Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 16 | "A Woman in the Wilderness" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
06:30 – Is it correct to Tithe on 100% of what is received, or would it be necessary to tithe on the increase?
08:53 – Who wrote the book of Job? How did Job know that Satan and God had a conversation concerning him? Did God tell Job?
09:53 – Do I need to get Baptized before Tithing? Where can I send the money?
11:23 – Should I pay Tithe on the Inheritance gift I received?
12:34 – How can Satan be burned and be ashes in Ezekiel 28, then be alive for the 1000 years and finally be cast to Hell?
13:26 – In Revelation 11 verse 19, It tells us that John saw the Ark of the Covenant in his temple. Is this literal, or is there another meaning?
15:02 – Can intercessory prayer work on behalf of someone who has committed the unpardonable sin?
16:46 – In 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 18, it says to give thanks in all circumstances. Does God expect us to thank Him for all the evil in the world?
19:34 – How can I get closer to Jesus?
21:29 – How can I get over my addiction to smoking and horror movies?
24:46 – As it was written in Revelation 21 verse 1, is it literal that there "is no more Sea"?
30:38 – Sermon – "A Woman in the Wilderness" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy “The Devil’s Dungeon” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 14 | "The Devil's Dungeon" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
05:57 – Did the thief on the cross go to be with Jesus the day he died?
10:00 – In Isaiah 9 verse 6, how can Jesus also be our Everlasting Father?
11:00 – Will Jesus be coming in the East/NorthEast, and will He be seating on His throne as a King or on His white horse?
12:15 – Why does the Bible not record much of Jesus' life in his early years as a youth?
13:55 – How do I share God's love without pushing my Faith on others?
15:56 – Explanation of Luke 16 verses 19 through 31.
20:08 – What does the Bible say about tattoos?
21:14 – What language will we speak in Heaven?
21:48 – Will the people in Sodom and Gomorrah be raised in the Second Resurrection to be burned again?
27:24 – Sermon – "The Final Firestorm" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy “The Final Firestorm” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 13 | "The Final Firestorm" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
06:40 – What is Profession of Faith?
07:21 – Is it necessary for one to get re-baptized, if they never turned away from the Faith, but spent several years away from church and compromising their lifestyle?
08:26 – What will be the role of the Holy Spirit after the Second Coming? Are there Scriptures to support the role of the Holy Spirit in Heaven and the New Earth?
09:34 – What do you do with an old Bible that has fallen apart? How do you dispose of it?
10:32 – What is a good age for a young person to get baptized? 12:51 – Does Jesus have a last name?
14:00 – Who were the two witnesses of Revelation 11?
15:51 – Is it possible to use technology to spread the Gospel around the World where man comes short?
17:27 – Explanation of Isaiah 58 verse 13 and how we should keep the Sabbath.
19:33 – Aren't we filled with the Holy Spirit when we accept Jesus? If not, how should we go about receiving the Holy Spirit, and how will I know when I am filled?
24:49 – Sermon – "The Final Firestorm" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy “Widows of Heaven” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 15 | "Widows of Heaven" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
06:58 – How many people witnessed the accession of Jesus into Heaven, and did He go into the Holy Place or the Most Holy Place?
08:50 – Why did God curse the Serpent? Was the Serpent a knowing participant with Satan, or just at the wrong place at the wrong time?
09:43 – Please explain the phrase: "Many are called, but few are chosen"
12:10 – 2 Peter 2 verse 9 says that the Wicked are reserved under punishment. Doesn't that mean that they are in Purgatory or Hell until Judgment?
16:19 – If the Holy City is 375 miles around, it seems like that is relatively small and not many people will be saved. Is that correct?
17:26 – Can you please share some Bible texts to confirm that people would burn depending on the life that they had, and the sins that they had committed? 18:31 – Why will we judge men and Angels during the Millennium if Jesus has already judged everyone by then?
19:52 – What does it mean when Paul mentions the Letter and Spirit of the Law? What is the meaning in 2 Corinthians 3 verse 6 when it says: "The Letter Kills"
21:40 – Did Joshua conquer Jericho on the Sabbath?
22:50 – What does it mean by "writing the Law in our hearts"?
24:25 – How should a Christian treat a toxic person in their life?
26:30 – Is there a record in the Bible of the 12 Disciples getting Baptized?
27:15 – Can you ask for Forgiveness ahead of time?
32:51 – Sermon – "Windows of Heaven" Source:
Panorama of Prophecy: “Bricks Without Straws” | Doug Batchelor
Panorama of Prophecy: Episode 8 | "Bricks Without Straws" | Doug Batchelor Bible Questions: 00:00 – Intro
10:12 – As to the 7th Plague, what is the great city that is divided into three parts and what do these three parts represent?
11:13 – Is it okay for a Christian to get plastic surgery?
12:20 – If Jesus did not drink wine or strong drink, why would the Pharisees have accused Him of being a glutton and a drunkard?
13:31 – Explanation of how Jesus can keep us from sinning.
16:13 – Who are the Elect in Matthew 24 verse 24?
17:32 – Why did God choose the Israelites as his chosen people?
18:30 – Do you see a correlation between digital currency and Prophecy?
19:26 – I was born with Cerebral Palsy, will God save me?
20:14 – How many Tribes followed after the House of David?
21:22 – Should we watch the series: "The Chosen"?
22:39 – How do we understand the contrast between the Wine of the Wrath of God in Revelation 14 verse 10, and the wine that Jesus drank with His disciples at the Last Supper; which is the wine He tells us to drink in remembrance of Him?
23:55 – Did the Jews kill Jesus and was Pilot a Jew?
25:55 – How do I know if Jesus is now living in my heart?
27:49 – Is it a sin to celebrate Halloween?
31:43 – Sermon – "The Supreme Sacrifice" Source:
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