3 March 2025 | African-American Seventh-day Adventists are concerned that the Ohio State University (OSU) may shut down the Frank W. Hale Jr. Cultural Center, known to students on campus as the Black Student Union, a landmark in one of the largest universities in the United States. The center was named after well-known Seventh-day Adventist […] Source: https://atoday.org/ohio-state-university-ponders-shutdown-of-the-frank-w-hale-jr-cultural-center/
Does Intercessory Prayer Matter?
Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. Acts 12:5 NKJV
When Peter was arrested and put in prison for the sake of the Gospel, the church asked God to intervene and free Peter, which He did. Some may wonder how intercessory prayers work. Does it make a difference? First, I don’t necessarily know how it works, but I know it does. When I flip the light switch on, I can’t explain electricity how it lights up the bulb, but I know it does. I don’t have to understand how the switch makes a light bulb turn on, but that does not keep me from turning on the light.
Do intercessory prayers work? Yes, they do. When my mother was dying and was unconscious, I prayed for God to wake her up just long enough for me to tell her I loved her one more time, and that is exactly what happened. A few years ago, I baptized a mother and her three children, while the husband and father thought baptism was the craziest thing in the world. The family and I prayed for the husband and father, and a year later I baptized him too. Others have told me how a spouse or a loved one accepted Jesus as their Savior after 30 or 40 years of intercessory prayer. I remember a friend in Oklahoma gave a testimony about how she left the church as a teenager, but her mother kept praying for her. Years after her mother died, she came back to Jesus. When she was rebaptized her aunt told her, that her mother made her promise to “take over” praying for her when she died. That story has always stirred my heart, as well as affirming the power of intercessory prayer. I remember praying for my friend whom I will call Anne, who had left our small group Bible study and the church. Every night I prayed, “Lord please send your Holy Spirit to work upon Anne’s heart.” After weeks of praying, she called me and told me she was coming back to Jesus because she felt “The Holy Spirit working on her heart.”
Intercessory prayer works, but again how? Like I’ve previously stated, I don’t understand everything but considering this week’s Sabbath School Lesson we are learning there are parameters in the great cosmic battle between Christ and Satan. Satan claims this world as his own, and while I know well that this is my Father’s world, there are rules to the battle. Temporarily, at least, there is some validity to Satan’s claim to this planet. Why else would he be allowed in those meetings with the other sons of God in Job 1 and 2? In John 14:30 and John 16:11 Jesus refers to Satan as the prince of this world.
In Matthew 8:29 in the NLT the demons accuse Jesus of “interfering” with them. While I am sure Jesus was not breaking any rules, that does give us a hint that there are parameters in the cosmic battle. God cannot intervene where He is not invited, as that would be using force and manipulation, as opposed to love. In Revelation 3:20 Jesus stands knocking at the heart’s door but does not force His way in as that would not be love. We have to open the door to let Him in. This is where intercessory prayers come in. When we pray as members of humanity on behalf of humanity for God to intervene in the lives of humanity, He now has an invitation and is not using force. If Satan protests God’s involvement in meddling with human hearts, God can tell Satan, “I am not using force or manipulation. I have been invited to intervene.”
This is why Jesus encourages us in Matthew 18:19 -20 that when we gather together in His name He is there to work powerfully to grant our requests, Just as he answered Elijah’s powerful prayers. See James 5:14-18. Being gathered in his name does not mean we have to be gathered in a certain building. We may be in separate hemispheres and be gathered in His name.
In Matthew 6:10 Jesus prays for His Father’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Revelation 12:7-9 Satan was cast out of heaven. When we pray as humanity on behalf of humanity, it opens the way for God to cast Satan out of our hearts, homes and communities. The human heart still has free choice, but God can intervene on behalf of humanity within the parameters of the cosmic battle without using force and manipulation, as He has been invited to intervene just as Elijah prayed for God’s intervention in his day.
Elijah witnessed a great miracle on Mount Carmel when he prayed for God to intervene with the Baal worshippers in 1 Kings 18. What are some amazing things you have witnessed after praying for God’s intervention?

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/does-intercessory-prayer-matter/
Adventist pastor taken in to custody over alleged sexual imposition
3 March 2025 | A Seventh-day Adventist pastor in northeastern Ohio has been taken into custody and charged with gross sexual imposition following an investigation, according to WKYC in Cleveland. Jesse Santos was pastor of the Canton, Ohio church. He has pleaded not guilty. According to 3News, The incident dates back to Sept. 18, 2024, […] Source: https://atoday.org/adventist-pastor-taken-in-to-custody-over-alleged-sexual-imposition/
Should I buy guns and go “off the grid” to prepare for the Time of Trouble?
3 March 2025 | Dear Aunt Sevvy, Recently I heard of an Adventist group that was putting together a whole seminar on how to live off the grid and be self-sustaining for the Time of Trouble. I’m wondering: should we prepare for the end of time? Is it necessary to live “off the grid”? Or […] Source: https://atoday.org/should-i-and-my-family-go-off-the-grid-to-prepare-for-the-time-of-trouble/
Tuesday: The Case of Job
Daily Lesson for Tuesday 4th of March 2025
In the book of Job, we are given some fascinating insights into the reality of the great controversy.
Read Job 1:1-12 and Job 2:1-7. What principles of the great controversy do we see unveiled here?
Many significant details can be gleaned from these verses. First, there appears to be some kind of heavenly council scene, not merely a dialogue between God and Satan; other celestial beings are involved.
Second, there is some existing dispute, signaled by the fact that God asks whether Satan has considered Job. Considered Job for what? The question makes sense in the context of a larger, ongoing dispute.
Third, while God declares Job blameless, upright, and God-fearing, Satan claims that Job appears to fear God only because God protects him. This amounts to slander against both Job’s character and God’s (compare with Revelation 12:10, Zechariah 3:1-10).
Fourth, Satan alleges that God’s protection of Job (the hedge) is unfair and makes it impossible for Satan to prove his allegations. This indicates some existing limits on Satan (rules of engagement), and that Satan has apparently tried to harm Job.
God responds to Satan’s accusation before the heavenly council by allowing Satan to put his theory to the test, but only within limits. He first grants Satan power over “all that he has,” but prohibits personal harm to Job (Job 1:12, NKJV). Later, after Satan claims that Job cares only about himself, God allows Satan to afflict Job personally, but Satan must spare his life (Job 2:3-6).
Satan brings numerous calamities against Job’s household, yet in each case Job continues to bless His name (Job 1:20-22; Job 2:9-10), falsifying Satan’s charges.
We learn many things here, such as that there are rules of engagement in the cosmic conflict. There are parameters in the heavenly court within which the allegations raised against God can be settled, but without God violating the sacred principles inherent in love, the foundation of God’s government and how He rules the universe and the intelligent beings in it.
These heavenly scenes in the book of Job offer us fascinating insights into the reality of the great controversy, and how it is played out here on earth.

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