What are the things we do as a church that could be put under the label “tradition”? Why is it always important to distinguish them from biblical teaching? There is no Christian church that does not use Scripture to support its beliefs. Yet, the role and authority of Scripture in theology is not the same in all churches. We all are part of various traditions and cultures that impact us. We all have experiences that shape our thinking and influence our understanding. We all have a mind to think and to evaluate things. We all read the Bible and use it for our understanding of God and His will. Bible Study Lesson 4 – https://bit.ly/2z1iT0F Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGQ13BJLjBo
Sabbath School Lesson: The Origin and Nature of the Bible
Why must the Scripture be foundational to our faith? Without it, where would we be? The way we see and understand the origin and nature of Scripture greatly impacts the role that the Bible plays in our lives and in the church at large. When we want to understand Scripture correctly, we first of all need to allow the Bible to determine the basic parameters of how it should be treated. Our interpretation of Scripture needs to take seriously the divine-human dimension of God’s Word. This week we will look at some foundational aspects of the origin and nature of the Bible that should impact our interpretation and understanding of it. Bible Study Lesson 2 – https://bit.ly/2K7VFZ8 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnuo_QHEuDc
Sabbath School Lesson: Discover the Uniqueness of the Bible for Yourself
Jesus Himself referred to the Scriptures all the time, especially in terms of prophecy being fulfilled. What then should our attitude be toward the Bible? Composed of 66 books, and written over 1,500 years on three continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe) by more than forty authors, the Bible is unique. There is no other book, sacred or religious, like it. And no wonder. After all, it is the Word of God. The Bible was the first book known to be translated, the first book in the West published on the printing press, and the first book to be so widely distributed in so many languages that it can be read by 95 percent of the earth’s population today. The Bible also is unique in its content and message, which focuses on God’s redemptive acts in history. That history is intertwined with prophecy, as it foretells the future of God’s plans and His eternal kingdom. Bible Study Lesson 1: https://bit.ly/34Epz0m Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7FDMeHUVog
Scripture Alone is the Final Authority for Theology
Think about a time when you didn’t understand some texts, only to have them clarified later. What did you learn from that experience that perhaps could help others struggling with something similar? The Protestant claim of “Scripture alone” (sola Scriptura) elevated Scripture to the sole standard and decisive source for theology. It was the Bible that gave the decisive force and authority to the Protestant Reformation and its revolt against Rome and the errors it had been teaching for centuries. The Protestant Reformers emphasized the importance of a grammatical-historical interpretation of the Bible, which took seriously the grammar and literal meaning of the biblical text. Bible Study Lesson 5: https://bit.ly/2KgEIf4 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFB-hG1yTFk
Medical Symposium 1: Lessons learned from the 1918 Flu and their applications to COVID-19
Can treatments used during the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak be used to combat the pandemic we currently face? Learn from top medical professionals from across the country for an online symposium as they share lessons learned that could be applied today! Join us Sunday, April 12, at 5 p.m. Pacific/8 p.m. Eastern on Facebook or YouTube. Continuing education credits can acquired by attending this online symposium. For more information, go to awr.org/health. Event title: “Novel Lessons Learned from the 1918 Flu. Could they Apply to the COVID-19 Pandemic?”
Subtitle: Symposium of Leading Physicians with Domestic and Global Experience
Date and Time: This Sunday, April 12 at 8pm EST Sponsored by AWR360 Health in partnership with GC Health, NAD Health, Your Best Pathway to Health, Weimar Institute, Oakhaven, and others. Special Guest Speaker: President and CEO Loma Linda University Health Host: Dr. Lela Lewis, Medical Director AWR360 Health and CEO/Founder Your Best Pathway to Health Panelists in Order of Speaking:
Dr. Peter Landless, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Health Ministry Director
Dr. Richard Hart, President of Loma Linda University Health and CEO Loma Linda University Health, Dr. Neil Nedley, President Weimar College
Dr. Roger Seheult Pulmonologist, Intensivist, Founder MedCram Dr. John Kelly, President Oakhaven and Founder of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Dr. Charles Zeno Marcel, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists – Assistant Director
Dr. Mark Finley, Assistant to the President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Dr. Duane McKey, President of AWR Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6erMReDPY6U
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