After years in disrepair and closure, 53 churches in east-central India have reopened with the help of It Is Written. Spiritual, health, and social services have been initiated to keep them active.
Earlier this year, the It Is Written Eyes for India program conducted a medical camp for 100 villages including the 53 villages with newly-reopened churches. Medical physicians from the U.S. provided free medical expertise and partnered with local nursing students. More than 2,300 patients were…Source:
Words of Hope 11 shares joy, thankfulness and opportunity
If you want real thanks, then look to the children. Trans-European Division office staff have discovered that ‘office zoom worship’ has sometimes turned into ‘family worship’ as young children snuggle up to parents during worship time. Those staff children have now created a montage of thankfulness – and in Words of Hope 11, Executive Secretary Audrey Andersson explains why.
Viewers have reacted to Patrick Johnson’s ideas from last week’s reflection on making Sabbath meaningful as we slowly…Source:
Pastors resume pioneer Bible podcast
One of the first Brazilian podcasts led by Seventh-day Adventist pastors is returning online, more than a decade after its first release.
BibleCast, a creation of Pastors Diego Barreto and José Flores Júnior, became wildly popular as people continue to search for answers to life’s most pressing questions.
Today both presenters live far apart (Barreto in the United States and Júnior in São Paulo), but that’s not a barrier to the relaunch. The Adventist South American News Agency (ASN) decided…Source:
Mystery Bible answers Covid-19 prayer in South Africa
Covid-19 lockdown left Sandile Khumalo on his knees in South Africa’s biggest city, Johannesburg.
The national lockdown, among the most stringent in the world, shuttered the three churches where Sandile serves as pastor in the city of 5.5 million people. Tough regulations closed parks and banned jogging, dog-walking, and even the sale of cigarettes and alcohol.
Like Seventh-day Adventist pastors elsewhere around the world, Sandile moved his ministry online and began to live-stream his sermons…Source:
Seventh-day Adventists in Mongolia bring help, health message during pandemic
With three months of a quarantine in Mongolia during the coronavirus pandemic, Seventh-day Adventists there responded to the crisis by offering practical help to their neighbors—and online worship services and Bible studies for those seeking greater answers.
The Adventist Church’s Mongolian Mission distributed 3,200 masks and 70 hand sanitizers to the public and government agencies. Also participating were the mission’s youth department outreach program and local churches.
The mission also…Source:
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