“Mosè disse al Signore: «Ahimè, Signore, io non sono un oratore; non lo ero in passato e non lo sono da quando tu hai parlato al tuo servo; poiché io sono lento di parola e di lingua»”. 📖 Esodo 4:10
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Worship Mar 01, 2025 | The Seven Last Plagues Part I — Pr. Michael Pedrin
The Seven Last Plagues Part I — Pr. Michael Pedrin
Study: Lesson 9, The Cosmic Conflict — Elder Mohan John THANK YOU for your continued financial support of our Media Ministries. Please donate by visiting "https://adventistgiving.org/#/org/ANB4RC/envelope/start" and select “Media Ministries”. Connect With Us
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Lesson 9.The Cosmic Conflict | 9.6 Summary | THE GOD OF LOVE AND JUSTICE | LIVING FAITH
9.6 Summary
The Cosmic Conflict – A Battle Over Truth, Trust, and Worship
The Cosmic Conflict deals with the spiritual battle between God and Satan, a conflict that has persisted throughout human history since Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven. This conflict is not a struggle for power, but a battle for truth, trust, and worship. Satan challenges God’s character, while God reveals His goodness through love, patience, and righteousness.
1. Origin of the Conflict
• Began in heaven: Lucifer, once a glorious angel, rebelled against God out of pride (Ezekiel 28; Revelation 12).
• Satan’s motive: To sow doubt about God’s justice and love.
• God’s response: He allowed time for the universe to witness the true consequences of rebellion.
2. The Battle on Earth
• In the Garden of Eden: Satan deceived Eve with trickery (“Did God really say…?”), leading to sin and the fall of man (Genesis 3).
• Jesus in the wilderness: Satan tempted Jesus with hunger, pride, and power—but Jesus resisted using God’s Word (Matthew 4:1–11).
• Lesson for us: We overcome temptations by knowing and applying God’s truth.
3. Satan’s Strategies and God’s Ways
• Satan’s methods: Lies, deception, flattery, and accusation (John 8:44; Revelation 12:10).
• God’s response: Truth, love, patience, and self-sacrifice – most clearly demonstrated on the cross.
• Practical for us: Recognize Satan’s lies in everyday life and hold fast to God’s promises.
4. The Core of the Conflict: Worship and Loyalty
• Satan’s goal: He desires worship that belongs solely to God (Matthew 4:9).
• God’s goal: The voluntary love and trust of His creatures.
• For our lives: Whom do we worship? Whom do we trust? Our daily decisions reveal on whose side we stand.
5. Victory Is Assured
• Jesus has triumphed: On the cross, He exposed Satan’s lies and revealed God’s love (Revelation 12:11).
• We are part of the battle: Yet in Christ, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).
• Practical application:
Read the Bible regularly – it is your weapon.
Pray for wisdom and strength in daily life.
Remember: Your identity is in Christ, not in your mistakes.
Final Thought:
The cosmic conflict is real and affects each one of us. It is about trust, truth, and worship. Satan accuses God of being loveless—but God’s love on the cross finally refutes that lie. In this battle, we do not have to fight on our own: Jesus has already won. Stay close to Him, trust His Word, and live in the assurance that God’s truth triumphs over all lies!
The cosmic conflict is not just an overarching spiritual theme—it plays out in our daily lives. Every thought, every decision, and every action reveals on which side we stand in this battle: Do we believe God’s truth or Satan’s lies? Do we trust God even when life is difficult, or do we let doubts and temptations guide us?
1. Trust in Daily Life: Do I Trust God Even Without All the Answers?
• In challenges: When problems overwhelm us, Satan whispers, “God has forgotten you.” Yet God’s Word says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
• Practical application:
Start each day with prayer, asking for trust in God’s guidance.
When doubts arise, remember God’s faithfulness in the past.
2. Recognize Temptations in Your Daily Life
• Temptations are often subtle: “Do what feels good” or “It’s not that big of a deal.”
• How Jesus resisted: He used God’s Word to refute Satan’s temptations (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10).
• Practical application:
Memorize Bible verses that help you in your moments of weakness.
When making decisions, ask yourself: “Does this bring me closer to God or push me away?”
3. Be Vigilant Against Satan’s Strategies
• Everyday examples of his lies:
“You are not good enough.” → God says: “You are my beloved child” (1 John 3:1).
“God wants to withhold something from you.” → God’s commandments protect and bless us.
• Practical application:
Recognize when thoughts or circumstances sow doubt about God’s goodness.
Combat these thoughts with biblical truth.
4. Worship and Loyalty: What Holds Priority in Your Life?
• Worship is reflected in everyday life and decisions:
What do you sacrifice time, energy, and money for?
What occupies your thoughts the most?
• Practical application:
Set aside dedicated time for God—prayer, Bible reading, and gratitude.
Regularly ask yourself: “Who or what is my highest priority?”
5. You Are Not Fighting Alone – Victory Is Certain!
• Even if you fall, Jesus has defeated the enemy – you can always rise again.
• Source of strength: You do not have to fight in your own strength – God’s Spirit lives in you (Romans 8:11).
• Practical application:
When tempted, pray: “Lord, help me stay strong.”
Seek fellowship with other believers – together, you are stronger.
Final Thought:
The cosmic conflict affects your heart, your daily life, and your decisions. Satan wants to separate you from God, but Jesus fights for you. You are not alone in this battle! Stay close to God’s Word, hold on to His love, and remember: Victory has already been won. You are more than a conqueror in Christ!
Trust in God’s truth in every battle – for in Christ, victory is already yours.
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