meekly as a little baby, born to a poor family. Unlike Jesus’ first coming, you won’t have to wait to hear the news of His second coming—it will be impossible to miss! Still, even though Jesus’ Second Coming will be visible to every eye and audible to every ear, it makes all the difference to know how He will return. The Bible declares that at Jesus’ second coming, “. . . every eye will see Him . . .” (Revelation 1:7). His second coming will not be a mysterious event in a desert or a secret rapture. Although some say that Jesus’ second coming will be a secret, the Bible actually warned us in advance against the thought. In Luke 17:23, Jesus tells us that someday people will falsely say “. . .‘Look here!’ or ‘Look there!’ . . .”, but we should not follow them. This is because any person who claims to be fulfilling Jesus’ second coming, but meets privately with a group or an individual, is only an impersonation. As lightning is visible from all angles in the sky, so will His coming be visible from all directions (Luke 17:24). And don’t expect to see Jesus walking down the streets of New York or Tokyo, either. When Jesus returns, the righteous will “. . . meet Him in the air.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)! Finally, Jesus reminds us that we must always be prepared, because no one knows the exact time of His coming (Matthew 24:36). Jesus’ second coming will be the climax of earth’s history. He will rescue His followers from death, pain, and disease. Those who have died following Jesus will come forth from the grave alive with new, indestructible bodies. The bodies of His faithful followers will be instantly transformed, as quickly as the “. . . twinkling of an eye . . .” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Today is the day to choose to follow Him, because “. . . now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Your eternal destiny is hanging on the choices you make. In John 14:2, 3 Jesus promised, “. . . I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” Jesus has prepared a beautiful home for us in heaven, so beautiful that no one can fully grasp just how glorious it will be (1 Corinthians 2:9). The best way to find out is to be ready to meet Him when He comes! Have questions? Need prayer? Visit us at MB012QDBU9GAXX7 Source:
What is the Relationship Between Prayer and Judgement | ANN In-Depth
What does prayer have to do with judgment? What is prayer for? Does it bring us closer to the Lord, does it ease our anxiety? Does it bring us what we want? Find answers to these questions and more in this newest episode of ANN In-Depth. OUR GUEST This week, we are joined by Pastor Morgan Kochenhower. He is the pastor at Frederick Adventist Church and is passionate about relationships and the Sabbath. RESOURCES
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Dealing with Mental Health Issues as a Pastor | ANN In-Depth
Another evangelical pastor, another suicide. What is happening in the Christian Church where so many are committing suicide? Why aren’t we talking about mental health among our leaders? We do not struggle just with flesh and blood… and yet we judge and look down on faith leaders who dare admit that they are struggling with mental health. In this episode of ANN In-Depth, we take a look at suicide and mental health among church leaders. GUESTS This week we are joined by Dr. Dee Knight and Chaplain Paul Anderson. Dr. Knight is a doctor of clinical neuropsychology. She has been running her own psychotherapy and consultation practice for over nine years. Chaplain Anderson is the Director of Adventist Chaplain Ministries for the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He also holds certifications in Suicide Awareness and Prevention, Civil Mediation, Alternative Workplace Dispute Resolution, Temperament Analysis, Marriage Enrichment, Workforce Diversity, and is a certified Life Coach. Learn more about our guests: Dr. Dee Knight
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Facebook: Chaplain Paul Anderson
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What are the Benefits of Gratitude? | ANN In-Depth
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful or the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Because today is “Thanksgiving” in the United States, for this episode we are going to talk about the benefits of gratitude. When we are grateful, it helps our mental, physical and spiritual health. How can we be grateful — especially when we’re going through pain and hard times? Find out in this newest episode of ANN In-Depth! For this episode, we are joined by Dr. Heather Thompson Day. Heather is an Associate Professor of Communication at Colorado Christian University and the author of 7 books; including It’s Not Your Turn, and Confessions of a Christian Wife. Learn More About Our Guest
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Adventists Welcome Renewed Focus On Blasphemy and Apostasy Laws; and other world news
Here are the latest Adventist news: Seventh-day Adventists gladly received House Resolution 512 against blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws, which passed the US House of Representatives last December 7. According to Bettine Krause, the world church’s associate director for Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, this move rightly condemns efforts by any government to define or enforce a religious orthodoxy. The resolution also calls for the release of all prisoners currently jailed under such laws. Adventist Visually Impaired Senator Elected to UN Committee Senator Floyd Morris was voted a member of the United Nations Committee for Persons with Disabilities last November 30. He may be blind, but he is an inspiration to the disabled community in Jamaica. He is the first Jamaican to be elected to the Committee, a body of independent experts who monitor the implementation of the Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by the states and countries who are signatories. Andrew Harewood Makes History in the US Army Reserve Colonel Andrew Harewood was promoted as general upon accepting the position of Deputy Chief of Chaplains for the United States Army Reserve last November 1. This historic promotion makes him the first Adventist and the first African American chaplain to become an Army reserve general. Now, he is the third Adventist chaplain in the US military to reach the general rank. The formal promotional ceremony will take place on December 11, 2020, at Fort Myer Chapel in the Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia. Adventist Church Assists Flooded Communities in West Venezuela Hurricane Eta left West Venezuela flooded, without power and with no adequate potable water. The Seventh-day Adventist Church and Adventist Development and Relief Agency worked together to help the affected communities. They supplied food bags and offered free medical services. They also conducted a special one-day Vacation Bible School activity, distributing school supplies and toiletry kits to the children. If you feel moved to assist financially, please visit ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency International. In the other news, Adventist communicators gathered together online for the 2020 GAiN Conference and Heroes the Game is now released! Watch these and more uplifting feature stories only here in ANN, or visit News ( Source:
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