17 February 2025 | Faith-based organizations, ministries, and humanitarians gathered in Moscow, Russia, on January 29, 2025, for the Round Table on “Social Service of Religious Communities – Interfaith Exchange of Experience.” The event took place at the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate as part of the XXXIII International Christmas Educational […] Source: https://atoday.org/adra-has-a-seat-at-major-humanitarian-round-table-in-russia/
Tuesday: To Love God
Daily Lesson for Tuesday 18th of February 2025
That God is all-powerful does not mean that He can do the logically impossible. Accordingly, God cannot causally determine that someone freely love Him. If freely doing something means to do something without being determined to do it, then by definition it is impossible to make someone freely do something. In short, as we have seen, and must re-emphasize—God cannot force anyone to love Him, for the moment it’s forced, it is no longer love.
Read Matthew 22:37 and Deuteronomy 6:4-5. What do these verses teach about the reality of free will?
The greatest commandment, to love God, provides evidence that God does, indeed, want everyone to love Him. However, not everyone does love God. Why, then, does God simply not make everyone love Him? Again, that is because love, to be love, must be freely given.
Read Hebrews 6:17-18 and Titus 1:2. What do these texts teach about God?
According to Numbers 23:19, “ ‘God is not man, that [H]e should lie’ ” (ESV). God never lies (Titus 1:2); God always keeps His word and never breaks a promise (Hebrews 6:17-18). Accordingly, if God has promised or committed Himself to something, His future action is morally limited by that promise.
This means that, insofar as God, in most cases, grants creatures the freedom to choose otherwise than what God prefers; it is not up to God what humans choose. If God has committed Himself to granting creatures free will, humans possess the ability to exercise their freedom in ways that go against God’s ideal desires. Tragically, many people do exercise their freedom in this way, and accordingly, there are many things that occur that God wishes did not, but that are not, strictly speaking, up to God.
What have you done that you knew God didn’t want you to do? What does this teach about the reality—and possible frightful consequences—of free will? |

God First: Your Daily Prayer Meeting #917
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (Matthew 21:22, NIV).
Tag someone in need of prayer, and kindly share your prayer requests here:
https://wkf.ms/3DBuapQ Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbdIkoJvhbw
8: Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence — It is Written — Discussions with the Author

Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this quarter’s author, John C. Peckham, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson.”

8: Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence — Hope Sabbath School Video Discussion
View an in-depth discussion of Free Will, Love, and Divine Providence/a> in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris.
Click on the image below to view the video:
With thanks to Hope Channel – Television that will change your life.

Source: https://ssnet.org/blog/8-free-will-love-and-divine-providence-hope-sabbath-school-video-discussion/
1 Pietro 4:10 – Apri la porta del tuo cuore
“Dio ha dato a ognuno di voi particolari capacità: fate in modo di servirvene per aiutarvi a vicenda, mettendo così al servizio degli altri i doni che avete ricevuto da Dio”. 📖 1 Pietro 4:10 —
💌 Apri la porta del tuo cuore
🗣 Speaker: Gioia Comia Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdMxQP3-Mc
ADRA responde a la suspensión de la financiación de USAID: oportunidades para seguir adelante
La siguiente es una declaración oficial de ADRA: Los Adventistas del Séptimo Día tienen una larga historia de emplear recursos personales y eclesiásticos para apoyar a aquellos cuyas vidas están amenazadas por el hambre, la pobreza, la enfermedad, los desastres y los disturbios civiles. La Agencia Adventista de Desarrollo y Recursos Asistenciales (ADRA) fue creada […] Source: https://atoday.org/adra-responde-a-la-suspension-de-la-financiacion-de-usaid-oportunidades-para-seguir-adelante/
Profesores de la Universidad del Sur exploran la conexión entre fe y ciencia
Durante casi dos décadas, profesores del departamento de ciencias y del departamento de religión de la Southern Adventist University han organizado un grupo de debate destinado a explorar la intersección de ambas disciplinas. Los participantes son expertos en sus campos, pero abordan el grupo de debate como ávidos estudiantes. Según un comunicado de prensa sobre […] Source: https://atoday.org/profesores-de-la-universidad-del-sur-exploran-la-conexion-entre-fe-y-ciencia/
¿Cristianismo cómplice o cristianismo valiente? Respuesta a la Resolución 59 de la Cámara de Representantes
Según un estudio de febrero de 2023 del Pew Research Center, el 32% de los estadounidenses cree que un régimen militar o un líder autoritario, descrito como un líder fuerte que puede tomar decisiones sin interferencia del Congreso o los tribunales, sería una buena forma de gobernar el país. El mismo estudio reveló que el […] Source: https://atoday.org/cristianismo-complice-o-cristianismo-valiente-respuesta-a-la-resolucion-59-de-la-camara-de-representantes/
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Like and Share this post to bring hope to a wandering world. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeGjRgU9U5E
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