Of all the gifts that God has given us, two of the most precious come from the Garden of Eden: the Sabbath and the family. These special gifts center on relationships—with God, and with the people closest to us. In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will give six recommendations for strengthening the family. What are some practical things we can do to strengthen families? Here are six recommendations: 1. Take time each day for family worship – Have a daily family worship that is short and uplifting. Let the family be sent off in the morning with prayer and at night conclude with prayer. 2. Talk with and pray for your children. – It’s vital that you talk with your children. Ask them about school, their social lives, their spiritual development. Tell them you’re praying for them. Prayer helps your children know that you rely on God, and by modeling prayer, it tells them that they, too, need to rely on God. 3. Affirm and value your children. – Show your children that you appreciate them, and that they are unique individuals. Give them direction and encouragement toward something of eternal worth. Point them to the Lord as the source of all good things and encourage them in this direction. 4. Plan special times together. – Plan far in advance for special family activities. If you’re not intentional about creating activities, you’ll go through life without much interaction with your family. 5. Be the change you wish to see. – Families were meant to encourage, not to discourage. Intentionally reach out to your family members, whether they are near or far away. 6. Be your brother’s keeper. – Families are under enormous attack. Take courage from the Lord. The question that Cain asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is answered by Christ as He showed an interest in everyone. This also extends to the church family. We are part of a global family of more than 20 million brothers and sisters—each with a responsibility to help nurture this wonderful, worldwide family. When we get to heaven, God won’t ask us about how much work we did in the church, or how many pamphlets we handed out—as good as those things are, that won’t be the primary focus. Instead He will ask, “What did you do with your family? Where is your little flock?” Each year the Family Ministries department of the General Conference creates resources to help strengthen families. Visit their website at www.family.adventist.org and download their Revival and Reformation e-book titled, Building Family Memories, edited by Family Life Directors, Willie and Elaine Oliver. This book is a great resource for anyone interested in strengthening their own family, as well as families in the church and the community. 00:00 Greetings
00:14 The most precious gifts from the Garden of Eden
00:46 Family
01:02 Ted Wilson's Sermon
02:50 First recommendation
05:07 Second recommendation
05:59 Third Recommendation
07:02 Fourth Recommendation
07:55 Fifth Recommendation
08:58 Sixth Recommendation
10:00 Never lose hope
13:14 Pastor's Prayer To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
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#TEDWILSON Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL3MjzcPJx4
What is the Relationship Between Prayer and Judgement?
What does prayer have to do with judgment? What is prayer for? Does it bring us closer to the Lord, does it ease our anxiety? Does it bring us what we want? Find answers to these questions and more in this newest episode of ANN In-Depth. OUR GUEST This week, we are joined by Pastor Morgan Kochenhower. He is the pastor at Frederick Adventist Church and is passionate about relationships and the Sabbath. RESOURCES
Frederick Adventist Church Website: https://frederickadventistchurch.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FrederickAdv…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AriseforGod
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/frederickadventistchurch ___
To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdventistChurch
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adventistchurch
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventistchurch/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdventistOrgChurch Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkxTz7uLRqA
HEROES 2 The Bible Trivia Game – The Best 3D Bible Quiz Ever to be Played on Your iPhone or Android
The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back! Instead of wasting time with useless games or polarized social media feeds, why not learn about the greatest heroes of all time? Their stories will shape the way you live and the decisions you make in real life. And you’ll have lots of fun in the process. Sharpen your knowledge with Heroes 2, The ultimate Bible trivia game. Download and start to play now! https://www.heroesbibletrivia.org After the great success of the first Adventist game app, Hope Channel releases a new Heroes game in 2021. Back in 2013 Heroes the Game generated more than 10 million minutes of interaction with exciting stories from the Bible. Heroes was a pioneer game that opened the doors for many other Adventist games. Now, after 8 years, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and its’ official TV channel, Hope Channel, is set to release Heroes 2! You can pre-order the new game on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Three years ago, a study on the most searched terms on Google relating to the Bible showed that every 30 days, there are more than 250,000 Google searches around the world for Bible trivia, Bible games and Bible quiz. The study showed, of all the game genres, people are searching for Bible trivia more than any other kind. There is a great opportunity to talk about the Greatest Hero of all time in the language gamers would engage with and understand! The Seventh-day Adventist Church aims to use Heroes 2 The Bible Trivia Game to help every player to further understand the Bible and find freedom, healing and hope in Jesus. “The Bible is the foundation document of Western Civilization but young people today know more about the comics stories than the Bible stories, says Sam Neves, associate director of communication for the global Seventh-day Adventist Church. “Heroes is a project that speaks this new visual language through a trivia game that brings these ancient stories to life. What happened to these Bible heroes matters. We should all know what happened to them so we can find out what will happen to us.” For the last few years an international team has been working to create Heroes 2, an entirely new Bible trivia game. Players will start their journey with Adam and Eve, the first heroes. As the heroes ask questions about their life, players start accumulating experience points. The more “experience points” a player has, the more heroes are unlocked. Players start with Genesis and end up in Revelation with John, the Son of Thunder. Each game consists of 12 questions and the score is based on how quickly a player can answer them. At first, the questions are easy but as the game progresses the questions get harder. With Heroes 2 players will be able to challenge family and friends by sharing a simple link. They will have to play and answer the same exact 12 questions to try to get a better score. Heroes 2 will be available in 4 languages, English, Portuguese, Spanish and French, with the expectation of new languages being added shortly after the release. Along with the Heroes 2 game in 2021, Hope Channel will also be providing Bible studies. “Every player will be inspired through the Heroes Bible Studies entitled “The Big Questions,” says Vyacheslav Demyan, vice-President of Hope Channel International. “They can visit hopebiblestudy.org where Bible heroes will answer “What happens when you die?”, “is God real?”, “if God is good, why do we suffer?”… and many other tough questions.” “We are also planning a game show to be aired on Hope Channel which encourages teams from any Christian church or school to test their Bible knowledge through the game.” Church leaders and the game creators hope Heroes 2: The Bible Trivia Game will help children, youth and adults become better acquainted with amazing stories of the Bible. “We want everyone to realize they are called to be heroes today, just like these characters from the past,” says Neves. “When all is said and done, we hope the game inspires every player to give their lives to Jesus, so one day they can meet Him face to face.” Some players are being invited to become beta testers and start their adventure sooner. Anyone can apply at https://heroesbibletrivia.org and contact the team at info@heroes.adventist.org. SOCIAL CHANNELS
Website – https://www.heroesbibletrivia.org
Discord – https://discord.gg/sTfdgP8dXq
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/HeroesBibleTrivia YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVgxbXPSPYU6KIj-JJcT6ew Instagram @heroesbibletrivia – https://www.instagram.com/heroesbibletrivia Twitter @heroesbibletrivia – https://twitter.com/HeroesBlbTrivia PRE-ORDERS
iOS App Store – https://testflight.apple.com/join/1HJgYDNm Android Play Store – https://play.google.com/apps/testing/org.adventist.heroes.ii Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OBaMIWevrI
Highest Court in Brazil Rules In Favor of Sabbath-keeping Public Employees; and other world news
Tune in and be updated on the following Adventist news: Brazil’s Supreme Federal Tribunal granted additional protections for Sabbath-keeping public employees in the country. The nation’s highest judicial body with its 11 justices decided over the appeals of two Seventh-day Adventists, Margarete da Silva Mateus Furquim and Geismario Silva dos Santos, whose cases were related to keeping the Sabbath (Saturday) as a holy day. The decision will now become the governing decisions for future cases in lower courts throughout the nation. Adventist Church and ADRA Help Devastated Colombian Islands After Category 5 Hurricane Iota ravaged the Colombian islands of Providencia and San Andres, the local Adventist church and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency quickly helped clear roads and assisted displaced families. They distributed humanitarian aids like hygiene kits, portable gas stoves, Bibles, and hymnals. If you feel moved to assist financially, please visit ADRA | Adventist Development and Relief Agency International. Digital Evangelism Efforts Result to 5,836 Baptisms in Mexico As a result of four online evangelism campaigns in the Inter-Oceanic Mexican region, more than 5,800 people have been baptized during this pandemic period (from April to early November). The Adventist Churches in the region may have been forced to close their doors given the health crisis, but they were challenged to reach people. Using social media platforms proved effective in sharing their campaigns about hope amid crisis, Daniel and Revelation prophecies, health and well-being, and John 3:16 message. Watch these and more inspiring news and feature stories only here in ANN, or visit News (adventist.news). Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQG_xzPqbms
Pastor Wilson Talks About Christ and His Righteousness
In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson shares some thoughts on Christ and His righteousness. This is such an important topic to understand as we are rapidly coming to the close of earth’s history. Jesus is indeed coming soon! In preparation for His soon return, Scripture invites us to humble ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways (see 2 Chronicles 7:14). However, some critics have accused Seventh-day Adventists as teaching or promoting legalism, that is, righteousness by works, but nothing could be further from the truth. As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe that salvation is through Christ and Christ alone! As we accept the power that accompanies justification, Christ begins to sanctify us—transforming us into His glorious image. This entire change is the all-encompassing righteousness of Christ. When we accept Jesus into our lives, a miraculous Spirit-filled conversion takes place and Christ changes us into His likeness so that we become more and more like Him. The provision for this right relationship is described in one of the most powerful verses of the Bible, 2 Cor. 5:21—“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” God, the Father, provided His perfect Son as a sacrifice for our sins that we would be able to take on the perfect righteousness of Christ. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, as we confess our sins and fall at the foot of the cross, we are cleansed of our sins and re-created into the image of God. This is God’s all-encompassing righteousness—we are saved by grace and we live by faith—all through Jesus Christ! And when we accept Christ and His righteousness, we also follow Him in believing and accepting His beautiful truths revealed in the doctrines of the Bible—all centered in Him. We are totally dependent upon our relationship with Christ for sanctification. That is Christ’s righteousness. Let no Seventh-day Adventist think of themselves as better than anyone else or accuse others of not being holy or perfect. We are all sinners at the foot of the cross in need of a Savior who provides for us His righteousness. The character of Christ is perfectly reproduced in our lives when we lean completely on Christ alone. We must daily allow the Holy Spirit to change us more and more into the likeness of Christ. This is the work of a lifetime. We are to ask for Christ’s character in our lives as we learn practical obedience to His Word through His power. So how should we understand the plan of salvation in these last days of earth’s history? It is only Christ’s all-encompassing righteousness of justification and sanctification that will save, change, and nurture us into true disciples of Christ. It is something that Jesus does both for us and in us. Through His grace, we can have divine power and His character as we are made more and more like Him. The culmination of Christ’s saving grace and righteousness will be to welcome Him at His second coming—proof to the world of His justifying salvation and ability to change our lives through His sanctifying power. What a day that will be! 00:00 Greetings
00:19 Christ and His righteousness
00:56 Ted Wilson's Sermon
11:25 Pastor's Prayer To follow our official social media accounts, just follow the links below:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdventist…
Twitter: https://twitter.com/adventistchurch
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventistch…
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Site: https://www.adventist.org/ #TEDWILSONWEEKLY
#TEDWILSON Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1hf-0vMJGk
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