If you want to sum up Adventist World Radio’s mission, our logo says it all: Broadcast to Baptism. It’s what Jesus told his disciples then, and tells us today: to teach, preach and baptize. Not confusing or complicated instructions, but simple and straightforward: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28:19, 20) That’s it. Today there are many issues in the world and in the church that may distract and derail us from the mission, but if we “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and the perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1, 2), we are promised the presence of Jesus—until the end of the world! What could be better than that? Here is a short video where I share a few of the highlights from Papua New Guinea, and how God’s plans—and His promise—never fail. If we follow the instructions of Jesus, He will never disappoint us, but will reward all efforts—imperfect as they may be—to share His message and tell the world the good news that Jesus is coming soon! I love to see lives changed for God’s kingdom, and I especially love it when He uses Adventist World Radio to do it. Yours in the Blessed Hope, Duane McKey
President Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKYUY7iWDl4
Ivy’s Journey from Heartache to Preaching
Meet Ivy, a woman who carried a void in her heart from her parents' divorce at an early age. She sought healing in romantic relationships, but they would always end in failure. Ivy, the type to conceal her feelings, kept her pain hidden until her sister suggested she spend a week devoting herself to Bible study and prayer. During this time, she realized that she had been avoiding God, the only one who could make her whole again. She returned to church, determined to serve God. When the pastor invited people to join AWR in preaching in the Philippines, she saw it as a divine sign and signed up immediately
#BroadcastToBaptism #Japan #Philippines #Faith #CellPhoneEvangelism #awr #adventistworldradio About our channel
We are Adventist World Radio, dedicated to sending the gospel to every corner of the world, even in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Through radio broadcasts, Cell Phone Evangelism, Godpods, and Digital Evangelism on various social media platforms, we're striving to reach millions across the world in their native languages. Since we started broadcasting back in 1975, we've seen and heard some truly inspirational stories of people who've experienced life-changing encounters with God. Regardless of their beliefs or professions, we have seen God reach a pagan chieftain, a witch, a professional assassin, and even rebels. Witness God’s work at AWR, from broadcast to baptism. #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfUQ4LnIn4A
Emma’s Brave Journey from Doubt to Preaching
Meet Emma, an ordinary woman who is neither a preacher nor a public speaker. The idea of preaching was completely out of her comfort zone. One day, there was a call for volunteers to preach in Mindoro, Philippines. Initially, Emma was excited about the opportunity, but her heart sank as doubts filled her mind. She believed that only pastors and elders were capable of preaching, but after much prayer, the Holy Spirit moved her. She walked up to the pastor and expressed her desire to preach. In preparation, she prayed every day for divine assistance. As Emma was praying, the Holy Spirit was also working on others' hearts
#BroadcastToBaptism #Japan #Philippines #Faith #CellPhoneEvangelism #awr #adventistworldradio About our channel
We are Adventist World Radio, dedicated to sending the gospel to every corner of the world, even in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Through radio broadcasts, Cell Phone Evangelism, Godpods, and Digital Evangelism on various social media platforms, we're striving to reach millions across the world in their native languages. Since we started broadcasting back in 1975, we've seen and heard some truly inspirational stories of people who've experienced life-changing encounters with God. Regardless of their beliefs or professions, we have seen God reach a pagan chieftain, a witch, a professional assassin, and even rebels. Witness God’s work at AWR, from broadcast to baptism. #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ew0lFMu_Qs
Reviving the Spirit of Evangelism in Japan
Evangelism was strong in Japan, and the church grew. However, a shift occurred as prosperity and luxury began to dominate, and now there are only 14,000 Adventists in this great land. Many wonder if evangelism still works. AWR360° sought to inspire them by inviting them to preach in the Philippines, hoping they could return to Japan and do the same. Thus, the call to preach went out, waiting for those who would answer
#BroadcastToBaptism #Japan #Tokyo #Faith #CellPhoneEvangelism #awr #adventistworldradio About our channel
We are Adventist World Radio, dedicated to sending the gospel to every corner of the world, even in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Through radio broadcasts, Cell Phone Evangelism, Godpods, and Digital Evangelism on various social media platforms, we're striving to reach millions across the world in their native languages. Since we started broadcasting back in 1975, we've seen and heard some truly inspirational stories of people who've experienced life-changing encounters with God. Regardless of their beliefs or professions, we have seen God reach a pagan chieftain, a witch, a professional assassin, and even rebels. Witness God’s work at AWR, from broadcast to baptism. #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=141zG_WvKuo
Spreading the Gospel in the Land of the Rising Sun
Japan, known as the land of the rising sun, is the second most populous island country in the world, with its 6,800 islands hosting over 126 million people. Its cities are a blend of technology, culture, and history. In the heart of Tokyo, a statue of Liberty stands as a symbol of the Japanese incorporation of American culture in the years following the war. This period saw many Japanese turn to Christianity. The 1950s were a ripe time for Jesus in Japan, and Adventist World Radio (AWR) began its first broadcasts in the country. With a focus on evangelism, the Japanese membership in the church was growing
#BroadcastToBaptism #Japan #Tokyo #Faith #CellPhoneEvangelism #awr #adventistworldradio About our channel
We are Adventist World Radio, dedicated to sending the gospel to every corner of the world, even in the most remote and inaccessible locations. Through radio broadcasts, Cell Phone Evangelism, Godpods, and Digital Evangelism on various social media platforms, we're striving to reach millions across the world in their native languages. Since we started broadcasting back in 1975, we've seen and heard some truly inspirational stories of people who've experienced life-changing encounters with God. Regardless of their beliefs or professions, we have seen God reach a pagan chieftain, a witch, a professional assassin, and even rebels. Witness God’s work at AWR, from broadcast to baptism. #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4nARcvZudA
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