Our church was born from within the pages of the book of Daniel, our study for this quarter. As we begin, we should keep the following points in mind as a template to help guide us through our study. First, we should always remember that Christ is the center of Daniel, as He is of the entire Bible. Second, Daniel is organized in a way that shows literary beauty and helps us to understand its major focus. Third, we need to understand the difference between classical and apocalyptic prophecies. This will help us distinguish between the prophecies of Daniel and those of others, such as Isaiah, Amos, and Jeremiah. Fourth, as we study the time prophecies of Daniel, we should understand that the prophetic outlines of Daniel span long periods of time and are measured according to the year-day principle. Fifth, we shall emphasize that the book of Daniel not only conveys prophetic information but is profoundly relevant to our personal lives today. Bible Study Lesson 1 – https://bit.ly/3a5kTC0 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSFkb50ly-0
Jesus and the Apostles’ View of the Bible
How can we learn to be just as reliant on the Word of God, and as submissive to it? Unfortunately in this postmodern age, the Bible has been largely reinterpreted through the lens of a philosophy that questions both its inspiration and its authority. In fact, the Bible is seen as merely the ideas of human beings living in a relatively primitive culture who couldn’t possibly understand the world as we do today. In the New Testament, we can see the inspired way to view the entire Scripture by studying how Jesus and the apostles understood the Old Testament, the only Bible that they had at that time. How did they relate to the people, places, and events described? What were their assumptions and subsequent methods of interpretation? Bible Study Lesson 3 – https://bit.ly/2Vd4XcF Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WymkydZ4S0
Medical Symposium 2: Urban and Rural Delivery in the context of COVID-19
Treatment for COVID-19 in the cities and rural areas is not the same. Join us as we investigate the past utilization of Ultraviolet Radiation (sunlight) and Open Space (fresh air) as a treatment for physical and mental illness in the 1918 Pandemic Flu. We will ask the question: does this have any role for our front-line war with COVID-19? How does this relate to diversity in Urban and Rural delivery? The 1918 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic was a serious threat to the United States and much of the world, resulting in the death of over 50 million people. SARS-CoV2 or COVID-19 has so far resulted in over 133,000 deaths globally and had a profound effect on each of our overall lives physically, financially, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Last Sunday, in part 1 of our Medical Symposium entitled, “Novel Lessons Learned from the 1918 Flu: Could they Apply to the COVID-19 Pandemic” we discovered there were some unusual treatments employed during the Spanish Flu that had good results, namely Hydrothermal Therapy (HT). We were also intrigued to find that HT has some scientifically positive implications for COVID-19. This week, we continue part 2 of our Medical Symposium, as we seek to review the past as an informational opportunity for potential conjunctive treatments for COVID-19. Category 1 CME and CEU Credit through the University of Arizona is offered to all participants. For more information visit AWR.org/Health for more information. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAv9YSIyNxA
What is the Authoritative Source of Our Theology? The Bible.
What are the things we do as a church that could be put under the label “tradition”? Why is it always important to distinguish them from biblical teaching? There is no Christian church that does not use Scripture to support its beliefs. Yet, the role and authority of Scripture in theology is not the same in all churches. We all are part of various traditions and cultures that impact us. We all have experiences that shape our thinking and influence our understanding. We all have a mind to think and to evaluate things. We all read the Bible and use it for our understanding of God and His will. Bible Study Lesson 4 – https://bit.ly/2z1iT0F Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGQ13BJLjBo
A Special Message of courage from Pastor Ted Wilson to all Seventh-day Adventists
Special Message from Pr Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church related to the COVID-19 pandemic. "Friends, although we are still in the midst of a most unusual and unsettling time, we can have hope and courage as we look to God's precious promises found in the Bible. May God bless you with peace, hope, and courage!" Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eluLg3CFCcg
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