Southern Africa is rich with poignant mission stories. In this podcast episode, ESDA editors Dr. David Trim and Dr. Dragoslava Santrac unlock amazing stories again. Together with them are Dr. Passmore Hachalinga and Gideon Reyneke, editors from the Southern African-Indian Ocean Division. The gospel in Africa
It's fascinating to know that Seventh-day Adventism's history in the area did not start with missionaries. Dr. Hachalinga shares the incredible story: It began with a young, faithful Christian farmer, whose farm has diamonds bringing his family great fortune. He fell ill and claimed James 5:14-15 for healing. His recuperation strengthened his enthusiasm to share God's Word, which led his brother to challenge him to keep the Bible Sabbath. Astonished, he sought for the biblical truth and accepted the dare. His name was Pieter Wessels. The coming of the African missionaries
Pieter thought he was alone in keeping the seventh-day Sabbath. So he was shocked and pleased to know that there were around 30,000 Sabbath-keepers around the world. With a friend's suggestion, he wrote to the Church headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan, to send missionaries, all at his expense. With the missionaries, the church grew in the area. Telling stories of generosity
It is also remarkable to note that the Wessels family are known for their love offerings for God. Not only did they assist the struggling church in Southern Africa, but globally. The monuments of their financial assistance still stand today. These include Helderberg College, Solusi Mission, Avondale, and Sydney Adventist Hospital. Church history also testifies how the family also directly helped Ellen White when she was in Australia. Read more about the inspiring testimony of Pieter Wessels here:|wessels. Other stories from Africa
Pastor Reyneke also shares tales about the graveyard at Solusi University, where missionary men, women, and even children lay. Most of them struggled with deadly malaria. Indeed, the Adventist church needs to heed to God's calling found in Psalm 78:3-8. The online Adventist encyclopedia tells and preserves God's beautiful messages, stories, blessings, and dealings alive. It plainly shows God in real life. For more stories, histories, facts, pictures, and videos about God's dealings, check this out: Source:
Sabbath School: How to Share the Love and Life of Jesus with Others
If our witness about #Jesus comes from a heart that has been transformed by His #grace, charmed by His #love and amazed at His #truth, others will be impressed with how the truth we believe has impacted our lives. The most powerful proof for the Good News is a changed life. People may argue with your beliefs. They may disagree with your Bible teachings. They may say that you do not understand the #Bible. But who can argue with
your personal story about what Jesus means to you and what He has done in your life? #Witnessing is sharing what we know about Jesus. Witnessing is letting other people know what Jesus means to us and what He has done for us. Some people think that witnessing is only about trying to prove what they believe is right and show that other people’s beliefs are wrong. But if we talk about Bible truth that way, we will not win many people to Jesus. Our sharing about Jesus must come from a heart that has been changed by His mercy and forgiveness, His love, and His truth. Then other people will see how the truth we believe has changed our lives. That is the best reason why we must live what we believe. We must show that every Bible teaching is about Jesus and shows His love too. Then people will want to accept what the Bible says. Sabbath School Lesson 11: Source:
Ellen White: the Surprising Truth about the Writings of Ellen White according to Pastor Ted Wilson
Ellen White is the most translated American author of all time as well as the most translated woman in history. But who was #EllenWhite? She was a woman of remarkable spiritual gifts who lived most of her life during the nineteenth century, yet through her #writings she is still making a revolutionary impact on millions of people around the world. During her lifetime she wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books. Today, including compilations from her 50,000 pages of manuscript, more than 100 titles are available in English, and many others in multiple languages. Her writings cover a broad range of subjects, including religion, education, social relationships, evangelism, prophecy, publishing, nutrition, and management. Her life-changing masterpiece on successful #Christian living, Steps to Christ, has been published in more than 140 languages. Seventh-day #Adventists believe that Mrs. White was more than a gifted writer; we believe she was appointed by #God as a special messenger to draw the world's attention to the Holy Scriptures and help prepare people for Christ's second advent. From the time she was 17 years old until she died 70 years later, God gave her approximately 2,000 #visions and dreams. The visions varied in length from less than a minute to nearly four hours. The knowledge and counsel received through these revelations she wrote out to be shared with others. Thus, her special writings are accepted by Seventh-day Adventists as inspired, and their exceptional quality is recognized even by casual readers. However, as stated in the book, Seventh-day Adventists Believe . . . , “The writings of Ellen White are not a substitute for Scripture. They cannot be placed on the same level. The Holy Scriptures stand alone, the unique standard by which her and all other writings must be judged and to which they must be subject” (p. 227). Ellen G. White was truly a remarkable woman who, meeting all the tests of a true #prophet as set forth in the Holy Scriptures, helped found the Seventh-day Adventist #church. And through the counsels given through this special messenger, God has blessed us immensely. Embrace this incredible blessing that God has gifted to His Church. I have found the more I read the Spirit of Prophecy, the most blessed I am. And today, all of her writings are available, not only in hard copy but online. Just go to, choose your language, and start reading today. I am sure you will be blessed! Source:
Know That God Can Help Us As We Go Through Times of Distress
How can we live and learn through times of #distress like the one we're in now? In the #Bible, #God would send difficulties to bring people back to him. Hardships are meant to bring us back to the #Lord. During this #COVID-19 #pandemic, there have been memes all over the internet like “whoever God has asked to go to Nineveh—please just go.” While we don’t believe God caused COVID-19 – are there things we can learn as we are dealing with this #crisis. Can we use this time to go back to the Lord— individually and corporately. Should we be doing something that calls attention to back to Him? Find out in this week's #ANN In-Depth episode. GUESTS This week we are joined by Dr. Dee Knight and Catalina Arevalo. Dr. Knight is a doctor of clinical neuropsychology. She has been running her own psychotherapy and consultation practice for over nine years. Catalina is the host of Connected Adventist Podcast. In her podcast, Catalina addresses various topics on life lessons. Learn more about our guests: Dr. Dee Knight
Instagram: drdeeknight
Facebook: Connected Adventist Podcast
Instagram: connectedadventistpodcast Source:
Pastor Ted Wilson & Nancy Wilson Talk About Family Togetherness Week
In this video, Pastor Ted Wilson and Nancy Wilson will be talking about a very special topic – the #family and the upcoming “Family Togetherness Week”! #God cares about individuals, and He cares about families. The hope of a coming #Savior gave hope and courage to our first #parents, and it continues to give hope and courage to us today! Even though we live in a fallen world and experience the many challenges that brings, God designed the family to be a shining light for Him. Of course, you cannot have the home God wants you to have without having Him as the main component. One of the best ways as a family to do that is by taking time, morning and evening, to have family worship. Family worship is a great time to involve #children! Make it interesting, enjoyable, and not too long. Sing together. Read together. Pray together. God can help bring peace and joy into the home, and He can help everyone to work together. For families, it can become very complicated as you are pulled in so many directions, I realize how essential it is that children feel they are part of the family unit—that they aren’t just passive members being cared for. Involve them in age-appropriate home tasks, helping to keep things clean and running smoothly. Involve them in family discussions. If kids learn early to have responsibilities, they will have a sense of ownership in the family, knowing that they are an important part of the family. While God designed the family unit, He also created the larger family—the family of God—where we are all brothers and sisters in Christ! The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a wonderful worldwide family of more than 21 million members around the world! And now even during these challenging times, the worldwide Adventist Church family is coming together in new and exciting ways, encouraging one another, and reaching out to a world desperate for hope. And now, more than ever, it’s so important to be a “home missionary.” This is a wonderful way in which we can all, as members of God’s family, come together in service for Him. In fact, this coming week is “Family Togetherness Week.” Organized by the Family Ministries department of the General Conference, this is a special opportunity to spotlight the family—both individually, and as a Church. Resource materials are available here: Source:
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