In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will talk about an especially important question—What is the very important #mission #God has called us, as His #Church, to carry out during these distressing and tumultuous #end-times? Seventh-day #Adventists have been called for a special work—to lift up #Christ and His Word, His righteousness, His sanctuary message, His health message, His saving power in the gospel, His Three Angels’ messages, and His soon coming. We are to assist in the work of the Holy Spirit, pointing people to the cross of Christ and His intercession for us in the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. And we are to do this in a very practical, spiritual way as #Jesus did—touching people’s lives directly. Christ’s #ministry was a very balanced ministry—helping in a temporal sense—alleviating suffering where He could, but always with eternal, spiritual results in mind. He came to relieve not literal captives, but those who were captives of Satan. He offered spiritual release from sinful bondage. Today, there are so many captives to sin—immorality abounds, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco hold many in a slavish grasp. Pornography, anger, hatred, bigotry and more bind people in sin and sorrow. But, praise God, Jesus came to set people free from Satan’s bondage, and today He works through us as we lovingly help others as Jesus did. Christ came to open eyes, not only of those who were physically blind, but those who were spiritually blind. He came to set at liberty those who were oppressed, those “bruised” spiritually—those who were discouraged, feeling hopeless and helpless. God calls us to reach out to such individuals today with hope and healing, pointing them to the Savior who alone can heal, and who alone can transform hearts. As we reach out to a hurting world, ministering to the many needs today, let us, as Jesus did, always keep the eternal in view, realizing that only He can regenerate the heart. Source:
How Can We Encourage Our Leaders in the Church?
What makes a good #leader? How can we be good leaders and how can we support good leaders? What #leadership principles can we learn from the life of #Jesus? These are just a few of the questions Pastor’s Ivan Williams and Benjamin Lundquist answer during this week's episode of #ANN In-Depth: How Can We Encourage Our Leaders in the #Church? This episode is based on the “Reach the World: I Will Go” Leadership Objective #8: To strengthen the discipleship role of pastors, teachers, and other frontline workers and provide them with regular growth opportunities. In addition to being pastors, our guests serve in other roles. Ivan is the Director of the Ministerial Association for the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Benjamin is a motivational speaker and leadership consultant. Learn more about our guests: Benjamin Lundquist’s Ministry:
Instagram: @benjaminlundquist Podcast: Ivan Williams: Source:
Good and Evil: Where Will You Stand on Judgment Day? | Pastor Chris Holland
Humanity has tackled the issue of good and evil for thousands of years. Many of us wonder, am I really a good person? If the judgment day is coming soon, what will be said of you? In the same way that we judge whether or not something is good or bad, the Bible speaks of Jesus who will cast ultimate judgment between good and evil when He returns. But how do we end up on the right side? Watch Episode 7 of Unlocking Bible Prophecies: Digging Deeper, where Pastor Chris Holland seeks biblical answers to this very critical question. MEET THE HOST:
Pastor Chris Holland is a pastor, teacher, and international speaker for Adventist World Radio. Over the course of 20 years of ministry, Chris has had the opportunity to serve in various capacities, including as Speaker/Director for It Is Written Canada. Chris has been involved in media ministry since his early undergraduate years in college where he was involved with both television and radio programs. It is his sincere desire to know Jesus more and to utilize the many media outlets to preach and teach God’s Word with power. Since their marriage in 1996, Chris and his wife Debbie have served the Lord together and strive to do all that they can to fulfill His commission to take the gospel to the “ends of the earth”. ABOUT ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO:
For 50 years, Adventist World Radio has transmitted uplifting, Bible-based content around the world. In addition to programs being available online, the ministry’s non-internet broadcasts (shortwave, AM/FM, DAB, Radio 2.0) can be heard by three-quarters of the world’s population. Local content producers come from the same cultural groups as their listeners, creating contextualized programs that are unique to each region. To learn more about Adventist World Radio and its 50 years of history, visit #GoodandEvil #JudgmentDay #UBP Source:
Recognizing the Astounding Contributions of Our Adventist Missionaries
There is a lot to discover about Adventist missionaries. This time, we will talk about the Inter-European Division. This place was the area of the denomination’s first overseas mission. ESDA and the European Division
A wide range of individuals from the European Division helped in the making of the online Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists. Up to this time, they are in the process of sharing Christian stories that are not well known to everyone. Indeed, ESDA is a game-changer. It has authors from different ethnicities and various regions. Its contents are increasing in number. The real missionaries
When one looks closely at the articles, the bottom line is that everyone is a missionary. Christian missionaries are not only those who cross the seas and countries. This is what scholars found out in their historiography. (Historiography is the study of the methods of historians in developing history.) Tales of the amphibian missionaries
In this episode, Dr. Stefan Höschele and Dr. Chigemezi Wogu share some of the moving and surprising tales like Who are the amphibian missionaries? Why did an 18-year old man leave the comforts of his home, choose to be a stranger, and translate the Old Testament? Who was the first president of the German Adventist mission? Yes, ESDA offers many touching mission stories. Sadly, some have died in the fields. Others lost loved ones along the way. Many of them have sacrificed their lives. All these shaped the history of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Know their life stories here: Like those mission workers, ESDA is crossing cultures and connecting cultures. Learn more from this episode on “Recognizing The Astounding Contributions Of Our Adventist Missionaries,” hosted by the editors of ESDA, Dr. David Trim, and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac as they interview Dr. Stefan Höschele, editor of Inter-European Division and Dr. Chigemezi Wogu, research assistant of Inter-European Division. If you missed the previous video podcast episodes, no need to worry! Check the playlist at or visit Source:
Can Proper Nutrition Combat COVID-19?
More and more frequently, we are coming to see the deep impact of COVID-19 on the body and on society. There is much to be said about comorbidities and their impacts on the different stages of the virus in our bodies. How does nutrition make an impact on COVID-19?
Interestingly, we see the importance of supporting our diet in light of the three phases of COVID-19. Understanding these phases and what is going on in the body will be key to knowing how to nourish and nurture the body, and restore a good state of health—not just in regard to the virus, but also with other lifestyle diseases prominent in today’s society. Come join us for LEVEL UP Episode 8 with host Dr. Lela Lewis and guests Pastor Mark Finley, Dr. David De Rose, and Dr. Roger Seheult. We look forward to going deeper into a fuller understanding of how mindful, science-based, plant-based eating can support you and those you love in a time of confusion and uncertainty.
Learn more about LEVEL UP and our recent symposiums at MEET THE HOST
Dr. Lela Lewis, MD, MPH, is the medical director of AWR360° Health. She conducts free medical clinics across the globe, and also serves as the president of Your Best Pathway to Health, leading a team that provides free medical clinics across the United States. She is an Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist in Arizona and has more than 19 years of experience in the medical field. She is a graduate of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine. MEET OUR GUESTS
Pastor Mark Finley is a former speaker/director for It Is Written and a retired General Conference vice president. He is still active as an evangelist and has presented more than 150 evangelistic series in more than 80 countries, as well as 17 NET series broadcast throughout the world. He presents regularly at conventions, field schools, and evangelism institutes, and appears on the Hope Channel’s series, Experience Hope. Dr. David DeRose is a board-certified specialist in both Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine. In addition to providing patient care for over 25 years, Dr. DeRose is a syndicated radio host, popular lecturer, and published medical researcher. He is the author of two bestselling books, The Methuselah Factor and Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control. Dr. Roger Seheult is currently an associate clinical professor at the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine, and an assistant clinical professor at the School of Medicine and Allied Health at Loma Linda University. He is a pulmonologist and sleep physician at Beaver Medical Group and cofounder and lecturer of MedCram. His passion is "demystifying" medical concepts to students. #AWRLevelUp #Nutrition #HealthyFoodHabits Source:
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