In #Daniel 9, we read one of the most beautiful prayers in the #Bible. Daniel prays when times are hard. Prayer helps Daniel meet the problems that come his way. Remember when King #Nebuchadnezzar is about to kill Daniel and his friends because none of the king’s wise men can explain the king’s dream (Daniel 2)? What does Daniel do? He prays. Later, King #Darius makes a law that says no one can pray to anyone but the king. What does Daniel do again? He continues to pray. As he prays, his face is turned to Jerusalem (Daniel 6). As we think about the prayer in Daniel 9, let us remember something. Daniel cannot stop thinking about the 2,300 days in Daniel 8. Yes, Daniel understands most of the dream. But he cannot understand when the time message starts or ends in history. “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings. Then the temple will be made holy again” (Daniel 8:14, NIrV). Then in chapter 9, an angel gives Daniel more information about the 2,300 days. As before, Daniel prays. Then understanding comes to Daniel in answer to his #prayer. Sabbath School Lesson 10: Source:
What happens when you die?
One of the most common questions ever asked is, “What happens when you die?” Many wonder about family members and loved ones who have passed away, do they go to heaven? Are they reincarnated? Where are they? How can you know for sure? One may have near death experiences and it seems as though in those moments their heart stopped and that same question, like a white light, flashes before their eyes. Don’t let these questions trouble you anymore, join Cami Oetman as she presents, The Grave, and know the truth about death. Tune-in @ Source:
Sabbath School Lesson: The Bible and #Prophecy
#Bible prophecies are special messages about what will happen in the future. These prophecies are very important to us as Seventh-day Adventists. They show who we are and the work that God gave us to do. #Prophecy also is proof that the Bible is true. As Jesus says, “ ‘I have told you this now, before it happens. Then when it happens, you will believe’ ” (John 14:29, ERV; read also John 13:19). We must ask: How do we know when a prophecy has come true? We will use the historicist view to help us to understand prophecy and when it comes true. The historicist view helps us see that prophecy shows us history before it happens. It shows that prophecy starts in the past and continues until #God sets up His everlasting kingdom. Both #Daniel and John use the historicist view to help them to understand prophecy. This week, we will study how we can use the historicist view to understand prophecy. “History shows us how prophecy has come true. History shows us how God led the important work for religious changes. History helps us to understand how what is happening on this earth will lead to the final fight in the worldwide war between God and Satan.”—Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, volume 8, page 307, adapted. Sabbath School Lesson 11: Source:
#DearCoronavirus: What More Can We Say?
What more is there to say? Across Europe and in some other parts of the world, the incidence of #COVID-19 is reducing. It is still there, but people are seeking ways to move on. Schools, shops and workplaces are reopening, people are even talking about the possibility of a summer holiday. At the same time, we recognize that in the Americas and in parts of Africa this is still a growing issue and that even in Europe there is a fear of a ‘second wave’. This is not a story that will go away soon. So – what more is there to say? There is nothing new to say. COVID-19 came to change the world, but we are the ones who changed! Please download the high-resolution version of this video TO PUBLISH ON YOUR OWN CHANNELS. We believe this video will have a profound impact on the world if we all publish it and promote it. Here is the link to the original files: Source:
A Special Message of Mercy from Pastor Ted Wilson
How can we show mercy to others and do what is right? This has been a very challenging and difficult time with racist and prejudiced situations, COVID-19 suffering all across this globe, economic upheaval, unemployment, and so many other challenges all across this planet. Through all of this, God calls us to be his hands and his feet to bring healing and hope to those around us. We don't always do what is right. The Lord says to love mercy. God shows mercy to us. We need to show mercy to other people and to help them in their time of need and to. Be concerned about them and to help them in a very special way. We need to walk humbly with your God. This is an opportunity for us to share Christ and to serve him with humility, to show value to every human being, to show value to human dignity and to bring Christ to people being his hands and his feet, showing healing and hope. Hope is so important and it is so needed today. Source:
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