Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 9 | "Bewitching Spirits" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
08:39 – in Revelation 10 verse 3 and 4, it speaks of 7 Thunders. When will we know what these Thunders say, why were they sealed, and is it related to Daniel 12 verse 9 in any way?
09:49 – What chapter of Revelation are we living in now?
12:05 – Is it ok to sit while praying? Does it matter what position we use while praying?
13:54 – Who created God?
16:26 – Is it wrong for a nurse to work on the Sabbath?
18:50 – Why is the Tribe of Dan not mentioned in Revelation 7 verses 5 through 8?
20:06 – Is the Pandemic apart of the Plagues?
21:10 – Why did Jesus not know the time of His Second Coming?
22:53 – We are commanded in the Bible to love the Lord, but how can love be commanded? Shouldn't love be done voluntarily? 25:46 – Besides the Baptism of Israel when they went through the Red Sea, and before John the Baptist, were the Children of Israel practicing Baptism by immersion?
26:56 – Is Jesus omnipresent?
31:46 – Sermon – "Bewitching Spirits" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy “Cleansing the Sanctuary” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 11 | "Cleansing the Sanctuary" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
07:40 – Are only those who keep the Sabbath going to Heaven?
10:51 – Are we going to stop at a destination before we reach Heaven?
11:32 – In Heaven will children grow up?
12:34 – When these children grow up, will they be able to get married in Heaven?
14:42 – What will we be doing in Heaven and on the New Earth?
16:17 – If I ask Jesus to forgive my sins, and I am forgiven, but then I commit the same sins, then will I be punished for the sins I was just forgiven of?
19:42 – How many symbols are there in Revelation?
21:33 – How do I get rid of bitterness?
23:21 – If God knows where the Ark of the Covenant is, why dent He lead someone to it?
28:07 – Sermon – "Cleansing the Sanctuary" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy “The Wonder of the Word” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 7 | "The Wonder of the Word" | Doug Batchelor 00:00 – Intro
07:17 – Pastor Doug's Testimony
45:58 – Sermon – "Commands of the King" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy: “A Divine Design” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 10 | "A Divine Design" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
07:38 – Can sins committed in our dreams cause us to be lost or be indicative of our lost condition?
09:21 – Can you share some Bible Scripture to help us overcome Temptations?
10:55 – Explanation of 1 Thessalonians 4 verse 14 13:25 – Does it matter if someone is cremated instead of buried?
15:52 – What is the meaning of the North and South Kingdoms, and who do they represent?
17:52 – How many Resurrections are there in Revelation?
18:51 – Who do some people feel that Jesus had a sinful nature, when the Bible says He is sinless?
21:34 – How do we know that the wine that Jesus made at the wedding was grape juice?
25:20 – How do you explain pain and suffering to an Atheist?
28:21 – How do you know the difference between a good angel and a fallen angel?
29:35 – How do I put my trust in what Jesus did for me on the Cross?
31:04 – Will everyone in Heaven agree on everything?
36:27 – Sermon – "A Devine Design" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy: “River of Life” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 12 | "River of Life" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
08:27 – Why does the Temple need cleansing, and what is being cleansed?
10:16 – What was in the Most Holy Place after the Temple was re-built by Ezra and Nehemiah? What represented the Mercy Seat?
11:30 – Please explain Mark 16 verse 18. What was Jesus taking about? 13:22 – What Angel Is God referring to in Exodus 23 verse 20 through 23? Who will guide the Israelite in which way to go, and who has his name in him?
14:34 – Revelation says that the wicked are cast into the Lake of Fire following the Judgement. Is anyone burning in Hell now?
14:59 – What are the best Bible Prophecies for me to share with friends that don't fully believe in the Bible?
17:12 – In Genesis 7 verse 2 and 3, is there 14 clean animals?
19:15 – Are we to daily strive for Holiness? Can one obtain Holiness on this Earth?
20:07 – Please explain why James, the brother of Jesus, is older than Jesus.
21:59 – If there are are two Tribes of Israel that were from Jospehs sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, Wouldn't that make 14 tribes instead of 12?
23:46 – How do we know that the Protestant Bible is the right one compared to the Catholic Bible?
25:20 – Did Job live after or before the Flood?
26:57 – What is the right response if your wife asks you, "How do I look", and unfortunately she doesn't look flattering? Do you lie, or tell the truth?
31:13 – Sermon – "River of Life" Source:
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