There is a section in our Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal called “Love in the Home”. The hymns reflect well on all aspects of our week’s lesson study.

Hymn 650, “Our Father, by Whose Name” asks the blessing on all parents.
Hymn 651, “Happy the Home That Welcomes You” speaks of the ‘man and wife together are of one mind’.
Hymn 653, “Lead Them, My God, to Thee” tells the story of parents asking God to help them lead the children to the Lord.
Hymn 654, “Lord, Bless Our Homes” is a prayer for all our homes to ‘find in God our deep security’.
Hymn 655, “Happy the Home” shows us the growth the family goes through with our thoughts and actions always pointing to God.
Each of our communities can help our single parents (Monday) as well all families:Hymn 353, “Father, Help Your People”. We may also pray “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past”, Hymn 103 to add to our actions.
May parents follow the examples of the ‘good parents’ (Wednesday), Mordecai and Job.
Blessings to you for a wonderful Sabbath Day.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
