When #Jesus commanded the early believers to “Go into all the world and preach the #gospel”, it must have seemed like an impossible #mission. How can they do it? They are only a small group. They have very little money. Most of them do not have an education. They are only ordinary people. But they have a #God who is more than ordinary. He can give them the power to do the impossible! Jesus says, “ ‘But you will receive [get] power when the Holy #Spirit comes on you. Then you will tell people about me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria. And you will even tell other people about me from one end [part] of the earth to the other [part]’ ” (Acts 1:8, NIrV). The Holy Spirit will help them to share the message about the #Cross. Then Jesus’ followers will #preach with power. Their message will change lives. Paul tells us that the Good News was “told to everyone on earth” (Colossians 1:23, ERV). In this week’s lesson, we will look at the work that the Holy Spirit does to make us powerful witnesses for Jesus. Sabbath School Lesson 5: https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2020:3Q:ER:PDFs:ERQ320_05.pdf Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dpxgkfrbdgs
Interesting Facts about Christian Stewardship
Have you ever dreamt of early retirement? A time when you can cast all your labors aside and just relax for the remainder of your days? You aren’t alone. But when Jesus returns, that is precisely the reward that He promises to give us — the privilege of eternity with Him. So what should we be doing before that time? If Jesus’ death on the cross was a full payment for our sins, do we really need to be doing anything? At this very moment, there are people around the world who are simply waiting for Jesus to return. But while they wait around for Jesus, others insist that there is still work left to do. How exactly did Christ intend for us to wait for Him? Watch Episode 6 of Unlocking Bible Prophecies: Digging Deeper, where Pastor Chris Holland talks about faithful stewardship and the reward of Christian responsibility. MEET THE HOST:
Pastor Chris Holland is a pastor, teacher, and international speaker for Adventist World Radio. Over the course of 20 years of ministry, Chris has had the opportunity to serve in various capacities, including as Speaker/Director for It Is Written Canada. Chris has been involved in media ministry since his early undergraduate years in college where he was involved with both television and radio programs. It is his sincere desire to know Jesus more and to utilize the many media outlets to preach and teach God’s Word with power. Since their marriage in 1996, Chris and his wife Debbie have served the Lord together and strive to do all that they can to fulfill His commission to take the Gospel to the “ends of the earth”. ABOUT ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO:
For 50 years, Adventist World Radio has transmitted uplifting, Bible-based content around the world. In addition to programs being available online, the ministry’s non-internet broadcasts (shortwave, AM/FM, DAB, Radio 2.0) can be heard by three-quarters of the world’s population. Local content producers come from the same cultural groups as their listeners, creating contextualized programs that are unique to each region. To learn more about Adventist World Radio and its 50 years of history, visit awr.org. #Stewardship #ParableofTalents #UBP Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLK4Af_1zc4
Adventist Health Ministry – Breaking All Boundaries Throughout History
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a lot of stories to tell which most of us don’t know or haven’t heard of. Most are the untold stories of the hardships of our brothers and sisters in the face of injustice. How well do we know and what is the price they had to pay for the mission? In this episode, let’s learn about African-American history particularly the health ministry. Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac together with Dr. Ella Simmons emphasizing serving and preaching the truth to many regardless of cultural diversity. Discrimination Faced by People of Color Since then, most of us know of the unfair treatment experienced by people of color. Dr. Simmons explained why the struggle was real. How oppression took its toll on the mission. But the good news is that even against those hardships, our brothers and sisters in Christ had fought for their rights making their way through racial issues and stereotypes which then led to a great change in the church's history. What it takes to become a Medical Missionary Through baby steps and bravery, they helped despite the discrimination against them. Medical missionaries, as we call them, made witnessing and caring for others go hand in hand. Such wonderful stories paved the way in making the Adventist health ministry to what it is today. Listen to this latest episode of a video podcast where Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac (ESDA Editors) will interview Dr. Ella Simmons, General Vice President of Seventh-day Adventist Church. They will discuss the challenges met by the African-American Church; Fighting for their rights to serve others through health ministry. Her inspiring stories and articles are available online. You can find it here:https://encyclopedia.adventist.org/ Next on deck…
Don’t forget to join us also on our next episode of the Adventist history podcast entitled “Recognizing the Astounding Contributions of our Adventist Missionaries.” If you missed the previous video podcast episodes, no need to worry! Check the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-k2Gb-DBYo-_LOrS0obIEGcCOTQgdvGa or visit http://adventistarchives.org/. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4lP_iG4hlc
Pr Ted Wilson: Is Your Church Friendly and Supportive of the Children?
Did you know that this #Sabbath has been designated worldwide as “#Children’s Sabbath”? Pastor Ted #Wilson share this part of the Seventh-day #Adventist Special Emphasis Days and Events calendar, which you can find here: gc.adventist.org/events/special-days/ “Children are the heritage of the Lord,” we read in Psalm 127:3. And how true this is, in the family and in the Church! What could be more important than our precious children? Is your church friendly and supportive of the children and #youth? Do you take a personal interest in them? Do you know them by name? Have you shown them the love of #Jesus in the way you listen to them, showing that you care, encouraging them in their spiritual life? Sabbath School teachers, Children’s Ministries leaders, Pathfinder and Advent Youth leaders have a vital role in leading children and youth to Jesus, encouraging them to make Jesus their Best Friend and to share His love with others! But it’s not just up to these leaders, as important as they are. Let’s remember that the children and youth are watching us—you and me—to see how we live our faith. To see what kind of difference Jesus makes in our lives. Through His power, let’s let our lights shine brightly as we joyfully lead the young to Him! Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc8nyygDITM
How to Make the Sabbath Special During Coronavirus
In this time, people are missing #worshiping together. During #Covid-19 — Monday turns into Tuesday and so on and so on. That includes #Sabbath. How can we make Sabbath #special during this time? How can we “set it apart” when every day feels the same? For this new episode of ANN In-Depth, we're joined by Garrison Hayes and Adrian Webster. Garrison is a Young Adult Pastor for the Potomac Conference. Adrian is a Pastor at the North New Zealand Conference. Learn more about our guests! Garrison Hayes
Instagram: @garrisonh To watch Garrison’s sermon on the Sabbath, visit: Website: cpcsda.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cpcsda
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cpcsda
Instagram: @cpcsda Adrian Webster: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WebsterAdrianSEED/featured
Website: https://seed.kiwi.nz/ Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEGoD1M1ukM
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