There is a lot of misinformation about Covid-19. This is especially true for natural remedies as doctors are also confused. Dr Lela Lewis and Dr Zeno Marcel answer your questions in this episode of Level Up. Learn more about LEVEL UP and our recent symposiums at MEET THE HOST
Dr. Lela Lewis, MD, MPH, is the medical director of AWR360° Health. She conducts free medical clinics across the globe, and also serves as the president of Your Best Pathway to Health, leading a team that provides free medical clinics across the United States. She is an obstetrics and gynecology specialist in Arizona and has more than 19 years of experience in the medical field. She is a graduate of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. MEET OUR GUESTS
Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel currently serves as vice president of medical affairs at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He is board certified in internal medicine, with a further qualification in geriatric medicine. His professional activities range from clinical preventive medicine to critical care practice, hospital administration, community health, medical education and research. He is currently the vice president for medical affairs at Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Health & Healing, and holds academic appointments at both Montemorelos and Loma Linda University. #AWRLevelUp #Charcoal #Covid19 Source:
Sabbath School: How to Help People in Need as Jesus Helped Them
As people saw Jesus' genuine concern for the sick and the needy, they opened up to the #spiritual truths that He taught. #Jesus recognized that the world needed a demonstration of the #gospel as much as it needed its proclamation. “Only Jesus’ way will give us true success in reaching people. The #Savior spent time with people. He wanted what was best for them. He was kind to them. He took care of their needs. He won their hearts. Then He told them, ‘Follow Me.’ ”—Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, page 143, adapted. Jesus saw that people on this earth needed to see the Good News in action, not just hear people talk about it. When we live the way Jesus did, our lives will show #Bible truth. Our lives will give power to our words about Jesus. Sabbath School Lesson 8: Source:
Know Why Marriage Is So Important – with Willie and Elaine Oliver
More and more, people have decided to forgo marriage in favor of cohabitation. The “celebrities” in our culture treat marriage with disregard—going in and out of them like the commitment doesn’t matter. Why is marriage so important? Why do we put such a high importance on marriage today? Joining us for this week’s episode of ANN In-Depth are Willie and Elaine Oliver. The Olivers are the Directors of the Department of Family Ministries for the General Conference. Willie and Elaine have been married for 36 years and are the parents of two adult children. Elaine Oliver is a licensed clinical mental health counselor and a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. She holds Master's degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Counseling Psychology, and Higher and Adult Education; and a BS in business administration and accounting. An ordained minister, Willie Oliver is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology with concentrations in Gender and Family and Social Stratification; an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling; an M.A. in Sociology; and a BA in Theology. Learn more about the Family Ministries Department Website:
Twitter: Learn more about our guests on their social media pages
Elaine Oliver Twitter:
Willie Oliver Twitter: Source:
Why Is Marriage So Important? – with Willie and Elaine Oliver
More and more, people have decided to forgo marriage in favor of cohabitation. The “celebrities” in our culture treat marriage with disregard—going in and out of them like the commitment doesn’t matter. Why is marriage so important? Why do we put such a high importance on marriage today? Joining us for this week’s episode of ANN In-Depth are Willie and Elaine Oliver. The Olivers are the Directors of the Department of Family Ministries for the General Conference. Willie and Elaine have been married for 36 years and are the parents of two adult children. Elaine Oliver is a licensed clinical mental health counselor and a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. She holds Master's degrees in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Counseling Psychology, and Higher and Adult Education; and a BS in business administration and accounting. An ordained minister, Willie Oliver is a Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) by the National Council on Family Relations. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology with concentrations in Gender and Family and Social Stratification; an M.A. in Pastoral Counseling; an M.A. in Sociology; and a BA in Theology. Learn more about the Family Ministries Department Website:
Twitter: Learn more about our guests on their social media pages
Elaine Oliver Twitter:
Willie Oliver Twitter: Source:
Pr Wilson: Reaching People for God Through the Power of the Bible
In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will share some amazing ways that you can reach people for God! Let your light shine for Him! For the past several months, life has been very challenging as the world has been dealing with a global pandemic. However, in spite of the limitations this has placed upon us as individuals, and on the normal way we do many things as a Church, the Lord has given His Church, His people, creativity and ingenuity in finding ways to carry on with His mission, in spite of the limitations we have faced! Many of those new and innovative ways have involved creative use of the internet—providing virtual camp meetings, online Sabbath school and church services, Weeks of Prayer, Vacation Bible Schools, youth meetings, and even virtual summer camps! There have also been several evangelistic meetings that have taken place completely online. We praise God that hundreds of people have been baptized as a result of these efforts!
While you may not have had the opportunity to be a virtual Bible worker, we all have God-given opportunities to reach out to others, sharing the message that gives us hope and courage. It might be through social media, messaging, or some other electronic means, or perhaps through a phone call, or even an old-fashioned handwritten letter—if our hearts are open to God’s leading, He will show us, even with today’s challenges, how to reach others for Him.
God is going to use each of us in amazing ways, giving opportunities to answer many questions that the world has no satisfying response—“What is this crisis all about?” “What does the future hold?” “Why do you have a happy, peaceful look on your face? Do you know something I don’t know?” People want answers—not only from reading the Bible by themselves—they want to hear it from you! They want to hear your testimony, your experience of being connected to the Source of all truth and power— Jesus Christ!
Connection with Jesus is key. In order to reach people—encouraging them, bringing them truth and hope, you and I must first connect daily with Jesus—through Bible study, through prayer, through reading the Spirit of Prophecy, and by following His example in reaching out to others. And as we connect with Jesus, He will give us wisdom, courage, and guidance in how best to let our light shine for Him. And I believe time is of the essence, while people are still pondering the deep questions resulting from this global pandemic. God is calling you and me, depending on us to reach others for Him! May God use you today, and in the coming days, to reach as many as possible for Him—reflecting His love and care and sharing the good news that He is coming very, very soon! Source:
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