Dive into the heart of Chiapas, where faith and history collide. How does Cellphone Evangelism bring hope to communities surrounded by ancient wonders? Leave a comment and subscribe for more inspiring tales of transformation! #FaithInChiapas #WordsOfHope #CellphoneEvangelism #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEPCDfhDrMA MB01HAGCQ5XRWRW #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-J4aihQ7SY
God First Your Daily Prayer Meeting – October 17, 2024
Matthew 21:22 – "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Tag someone in need of prayer, and kindly share your prayer requests here. https://bit.ly/3GdFXpR Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX3xOShszs4
ATSS: Courtney Ray, “A History of Adventists and Politics”
17 October 2024 | At least in the United States, church and state are held separately to prevent the interjection of the government into the free exercise of religion. However, does that mean the church is to remain neutral in all matters of politics? We will explore some of the historical episodes of the Adventist […] Source: https://atoday.org/atss-courtney-ray-a-history-of-adventists-and-politics/
This is How a Text Changed Her Life
Discover how a simple text message turned Ana's life around. Can a message really transform your path? Hit that like button and subscribe to see the incredible power of words in action! #TransformativeStories #InspiringMessages #HopeInWords #awr #adventistworldradio Watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEPCDfhDrMA MB01MY15LMIAZFJ #short Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOO5900vGw
Video Giornale Avventista – 19 ottobre 2024
Sono aperte le iscrizioni al corso di formazione del Dipartimento Comunicazioni per le chiese della Sicilia. Si terrà a Vallegrande nel mese di aprile 2025. Distribuzione di pasti caldi, pacchi alimentari e buoni per l’acquisto di beni essenziali. ADRA ha intensificato gli aiuti in Libano e Siria. Si è tenuto negli Stati Uniti il Consiglio annuale della Chiesa avventista mondiale. Ne parliamo in alcune notizie di questo giornale. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIxO7-DO5zU
Proverbi 11:1 – Giovedì 17 ottobre 2024
“La bilancia falsa è un abominio per il Signore, ma il peso giusto gli è gradito.” (Proverbi 11:1) Meditazione giornaliera “Apri la porta del tuo cuore”. Rubrica a cura di Anna Cupertino. Speaker: Gioia Comia Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S1Jo1gBG60
Culmina el Concilio de la Asociación General de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día
El Concilio Anual de la Asociación General de los Adventistas del Séptimo Día, termino sus sesiones de trabajo (11 al 16 de octubre de 2024). Las reuniones de los administradores de la Iglesia Adventista a nivel mundial, contó con la acostumbradas revisiones a sus políticas de trabajo, presentación de informes financieros y objetivos de trabajo. […] Source: https://atoday.org/culmina-el-concilio-de-la-asociacion-general-de-los-adventistas-del-septimo-dia/
Adventism & Catholicism in a Changing World: What can we learn from each other?
by Reinder Bruinsma, PhD | October 16, 2024 | This lecture was originally scheduled for Loma Linda University on October 16, but was canceled on orders from General Conference president Ted Wilson. It was rescheduled for the Norte Vista High School Theater in Riverside, California. It was also the occasion of launching Dr. Bruinsma’s new […] Source: https://atoday.org/adventism-catholicism-in-a-changing-world-what-can-we-learn-from-each-other/
Lesson 3.The Prelude: The Prologue | 3.5 Recurring Themes – Glory | THEMES IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN | LIVING FAITH
3.5 Recurring Themes – Glory
Recurring Themes: Glory on the Cross
Read John 17:1–5. What did Jesus mean when He said, “Father, the hour has come: glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you”?
In John 17:1–5, Jesus speaks of His impending “hour” and asks the Father to glorify Him so that He may glorify the Father. This statement refers to the climax of His earthly ministry—the impending suffering, death, and resurrection. Although the cross is seen by humans as a place of shame and humiliation, it becomes a place of glory in God’s plan.
The glorification of Jesus begins at the cross, where He bears the sins of humanity. In the greatest human weakness, divine strength and love are revealed. The cross demonstrates God’s glory because it is the ultimate revelation of His love, grace, and redemption. Jesus glorifies the Father by fulfilling the plan of redemption and opening the way to God for humanity.
This paradoxical idea—that the greatest glory is revealed in the deepest shame—shows how closely human and divine histories are intertwined. God’s glory is not only visible in triumph and power but also in sacrifice, humility, and love.
Think about what it means that such a drastic matter—God Himself on the cross—was necessary to redeem us from sin. What should this tell us about how terrible sin really is?
The fact that God Himself had to come to the cross to redeem us from sin shows us how serious and destructive sin truly is. Sin is not just a minor moral failing or mistake but a deep separation from God that results in death and eternal separation from Him. The price of sin was so high that only the sacrifice of the perfect and sinless Son of God, Jesus Christ, could overcome this separation and reconcile humanity with God.
When we imagine the Creator of the universe coming in human form to die on the cross, the severity of sin becomes even more apparent. It shows that sin cannot be taken lightly—it is a radical break with God’s holiness and requires an equally radical solution. This sacrifice reveals the depth of God’s love, but it also shows that sin is a serious, life-altering matter that cannot be overlooked.
The message of the cross should deeply humble us and show us how desperate our need for redemption truly is. It reminds us that sin has destructive consequences, but also that God’s grace is greater than any sin when we turn to Him through Jesus Christ.
The connection between the glory of Jesus on the cross and our everyday lives and faith is profound and formative. The glorification that Jesus speaks of in John 17:1–5 shows us that God’s glory is not only revealed in moments of triumph and power but especially in moments of suffering, dedication, and sacrifice. This has several practical implications for our lives and faith:
Suffering with Purpose The fact that Jesus was glorified through suffering on the cross helps us see our own sufferings and difficulties in a new light. It shows that God can use even the darkest and most challenging situations to reveal His glory and love. So, when we go through challenges or pain, we can trust that God is present and carrying us through these times, shaping us through them.
Humility and Dedication Jesus glorified the Father through His dedication on the cross. This teaches us that true greatness and glory lie in humility and self-sacrifice. In our daily lives, we are called to be humble in our relationships and actions and to serve others, even if it costs us something. God’s glory is revealed when we are willing to let go of our ego and do the Father’s will.
Forgiveness and Grace On the cross, Jesus bore the sins of the world, showing us the depth of the forgiveness available to us through Him. In our daily lives, this reminds us of how serious sin is but also how great God’s grace is. It encourages us to receive forgiveness and to forgive others. The power of the cross works in us as we practice grace and forgiveness in our daily lives.
Life-Changing Love The glory of the cross shows us God’s unconditional love. This love should shape our daily lives by not only receiving this love but also passing it on to others. Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate sign of how far God is willing to go to save us. This should change our hearts and motivate us to love others with the same dedication and mercy.
Hope and Trust The cross is also a symbol of hope. In the eyes of the world, it was a moment of defeat, but in God’s plan, it was the moment of victory. This shows us that even in times when it seems like everything is lost, we can trust in God’s plan. His plan is greater than we can imagine, and He leads us through every crisis to His glory.
The glory of Jesus on the cross reminds us that our faith is not only strong in times of success and happiness but also in suffering, dedication, and humility. God’s glory is revealed in moments when we give ourselves, serve others, and trust in God amidst challenges. These truths should deeply shape our daily lives and our relationship with God and others.
The true glory of God is not only revealed in triumph but especially in humility and sacrifice—a light that shines through the cross.
17.10.2024 – John Chapter 11 | BELIEVE HIS PROPHETS
October 17, 2024
1 Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha.
2 (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)
3 Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick.
4 When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.
5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
6 When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.
7 Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.
8 His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?
9 Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.
10 But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
11 These things said he: and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
12 Then said his disciples, Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.
13 Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of taking of rest in sleep.
14 Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.
15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.
16 Then said Thomas, which is called Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.
17 Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already.
18 Now Bethany was nigh unto Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off:
19 And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning their brother.
20 Then Martha, as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming, went and met him: but Mary sat still in the house.
21 Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.
22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.
23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
27 She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.
28 And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee.
29 As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him.
30 Now Jesus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him.
31 The Jews then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they saw Mary, that she rose up hastily and went out, followed her, saying, She goeth unto the grave to weep there.
32 Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.
33 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
34 And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see.
35 Jesus wept.
36 Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!
37 And some of them said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died?
38 Jesus therefore again groaning in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.
39 Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead, saith unto him, Lord, by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead four days.
40 Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me.
42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.
43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go.
45 Then many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him.
46 But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done.
47 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles.
48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.
49 And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all,
50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.
51 And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation;
52 And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.
53 Then from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death.
54 Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews; but went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.
55 And the Jews’ passover was nigh at hand: and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover, to purify themselves.
56 Then sought they for Jesus, and spake among themselves, as they stood in the temple, What think ye, that he will not come to the feast?
57 Now both the chief priests and the Pharisees had given a commandment, that, if any man knew where he were, he should shew it, that they might take him.
King James Version. Public Domain
John chapter 11 narrates the moving story of the raising of Lazarus. This event is not only a powerful sign of Jesus’ authority over death but also paves the way for the central events of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Through this miracle, Jesus reveals his divine authority and his deep emotional connection to his friends and followers. At the same time, the hostility of the religious leaders against him escalates.
Lazarus Falls Ill and Dies (John 11:1-16)
Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, becomes ill. The sisters send a message to Jesus asking for help. Although Jesus loves Lazarus dearly, he deliberately delays his arrival by two days. This delay may seem strange, but Jesus explains that it will happen “so that the glory of God may be revealed.” He knows that he will raise Lazarus from the dead to strengthen the faith of his disciples and other witnesses.
The Encounter with Martha and Mary (John 11:17-37)
When Jesus finally arrives in Bethany, Lazarus has already been in the tomb for four days. Martha hurries to meet him and expresses her belief that Jesus could have healed Lazarus if he had come earlier. She believes in the resurrection on the last day, but Jesus reveals to her that he is “the resurrection and the life” and that all who believe in him will live eternally. This statement underscores Jesus’ divine power over life and death.
Mary later meets Jesus and falls at his feet, weeping. Jesus is deeply moved by the grief of the sisters and the surrounding Jews. He shows his own human sorrow when “Jesus wept,” one of the shortest but most emotionally significant passages in the Bible. This scene reveals Jesus’ deep emotional connection to people and his compassion.
The Raising of Lazarus (John 11:38-44)
Jesus orders the stone to be removed from the tomb. Martha warns him that the body already smells, as Lazarus has been dead for four days. But Jesus reminds her of his promise to see the glory of God if she believes. After the stone is rolled away, Jesus prays publicly to strengthen the faith of the onlookers. Then he calls out loudly, “Lazarus, come out!” And Lazarus, still wrapped in burial clothes, emerges from the tomb. This powerful raising of Lazarus demonstrates Jesus’ divine power and serves as a crucial sign for many to believe in him.
The Plan to Kill Jesus (John 11:45-57)
After this extraordinary miracle, many of the witnesses believe in Jesus, but some report the event to the Pharisees. The Pharisees see Jesus’ growing popularity as a threat to their authority and fear that the Romans might take action against the Jews if the movement around Jesus continues to gain momentum. The high priest Caiaphas pragmatically suggests that it is better for one man (Jesus) to die for the people than for the whole nation to perish. Unknowingly, he speaks prophetically about Jesus’ impending sacrifice for humanity. From this moment on, the religious leaders devise plans to kill Jesus.
John chapter 11 showcases Jesus’ divine power over death through the raising of Lazarus. The story not only reveals Jesus’ deep compassion and humanity but also highlights the central truth of his nature as “the resurrection and the life.” This miracle strengthens the faith of many, but it also leads the religious leaders to decisively resolve to kill Jesus, as they see him as a threat to their power and the nation’s security.
WEEKLY SPIRIT OF PROPHECY READING – Ellen White | The Desire of Ages
Chapter 70—In the Outer Court
This chapter is based on John 12:20-42.
Read online here
Chapter 70 deals with the Parable of the Great Judgment, in which Jesus describes how He will separate people into two groups at His second coming: the “sheep” on the right and the “goats” on the left. Each person’s eternal destiny is not judged based on the size or significance of their actions, but rather on the mercy they have shown toward the “least brothers”—the needy. It is about practical love that serves Christ Himself in the service of fellow human beings.
This parable illustrates a central message of Jesus: that the true signs of faith lie in practical mercy and care for those in need. Jesus makes it clear that people will be judged by their actions toward the weakest and most needy. He identifies Himself with the hungry, thirsty, strangers, sick, and imprisoned, explaining that every act of kindness given to these individuals is considered a service to Himself.
It becomes evident that theological knowledge or status is not the primary focus, but rather the heart of service and humanity. Those who act spontaneously and lovingly will be rewarded, while those who live selfishly and ignore the plight of others will be condemned. The surprising reaction of the righteous, who did not even know that they were serving Jesus, demonstrates that genuine neighborly love comes from the heart and does not seek recognition.
The parable also serves as a challenge to those who live in prosperity. Jesus points out that wealth brings responsibility and that God expects the rich to care for the needy. Yet all too often, the wealthy remain selfish and isolate themselves from the suffering of the poor.
Chapter 70, based on Matthew 25:31-46, shows that people’s eternal fate depends on their practical love and mercy toward the needy. Jesus identifies Himself with the weakest and explains that every service to them is a service to Himself. This parable calls Christians to live out Christ’s love in their daily lives by helping the needy and demonstrating true discipleship through their mercy. Love for one’s neighbor is presented here as the most important sign of a living faith.
WEEKLY SPIRIT OF PROPHECY READING – Ellen White | The Desire of Ages
Chapter 71—A Servant of Servants
This chapter is based on Luke 22:7-18, 24; John 13:1-17.
Read online here
Chapter 71 describes the last evening of Jesus with His disciples before His death. During the final Passover meal, Jesus reveals to His disciples through a humble act what true greatness in serving others entails. The chapter focuses on the foot washing as an example of humility and selfless service that Jesus has left to His followers. The scene unfolds in an atmosphere of sorrow, as Jesus is aware of His impending sacrifice.
The Last Supper and the Foot Washing (Chapter 71)
In the upper room of a house in Jerusalem, Jesus prepared to celebrate the Passover with His disciples. He knew that His time had come and that He would be the true sacrificial lamb. On this pivotal night, He wanted to teach His disciples what true greatness and discipleship mean. While the disciples continued to argue about their own positions and superiority, Jesus decided to provide them with a powerful example of humility and love. Instead of preaching about their faults, He washed their feet, a task typically reserved for a servant. This act demonstrated that true leadership and greatness lie not in being served but in serving others.
The foot washing became a symbol of the cleansing of the heart. Although the disciples were physically cleansed, they still needed spiritual purification from pride, jealousy, and discord. Peter, who was initially horrified when Jesus attempted to wash his feet, later understood the deeper meaning of this act: it was about the inner cleansing that only Jesus can provide.
Jesus used this moment to make it clear to the disciples that true discipleship involves serving others, just as He did. Through His service, He set an example for them to follow: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:15). Jesus taught that humility, love, and selflessness are the keys to true fellowship and discipleship.
Chapter 71 deals with the last evening of Jesus with His disciples, during which He provides them with a lasting example of humility and service through the foot washing. Jesus demonstrates that true greatness does not lie in power or position but in selfless service to others. This lesson, conveyed through His act of foot washing, becomes a fundamental teaching of Christian life: “By love, serve one another.” Jesus’ example encourages us to open our hearts to His cleansing grace and to serve our fellow human beings with love and humility.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/17-10-2024-john-chapter-11-believe-his-prophets/
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