A mini-road trip of its own has marked the launch of a book telling the story of a trip through the Holy Land.
Read more at the source: Travellers share Holy Land stories
Article excerpt posted on en.intercer.net from News.
Closer To Heaven
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A friend told me years ago: “Our business [as a church] is to find the wave the Holy Spirit is creating . . . and then to surf it.” You don’t even have to be a surfer to catch that metaphor
Read more at the source: Catch A Wave!
Article excerpt posted on en.intercer.net from The Fourth Watch.
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On November 18, 2018, the Board of Directors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada voted the following position statement: VOTED, The Board of Directors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC) hereby affirm: Consistent with the July 11, 1990, decision of the General Conference Session, “… the Scriptures and the writings of Ellen G. White … affirm a significant, wide-ranging, and continuing ministry for women, which is being expressed and will be evidenced in the varied and expanding gifts according to the infilling of the Holy Spirit”; That General Conference Working Policy A 15 15 permits men and women pastors who are “called and empowered by the Holy Spirit and driven by love for souls”; In accordance with the 1984 decision of the General Conference’s Annual Council, local churches may “elect and ordain a woman as a local church elder”; That it is the responsibility of all church organizations to prayerfully find a way to work in unity; and That every Bible-believing man, woman, and child of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada is part of the priesthood of believers and is commissioned by Jesus to focus on the soul-winning mission of the church. The national headquarters of the SDACC oversees seven regional districts that serve 72,000 members, 500 congregations, 43 schools, various media ministries, and humanitarian organizations. Their mission is to help people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus.  Le 18 novembre 2018, le Comité exécutif de l’Église adventiste du septième jour au Canada a voté d’adopté le suivant énoncé de position: VOTÉ, Le Comité exécutif de l’Église adventiste du septième jour au Canada (ÉASJC) atteste par la présente que : Conformément à la décision prise le 11 juillet 1990 lors de la Session de la Conférence générale, « … Les Écritures et les écrits d’Ellen G
Read more at the source: SDACC Board Releases Position Statement
Article excerpt posted on en.intercer.net from Canadian Adventist Messenger.
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22 August 2018 | Forrest Clark, 51, an arson suspect accused of starting the Holy Fire in Southern California was, for years, known within his community as an Adventist. He also claimed to be a “sovereign citizen,” meaning that he was not subject to common law. Clark is currently in custody and faces life in […]
Read more at the source: Holy Fire Arson Suspect Was Known as Adventist
Article excerpt posted on en.intercer.net from Adventist Today.
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And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30. Conscience is the voice of God, heard amid the conflict of human passions; when it is resisted, the Spirit of God is grieved. Men have the power to quench the Spirit of God; the power of choosing is left with them. They are allowed freedom of action.
Read more at the source: Grieve Not the Spirit
Article posted on en.intercer.net from Rose’s Devotional.
Rose’s Devotionals are prepared by Rose Hartwell, one of the Intercer founders. Since 1999, Rose sends out a daily devotional newsletter that includes a commentary on a Bible passage, a list of prayer requests for the current week and an illustration from daily life that applies to the Bible passage in study.