Versetto introduttivo: Matteo 20:1-16 Meditazione a cura di Lino Rizzi.
Registrato presso la Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del Settimo Giorno Trieste l'11 Gennaio 2025 Source:
3: To Be Pleasing to God — It Is Written — Discussions with the Author

Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, John C. Peckham, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson.”

3: To Be Pleasing to God — Hope Sabbath School Video Discussion
View an in-depth discussion of To Be Pleasing to Goe in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris.
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Il pastore Giuseppe Cupertino riflette sull’importanza di affidarsi a Dio per le necessità quotidiane. 📖 Trova il materiale completo su: Source:
Lesson 3.To Be Pleasing to God | 3.4 Living Stones | THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE | LIVING FAITH
3.4 Living Stones
Pleasing God in Christ
Read Romans 8:1 and 5:8. What do these verses teach us about our position before God?
The verses Romans 8:1 and Romans 5:8 reveal a powerful truth about our position before God: We are free from condemnation and unconditionally loved through Jesus Christ.
Unconditional Love and Grace of God
Romans 5:8 shows that God’s love is not based on our performance or behavior. Christ died for us while we were still sinners—before we could do anything to earn this love. This unconditional grace demonstrates that God does not judge us based on our faults but meets us in His love. His grace is a gift that we cannot earn but can only receive through faith.
Freedom from Condemnation
Romans 8:1 complements this message with the assurance: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” This means that through Jesus, we are freed from all guilt and accusation. Our position before God is no longer characterized by fear of punishment but by acceptance, love, and forgiveness. This freedom grants us inner peace and the assurance that we are fully accepted.
Living Stones – Our New Identity
In connection with the image of “living stones” (cf. 1 Peter 2:5), it becomes clear that as believers, we are part of a spiritual house that God Himself is building. Our position before God is not passive—we are active building blocks in His kingdom. Through His grace, we are empowered to grow in love, righteousness, and faith, and to live out our purpose.
Connection to Daily Life:
This truth has direct implications for our lives:
Self-Acceptance: We can accept ourselves because God has accepted us.
Forgiveness: We can forgive ourselves and others because we have received forgiveness.
Courage to Act: As “living stones,” we are called to actively live out God’s love in the world—through charity, compassion, and justice.
Hope: Even in difficult times, we can know that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
Our position before God is marked by unconditional love, forgiveness, and freedom. We are living stones in God’s construction—called to live, love, and act out of this grace. This knowledge gives us strength, hope, and the courage to align our lives with God’s will.
Read 1 Peter 2:4–6 and compare the text with Hebrews 11:6. What do these say about how we can be pleasing to God?
The verses from 1 Peter 2:4–6 and Hebrews 11:6 together reveal how we can be pleasing to God: through living faith and a close connection with Jesus Christ. Both texts emphasize that our acceptance before God is not based on human effort but entirely on God’s grace and our response in faith.
Faith as the Foundation for God’s Pleasure
Hebrews 11:6 makes it clear: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” God does not seek outward actions but a trusting heart that seeks and acknowledges Him. Faith means accepting God’s existence and goodness and trusting that He turns to us in love. This is the foundation upon which we can please God.
Jesus Christ as the Foundation of Our Faith
1 Peter 2:4–6 describes Jesus as the “living stone” chosen by God, who was rejected by humans. Christ is the foundation upon which we, as “living stones,” build a spiritual house. Only through Him can we offer “spiritual sacrifices” that are pleasing to God. Our works and our lives gain meaning through Jesus Christ and become pleasing in God’s eyes.
Spiritual Sacrifices from a Faithful Heart
These spiritual sacrifices are not outward rituals but a life marked by faith, love, and devotion. This includes prayer, praise, charity, obedience, and living according to God’s will. These sacrifices come from a heart connected to Christ through faith.
God’s Work in Us and Through Us
As emphasized in Hebrews 13:21, God Himself enables us to do what pleases Him. The redemptive work of Christ not only acts externally but transforms our hearts and lives. God shapes us through the Holy Spirit, making us people who can do His will.
Connection to Daily Life:
Living Faith: Our daily lives should be marked by trust in God—in challenges and successes.
Christ as the Foundation: Base our decisions and actions on Christ, not on human standards.
Active Charity: Offering spiritual sacrifices means acting with love, compassion, and justice.
Allow Transformation: Let God work in us to become more like His image.
We do not please God through our own efforts but through a living faith that connects us with Jesus Christ. He is the foundation on which our lives stand, and through Him, we can offer spiritual sacrifices that honor God. God Himself empowers us to do His will and shapes us in His image.
Why is the idea that Christ mediates for you in heaven very encouraging?
The idea that Christ mediates for us in heaven is profoundly encouraging because it provides comfort, security, and hope. It shows us that we are not alone and that Jesus actively intercedes on our behalf. This truth has several powerful implications:
Permanent Advocacy Before God
Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God and is constantly interceding for us (Romans 8:34). He knows our weaknesses, struggles, and failures, yet He defends us before God. His advocacy means that our guilt is forgiven and we do not have to stand before God on our own. This grants us peace and the assurance that we are accepted.
Perfect Forgiveness
Because Jesus bore the punishment for our sins through His death and resurrection, His intercession is a continual sign of our complete forgiveness (1 John 2:1–2). Even when we fail, we can know that He forgives us and continually restores us.
Deep Connection with Our Savior
Jesus fully understands us because He was human and experienced suffering, temptations, and pain (Hebrews 4:15). His intercession is not distant but full of compassion. He knows what we are going through and accompanies us in love.
Hope and Confidence in Daily Life
Especially in difficult times or with feelings of guilt, we can know that Jesus does not condemn us but intercedes for us. This encourages us not to give up but to continue with renewed strength because we never fight alone.
Guarantee of Our Salvation
Jesus is the guarantee of our eternal life. His intercession assures us that nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38–39). This gives us hope beyond death and the certainty that we are secure in God’s hands.
The idea that Christ mediates for us in heaven is a source of unwavering hope. It reminds us that we are not alone, that our mistakes do not have the final word, and that Jesus is always interceding for us. This truth provides us with comfort, inner peace, and the confidence that God’s love and forgiveness are renewed for us every day.
The idea that we are “living stones” who live pleasingly to God in Christ has profound significance for our daily lives and faith. It shows us that our life in Jesus Christ is not only marked by acceptance and forgiveness but also by an active, responsible role in God’s kingdom.
Active Participation in God’s Kingdom
As “living stones” (1 Peter 2:4–6), we are called to actively participate in building God’s spiritual house. This means that our daily lives should be marked not by passivity but by conscious dedication. We are invited to use our gifts and abilities—in family, in the church, at work, and in society—to make God’s love visible.
Living from God’s Grace
Romans 5:8 reminds us that God loves us despite our imperfections. This unconditional love frees us from the fear of having to earn God’s favor. In our daily lives, we can live from this grace—in gratitude, humility, and with a heart full of trust.
Freedom from Condemnation Grants Inner Strength
Romans 8:1 assures us that we are free from condemnation in Christ. This grants us inner strength and peace. In challenging situations, we can act with confidence because we know that God does not condemn us but accompanies us. This freedom motivates us to view mistakes as learning steps and to move forward courageously.
Living Faith Practically
Hebrews 11:6 makes it clear that without faith, no one can please God. Our faith should not only be shown in thoughts and words but also in concrete actions: serving others, sharing our resources, praying, and practicing active charity. Our daily lives thus become an expression of our trust in God.
Offering Spiritual Sacrifices in Daily Life
As “living stones,” we offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. These sacrifices are not just religious acts but reflect a life marked by compassion, justice, and mercy. Whether through small acts of kindness or larger decisions for good—their every sacrifice out of love for God is pleasing to Him.
Comfort and Hope in Difficult Times
The idea that Christ mediates for us provides comfort especially in tough times. We know that Jesus understands us, stands by us, and intercedes for us. This strengthens our faith and gives us hope that we do not face challenges alone.
Our daily lives and our faith are closely connected when we understand that we are living stones in Christ. This identity challenges us to actively live out our faith, act in grace and forgiveness, and bravely take responsibility in God’s kingdom. At the same time, we can rely on Christ, who mediates for us in heaven and fills us daily with His love and strength. This awareness gives us hope, inner peace, and the motivation to make God’s love visible in the world.
You are a living stone in God’s house, carried by His love and called to make His grace visible in the world.
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