Daily Lesson for Wednesday 20th of November 2024
Jesus said to the religious leaders: “ ‘You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me’ ” (John 5:39, NKJV). What an incredible claim to make about Himself!
Estimates vary, but some scholars argue that Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophecies. Whatever the amount, the odds against one man’s fulfilling even a few of them, much less them all, are staggering. Every now and then someone will use an image like this: imagine filling an area the size of Texas with coins two feet high and painting one coin pink and then mixing them all up.
Then give a blindfolded person one chance to pick the pink coin. What are the odds that, with one pick, he or she would get the pink one?
No question—Christ’s birth, life, and death were predicted by the Old Testament, stunning evidence of His identity as the expected Messiah. John points to these Old Testament texts again and again to make that very point about who Jesus was, and also, why we should believe in Him and accept the salvation He offers.
What do each of the following passages from John’s Gospel reveal about Jesus as a fulfillment of Messianic prophecy?
John 12:13, Psalms 118:26
John 12:14-15; Zechariah 9:9
John 13:18, Psalms 41:9
John 19:37, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:6
How firmly grounded are you in what you believe? If someone were to challenge you on why you believe in Jesus as the Messiah, what answers could you give? Where would you go, and why, to help defend that faith?

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/24d-08-old-testament-prophecies-of-jesus-part-ii/