Leadership is one of the most important topics discussed all around the world. In almost all aspects of life, leaders are needed. But do you know that leadership is greatly affected by brain hormones? Have you heard about the dopamine, endorphin, serotonin, cortisol and oxytocin leaders? Which one are you? Sam’s Book Club covers the book ”Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek, which tackles the different kinds of leadership styles through the lens of fascinating brain chemistry. Join Pastor Sam Neves of Sam’s Book Club as he reviews the book ”Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Simon Sinek! 00:09- Introduction
02:19- Leadership defined
04:05- Leadership Chemicals/Hormones 04:46- Dopamine that Sets the Goal
06:15- When Dopamine goes Wrong
07:55-The Solution
09:30- Endorphins: The Painkiller
10:17- Serotonin: The Feeling of being Honored and Respected
22:29- Cortisol: The Feeling of Being Unsafe
26:28- Oxytocin brings Joy
30:45- A Story of a Great Leader
39:05- A Deal with James, Pastor Sam Neves’ son
42:53- Reactions, Question, and Answer Portion MEET THE HOST Pastor Sam Neves started the Book Club in response to the growing team of digital missionaries around the world. As the Associate Director of Communications at the global headquarters of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, he was impressed by God to guide these missionary leaders through continuous education and leadership training, and one of the best methods is through this Book Club. #Leaders #Leadership #SamsBookClub #SBC Source:
How Can Church Members Reach People in the Cities? Know How to Go!
How can #Adventists reach people in the #cities? How can we make an impact on our #communities? These questions and more will be answered by Pastor’s Luis Biazotto and Shawn Brace during this week's episode of #ANN In-Depth. This episode is based on the “Reach the World: I Will Go” Leadership Objective #2: To strengthen and diversify Adventist outreach in large cities, across the 10/40 Window, among unreached and under-reached people groups, and to non-Christian religions. The focus is for each conference, mission, and region in the 10/40 Window to achieve a demonstrable increase in the number of new believers and for a demonstrable increase in total members and congregations in all urban areas of one million people or more. OUR GUESTS
Luis Biazotto is Adventist Community Services Director for the Greater New York Conference. The "Wellness on the Go" – Van Ministry (by the ACS) is one of the most effective ways to bring non-Christians to know our church in New York City. Shawn Brace is a Pastor at Bangor Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is focused on mission in the community, particularly connecting with the unchurched. Learn more about our guests:
Luis Biazotta/Adventist Community Services
Instagram: @nad Source:
How Can Adventists Reach People in the Cities?
How can Adventists reach people in the cities? How can we make an impact in our communities? These questions and more will be answered by Pastor’s Luis Biazotto and Shawn Brace during this week's episode of #ANN In-Depth. This episode is based on the “Reach the World: I Will Go” Leadership Objective #2: To strengthen and diversify Adventist outreach in large cities, across the 10/40 Window, among unreached and under-reached people groups, and to non-Christian religions. The focus is for each conference, mission, and region in the 10/40 Window to achieve a demonstrable increase in the number of new believers and for a demonstrable increase in total members and congregations in all urban areas of one million people or more. OUR GUESTS
Luis Biazotto is Adventist Community Services Director for the Greater New York Conference. The "Wellness on the Go" – Van Ministry (by the ACS) is one of the most effective ways to bring non-Christians to know our church in New York City. Shawn Brace is a Pastor at Bangor Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is focused on mission in the community, particularly connecting with the unchurched. Learn more about our guests:
Luis Biazotta/Adventist Community Services
Instagram: @nad_acs Shawn Brace
Instagram: @shawnbrace
YouTube: @newenglandpastor Source:
After Life, After Death: What Happens When We Die?
What happens when we die? It’s probably one of the biggest questions ever asked. Do good people go to Heaven? Will bad people burn in Hell forever? Or am I just going to disappear into oblivion? The truth is, most people are confused about what happens when we die. Some Christian denominations claim that people are reborn after death, while others think that we pass through a realm called purgatory when we die. Atheists even believe that nothing happens at all and that we cease to exist. Scary thought, isn’t it? But the Bible has a different answer to the issue of death. Join Pastor Chris Holland as he reveals what the Bible has to say about life after death. Learn about immortality, living souls and the second coming of Jesus. What really happens when we die? Watch Episode 10 of Unlocking Bible Prophecies: Digging Deeper to find out the answer. MEET THE HOST:
Pastor Chris Holland is a pastor, teacher and international speaker for Adventist World Radio. Over the course of 20 years of ministry, Chris has had the opportunity to serve in various capacities, including as Speaker/Director for It Is Written Canada. Chris has been involved in media ministry since his early undergraduate years in college where he was involved with both television and radio programs. It is his sincere desire to know Jesus more and to utilize the many media outlets to preach and teach God’s word with power. Since their marriage in 1996, Chris and his wife Debbie have served the Lord together and strive to do all that they can to fulfill His commission to take the Gospel to the “ends of the earth”. ABOUT ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO:
For 50 years, Adventist World Radio has transmitted uplifting, Bible-based content around the world. In addition to programs being available online, the ministry’s non-internet broadcasts (shortwave, AM/FM, DAB, Radio 2.0) can be heard by three-quarters of the world’s population. Local content producers come from the same cultural groups as their listeners, creating contextualized programs that are unique to each region. To learn more about Adventist World Radio and its 50 years of history, visit #WhatHappensWhenWeDie #Afterlife #UBP Source:
A Look At The Marvelous African History Of The Adventist Church
African history stores one of the most colorful narratives in the world. Local church members are ecstatic to share their God-wrought tales. African Church: A humble beginning
It was not Seventh-day Adventists who first sowed the seeds of the gospel in West-Central Africa. God was already working in the region before the official missionaries came in 1882. There were already 30 believers who welcomed God's workers! It started with a simple conversation and some tracts. And with the work of the Holy Spirit, the truth began in two continents – Africa and Australia! Know more about this missionary in this 10th episode of Adventist history podcast. African Mission: A spirit of sacrifice
A vice president of the General Conference once said, "West Africa is a white man's grave." Why did he say so? Know the moving and challenging stories of Adventist missionaries in the region. Oh, how their sacrifices are not in vain! Adventist universities in Africa: Beacons of light
West Africa houses several of the educational institutions of the global church. One of the most prominent is Babcock University. In 2017, the University became the world's most extensive Adventist system of higher learning. Its phenomenal growth did not occur by accident. Fervent prayers, networking, planning, stewardship, and fundraising filled its development. Check more about this prestigious and faith-filled University here:|university African churches: God's emissaries
"Knowing our history is a must for anybody who wants to work for God," says Dr. Ajibade. Join the ESDA editors, Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac, with Dr. Onaolapo Ajibade, regional editor for West-Central Africa. Let's find out why ESDA is the online Acts of the Apostles. Next on deck… Craving for more plot twists? Join us in our next video podcast. Suppose you missed the previous video podcast episodes, no need to worry! Check the playlist at or visit Source:
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