Many are asking the questions, “Does it really matter which church you attend? Aren’t they all the same? If God does have a true church, what does that entail?“ Numerous churches in Protestantism today are claiming to have the truth and demanding the attention of Christians; now, more than ever, is the time to know for certain what the Bible says regarding God’s truth about the remnant. Take a sneak peek here, and tune-in to watch "The Remnant" at Source:
How Can We Make #Mission a Way of Life?
As Seventh-day #Adventist's, the concept of worldwide #mission and sacrifice for mission should be a way of life. This involves not only pastors but every church member, young and old, in the joy of witnessing for #Christ and making disciples. In this episode of #ANN In-Depth, you'll learn how you can make mission a way of life for yourself. You'll also learn about the church's 'I Will Go' initiative as well as more about 'Total Member Involvement'. This week we are joined by Gary Krause, Director of Adventist Mission for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Elmer Barbosa, Country Director for Maranatha Peru. Maranatha Volunteers International is a non-profit organization that coordinates construction of urgently needed buildings with volunteers who desire a short-term mission experience. Learn more about Adventist Mission and Maranatha! Adventist Mission
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Instagram – advmission Maranatha Volunteers International
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@Maranatha Volunteers International Website –
Instagram – gomaranatha Source:
Pastor Ted Wilson: A Special Message on Prophecy and the Sabbath
What does the book of Daniel tell us about the #Sabbath? What can we learn from these #prophecies? #Daniel reminds us that Jesus is coming soon. #Prophecy tells us exactly that. In this video, we will look through Daniel chapter 2 and chapter 7. In Daniel chapter 7, we find some amazing aspects that are very similar to Daniel chapter 2. There is a very great attempt to change God's law. The Sabbath is God's seal, His special connection, His understanding for us that he is the Creator that He has authority. The little horn in Daniel will not succeed because God is in control. The official accounts of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church: Source:
How to Study Difficult Verses in the #Bible
Peter says that some parts of Paul’s letters are “hard to understand” (2 Peter 3:16, NKJV). Do you see that Peter does not say that all parts of Paul’s letters are hard to understand? Only some are. We know that also is true about the #Bible. Who has not read a verse that was strange and difficult to understand? For sure, we all have this experience sometimes. This week we will look at the reasons why some verses are difficult to understand. We also will answer the question: What can we do to understand these verses better? In the end, some of our questions may not be answered before #Jesus comes back. At the same time, we must remember that most verses in the Bible are not hard to understand. So, we should not let the small number of difficult verses cause our trust in the Bible to become weak. Remember, we can trust the Bible because it is God’s Word. Sabbath School Lesson 12: Source:
The mark
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev 13:16,17. Source:
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