Our #faith leads us out of our comfort zones into uncharted waters. At times, our #Lord calls us to make sacrifices, but the joys He offers are far greater. #Jesus left everything to come to this earth. He left behind heaven, the angels, and His face-to-face friendship with #God the Father. Jesus came to this evil planet to show us God’s love. He came to win back the hearts of humans and to save sinners from death. “We cannot ever understand how much it cost God to save us until we stand with our Savior in front of God’s throne. Then we will see heaven’s glory. We shall remember that Jesus left all this for us. Jesus left heaven. But He did more than that for us. He accepted the risk that He may fail and lose everything. When we understand this, we will throw our crowns at His feet. We will sing the song, ‘ “The Lamb, who was put to death, is worthy! He is worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength! He is worthy to receive honor and glory and praise!” ’ Revelation 5:12 [NIrV].”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, page 131, adapted. When we work with Jesus to save sinners, we must give up things too. We must move forward in faith and obedience. Sabbath School Lesson 13: https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2020:3Q:ER:PDFs:ERQ320_13.pdf Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0a-3cn_vYY
Pr Ted Wilson Shares How You Can Be Involved in World Pathfinder Day 2020
Did you know that Sabbath, September 19, is a very important day for nearly 2 million young people around the world? That’s because it is “World Pathfinder Day”—a day set aside each year to highlight young people who are involved in #Pathfinders. In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson will talk about what Pathfinders is, how it started, and the theme for World Pathfinder Day this year. The #Pathfinder Club has been an official component of the Seventh-day #Adventist Church’s youth ministry department since 1950, so this year they are celebrating 70 years of worldwide Pathfindering! A special online World Pathfinder Day program will be livestreamed worldwide this #Sabbath on the GC Youth Ministries Facebook page. For more information, visit youth.adventist.org In case you may not be familiar with Pathfinders, this Seventh-day Adventist youth organization is focused on young people 10 to 15 years old, and is filled with action, adventure, challenge and group activities, and has a strong spiritual component. It provides opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team spirit, and a sense of loyalty and respect for God, His Creation, and His Church. Perhaps one of the best-known activities of the club is the large international camporee held in OshKosh, Wisconsin, in the United States every five years. This year, the theme for the World Pathfinder Day is “Reconciled: Where I Belong” and focuses on the story of the welcoming father in the story of the Prodigal Son, with the key text of Luke 15:22, where the father welcomes his wayward son home. This son, who demanded his inheritance immediately and then wasted it very irresponsibly, decides, at last, to come home. We read the touching scene in Luke 15:18-24. Perhaps you have wandered or are tempted to wander away from Jesus. Maybe you feel you have gone too far to turn back now. This touching story also speaks to our hearts in welcoming back those who have gone astray. Do our hearts yearn for those who perhaps grew up in the Church—maybe they were even involved in Pathfinders and other youth activities—but have somehow lost their way? Do we spend time on our knees for these dear youth, pleading with the Lord to bring them back? Do we find ways to reach out to them, letting them know we care and that they are missed? And when they do return, do we welcome them with open arms? There is so much we can learn from this parable. Let us take to heart the wonderful theme of this year’s World Pathfinder Day— “Reconciled: Where I Belong.” With God. That is where everyone belongs! 00:00 Greeting: September 19 is a very important day
00:27 History of creation of the Pathfinders movement
01:04 Who are the Pathfinders?
01:58 “Reconciled: Where I Belong”
02:32 Ted Wilson’s Sermon
06:56 Pastor’s Pray The official accounts of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdventistChurch/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventistchurch/
twitter: https://twitter.com/adventistchurch/
site: https://www.adventist.org/ #TEDWILSONWEEKLY
#TEDWILSON Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcIB03wr7b8
Know How to Help Children Who Are Struggling During COVID-19
After 6-7 months of being home, not being able to go to school, see their friends or family, and play with their neighbors. How are our #children doing? How are they being impacted by #COVID-19? Find answers to these questions in this week’s episode of #ANN In-Depth. #Teachers and #parents are worried about social interaction and the connection of being online for #school. Teachers and parents are also worried about keeping their kids safe at in-person school–where many times, young people have to wear masks all day. Kids hear their parents talking about grown-up topics: Death, COVID-19, war, politics, racism, protests, blasts in Beirut, wildfires in Australia and California — and how are they processing this information? This week we are joined by Dr. Leisa Morton-Standish and Dr. Linda Koh. Dr. Morton-Standish is the Director of Elementary Education at the North American Division. Dr. Koh is the Director of the Children’s Ministries Department at the Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters. LEARN ABOUT THESE MINISTRIES Adventist Education:
Website: https://adventisteducation.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdventistEdu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdventistEducation/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/adventistedu
Instagram: @adventisteducation Children’s Ministries
Website: https://children.adventist.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AdventistChildrensMinistries/ Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG3olKmi73I
Adventist COVID-19 Global Summit – Europe & Africa
Here is some good health news:
• Portugal's centralized setup network is slowing down COVID-19.
• Babcock University Teaching Hospital is maximizing its strategic location.
• Adventists in Ukraine are distributing PPE packs to the community. And you'll hear even more in this world health summit! Get to know about the two hands of COVID-19, anxiety and depression. Speaking of hands, in response to illness, Jesus stretched out His hand to someone whose case was similar to COVID-19: the leper! His disease frightened the people around him and he needed to be isolated. Does that ring a bell? In today's times, whose hand should reach out to pandemic victims? You will also be informed about the conspiracy theories buzzing around. Why do certain demographics and ethnicities suffer worse outcomes of COVID-19? And is Vitamin D a promising solution to this pandemic? Can sunlight be a useful treatment for coronavirus? What are the 4 big Ds that trigger depression? #HealthNews #HealthEducation #AdventistCOVID19GlobalSummit Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8rktWIlCLk
Sabbath School: God’s Messages are Worth Sharing!
He died for us and now lives for us. He came once to deliver us from the penalty and power of #sin and is coming again to deliver us from the presence of sin. This week, we will look at why #Revelation is important for people today. We will look at #Jesus’ invitation to His end-time church to help Him share this final message of #mercy with the people on earth. Jesus died for everyone who ever lived. So, the Good News is for everyone. The Good News is all about Jesus. It is about how Jesus wins the war against the devil and death. Jesus joins us to God again. He came to make us free from sin’s punishment and power. Jesus makes us clean and holy. Soon He will cover us with glory and give us bodies that will not die. Jesus will come again to make us free from sin forever. The Bible tells us about Jesus’ two comings. He came the first time to save us. He will come back to take us home. The book of Revelation was written to help us get ready for the Second Coming. Sabbath School Lesson 12: https://absg.adventist.org/pdf.php?file=2020:3Q:ER:PDFs:ERQ320_12.pdf Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1M-gAM1IZk
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