Mission Stories are not mere tales for entertainment and information. They serve as fountains of values and lessons. Preserving them, though, is quite a challenge. The online Encyclopedia of the Seventh-day Adventists (ESDA) does excellent work in researching. It is a cutting-edge tool and technology for essential details management. The future will surely benefit from this. Keeping church records the shorthand way
Who can take down notes of about 200 spoken words per minute? That's like catching bullets fired from a rifle! Have you ever heard of this tagline: To save time is to lengthen life? It is actually from Remington Typewriter Company. A subway rapid transit in Boston in 1912 used that slogan as an advertisement. Interestingly, early Adventist reporters had this line in one of their antique photographs. They were stenographers. Shorthand reporters can write at a fast speed with maintained accuracy. Even our church pioneers like Uriah Smith and J.H. Waggoner had to learn phonography transcription. The early church needed this art for reporting and preserving speeches, lectures, and sermons. Until today, there are hundreds of Adventist's writings still waiting for transcription. To learn more how phonography helped the Seventh-day Adventist documentary, check this out: https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=EA5L&highlight=shorthand Research methods for aspiring authors
Thorough historical research is relevant, especially for prospect authors and contributors for ESDA. Library and office visits may be necessary. Oral stories are also important. With the pandemic crisis going on, though, online references are more helpful. The Seventh-day Adventist church cares about information so much. The church offers many online resources such as yearbooks, archives, and digital libraries. The new online encyclopedia outlines practical guidelines for aspiring writers here: https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/author-materials Struggles and success stories appear alive
Learn more fascinating missionary stories from this Adventist history podcast. Dr. Lisa Diller is back to share with us about her dad's great aunt, who served in the High Andes Mountains. She will also relate her ongoing project research about Mountainview Conference. Kevin Burton, coordinator of ESDA will also join us. He'll share an exciting story about a generous architect. Let's explore this episode filled with fun, facts, and values, with the editors of ESDA, Dr. David Trim, and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac. Next on deck… Be excited about the more colorful success and struggle stories of missionaries and how they shaped the Adventist church's history. See you again! Suppose you missed the previous video podcast episodes, no need to worry! Check the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-k2Gb-DBYo-_LOrS0obIEGcCOTQgdvGa or visit http://adventistarchives.org/. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqFV98qD09Q
Pr Wilson: How to be an Innovator for God Through Bible Principles
In this video, Pastor Ted #Wilson shares a special message on being an #innovator. Over the years, many books have been written, seminars given, and papers presented suggesting new and exciting ways of reaching people for #Christ. Innovation can be good, bringing life and new energy into soul winning. To be effective, however, it needs to be based on clear #Bible principles, principles upon which heaven can approve.
“Innovation,” according to one definition, is “a new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in form of device or method.”[i] To be innovative is to be creative. God Himself is the Ultimate Innovator!
Throughout history, God has continually used innovative methods to accomplish His purposes. But the height of innovation—a Baby, placed in a humble manger, later nailed to a cross to save a race—the human race—that did not know Him. the “new birth” offered through God’s innovative plan, God promises to give us power to become sons and daughters of God. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised His disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit, promising them power to be His witnesses “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Once this gift was received, Christ’s followers turned “the world upside down.”
Today God still works through innovative means—sometimes in spectacular ways, but often through very simple methods—a knock on the door, a genuine smile, a healing touch, a warm meal, a caring message, an interesting Bible study, a deep conversation, a listening ear—God’s means are limitless, the only limit He has is our willingness to go—to be His hands, His feet.
As we move forward in faith, God, the great Innovator, will open doors, showing us His best ways of reaching the world at this time. When we surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there is no limit to what God can and will do through His Church and through you in Total Member Involvement right now. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB_4dHYxnkQ
Know How to Use Digital Evangelism to Reach People in Need
People are searching for #God now more than ever. 80% of Americans say they have prayed for the #coronavirus to end. How are we reaching them? Can we do podcasts, have #Bible Studies online, make sure we’re available through our local churches. How can we be a #Church that responds digitally to the needs of people who are now, more than ever, reaching out to find hope and #Jesus? Join us in this newest #ANN In-Depth episode to learn how you can use digital #evangelism to reach people in need. For this episode, we are joined by some amazing guests: Rachel Aitken, Dustin Pestlin, and Kendra Arsenault. Rachel is a Digital Discipleship Strategist for Adventist Media for the South Pacific Division. Dustin is an evangelist and the founder and president of Hope Through Prophecy, a media #ministry sharing the gospel with the world. Kendra is the Creative Director for Advent Next. Find out more about our guests: Rachel Aitken
Website: www.raisays.com Dustin Pestlin/Hope Through Prophecy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HopeThroughProphecy/
YouTube: @Hope Through Prophecy Instagram: @hopethroughprophecy Kendra Arsenault/Advent Next
Website: https://www.adventnext.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdventNext
YouTube: @Advent Next Theological Podcast Instagram: @adventnext Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXlYVgZPsug
Heaven Revealed: What the Bible Really Says About Your Future Home.
Have you ever stared into a sunset and marveled at its beauty? Or perhaps gazed at the stars on a bright, moonlit night? At some point in your life, you may have asked yourself how Heaven would compare, or how life in Heaven might be. Today, Christians and non-Christians alike find themselves wondering what Heaven might look like if it were real and how people would spend eternity if they ever were to go to Heaven. Some claim that Heaven is nothing more than a sea of clouds with frolicking angels, while others still believe that Heaven’s grandeur is impossible to comprehend. But did you know that the Bible goes into great detail about what Heaven will look like, as well as what it holds for us? Watch Pastor Chris Holland unravel the biblical account of Heaven in Episode 8 of Unlocking Bible Prophecies: Digging Deeper! MEET THE HOST:
Pastor Chris Holland is a pastor, teacher and international speaker for Adventist World Radio. Over the course of 20 years of ministry, Chris has had the opportunity to serve in various capacities, including as speaker/director for It Is Written Canada. Chris has been involved in media ministry since his early undergraduate years in college where he was involved with both television and radio programs. It is his sincere desire to know Jesus more and to utilize the many media outlets to preach and teach God’s word with power. Since their marriage in 1996, Chris and his wife Debbie have served the Lord together and strive to do all that they can to fulfill His commission to take the Gospel to the “ends of the earth”. ABOUT ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO:
For 50 years Adventist World Radio has transmitted uplifting, Bible-based content around the world. In addition to programs being available online, the ministry’s non-internet broadcasts (shortwave, AM/FM, DAB, Radio 2.0) can be heard by three-quarters of the world’s population. Local content producers come from the same cultural groups as their listeners, creating contextualized programs that are unique to each region. To learn more about Adventist World Radio and its 50 years of history, visit awr.org. #Heaven #NewJerusalem #UBP Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFVBmj4IFUM
Take A Peek At The Adventist Church Growth In Europe
Let us explore the history of the Adventist Church in Europe. In 2019, the region marked its 90th anniversary. There are many tales about its expansions. Here is a sneak peek: Trans-European Division: A multi-cultural entity
Known first as the Northern European Division, TED has experienced several restructuring. From Scandinavian and British Isles, it now includes 22 countries. These countries represent 14 administrative regions based on language and culture. Amid rampant secularized outlook in the continent, TED is rich with values. Adventist institutions keep influencing and witnessing in many communities. Fascinating missionary stories are teeming in the division. Let us get to know some of them. A compelling story of church growth in the islands
In 1893, a Norwegian missionary brought the Adventist faith to the Faroe Islands. But, it is only in 1915 that baptism occurred. From then on, baptized members kept increasing. They named their first church Bethel. They became witnesses to their neighbors. Imagine how Adventist fishers from the Faroes introduced their faith in Greenland. And that happened before Greenland opened its doors to Christianity! Wondering how? Through literature. Written works have always been an important tool in spreading the Message. Read more here:
https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=FCSA Spreading Adventist stories
In the Faroe Islands, colporteurs sowed the seeds. A young man was one of them. His fiancee broke their engagement when he accepted the Advent message. Though prone to seasickness, he defied the rough seas. Then he visited every island and shared his books in every home. He befriended the people, and even slept, and ate at their homes. His bestselling books are the children's books, 'Bedtime Stories', and 'My Bible Friends.' He stayed in the Islands for 45 years. By God's grace, he won and opened doors and hearts everywhere. Discover more about this Adventist missionary here:
https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/article?id=FHY5&highlight=ib|jensen European authors and the online encyclopedia
In this video podcast episode, we'll learn about the roles of our local church authors. We'll also hear stories of miracles in the Trans-European Division. Dr. Audrey Andersson shares how she has seen God's hand in Newbold College. She serves as a consultant editor for the online Adventist encyclopedia in TED. Let us also learn how diversity and interconnectivity play an important role in ESDA. Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac will lead us on this tour. Next on deck… Yearning for more inspiring and exciting mission stories? How about learning more effective research methods? Join us in our next heart-to-heart video podcast. Suppose you missed the previous episodes, no need to worry! Check the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-k2Gb-DBYo-_LOrS0obIEGcCOTQgdvGa or visit http://adventistarchives.org/. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vMWhaP1ndE
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