Lesson 7 Mission to my Neighbor – 7.1 The Question of Questions
The questions regarding our origin, the meaning of life, and our destiny after death are indeed fundamental questions that concern the essence of humanity. The episode in the Gospel of Luke, where a legal expert asked Jesus how to attain eternal life, shows the urgency and significance of these existential questions.
Though the legal expert might have come with the intention to test Jesus, he used the opportunity to touch the deeper thoughts of this man’s heart and the listeners. This encounter illustrates that despite potential initial doubts or dishonest intentions behind the questions, there remains a pressing need for spiritual truth and answers.
The emphasis on eternal life in the Bible is of great importance as it highlights the infinity and significance beyond our temporally limited existence. Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 15:30-32 underscores the urgency of eternal life by emphasizing the reality of suffering and toil in life and suggesting that without hope for the eternal, the situation of humanity would be the saddest.
The central questions about eternal life and the meaning of existence remain timeless and crucial for us as mortal beings. This encounter between Jesus and the legal expert reminds us that even behind possible skepticism or disbelief, there can lie profound yearnings for truth, hope, and a deeper meaning of life. Jesus used this opportunity to reach people, showing us that even amidst doubts and tests, the quest for answers to life’s existential questions is a journey that can ultimately lead to the discovery of truth and meaning.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/lesson-7-mission-to-my-neighbor-7-1-the-question-of-questions/
God’s Mission, My Mission – Lesson 7: Mission to My Neighbor | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series GOD’S MISSION, MY MISSION with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 7: Mission to My Neighbor |
Memory Text: 1: Luke 10:27 – He answered, ‘ “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”; and, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” |
7.1 The Question of Questions
The scribe posed to Jesus the central question of eternal life, even though he initially came to test Jesus. Nevertheless, Jesus recognized the significance of this question and used the opportunity to explore the hearts of the scribe and the audience. The question of eternal life is at the core of our existence and holds paramount importance, irrespective of religious rituals or practices. In 1 Corinthians 15:30-32, Paul emphasizes the importance of eternal life, pointing to the alternative, eternal death. Jesus always sought opportunities for mission, even when the motives of his conversation partners were doubtful.
7.2 Jesus’ Method and Response
The encounter between Jesus and the scribe illustrates that God knows the desires and yearnings of our hearts better than we do. In a similar vein, when others inquire about our faith, we should serve them to the best of our abilities, regardless of their motives, as their needs and desires may be genuine. The mentioned Bible verses, such as Matthew 26:56, Acts 17:11, 1 Corinthians 15:3, and 2 Timothy 3:16, teach us that the Word of God is the source of truth and that we should read and study it ourselves to find answers. God has given us His Word, where we can find all the necessary teachings for our lives and the attainment of eternal life.
7.3 To Inherit Eternal Life
The scribe answered his own question by stating that one should love the Lord, their God, with all their heart and treat their neighbor as themselves. Jesus affirmed this response and urged him to put it into practice to attain eternal life. This underscores that it is not enough to merely know the correct answers in faith; one must also put them into action. James 2:17-22 similarly emphasizes that faith without deeds is of little value and admonishes us to express our love for God and others through concrete actions, aiding the needy rather than offering lip service. Christianity is not solely a collection of beliefs but a way of life expressed through love and deeds.
7.4 Loving Others as We Love Ourselves
Jesus teaches us to love others as we love ourselves and stresses that our daily life is based on these two commandments. Galatians 5:14, Micah 6:6-8, and 1 John 4:20-21 reinforce this teaching by revealing that love for God is demonstrated through practical acts of kindness and interactions with other people. Paul explains that love for God becomes visible through the deeds that testify to our faith. This highlights the significance of love as a central principle in the Christian life, as Paul passionately underscores in 1 Corinthians 13.
7.5 The Good Samaritan Story Today
The parable of the Good Samaritan, told by Jesus, emphasizes that it is not sufficient to know the right answers; one must also put their beliefs into action. Jesus intended to show that our neighbor is not defined by origin, skin color, or social status but by anyone in need of our assistance. This story serves as a reminder to be attentive to the needs of people in our vicinity and actively help them, regardless of their faith or background. It encourages us to be kind and merciful, much like the Good Samaritan in the parable, and translate our faith into practical acts of neighborly love.
Does Job Fear God for Naught? | The Fear of God and the Trials of Life
However, he replied to her, “You’re talking like one of the foolish women. Shall we accept good from God and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said. (Job 2:10)
The text from the Book of Job sheds a strong light on a topic often difficult to grasp: Why do the godly sometimes endure suffering and trials? Job, a man of exceptional faith and godliness, despite his upright conduct, had to endure trials and suffering.
The Book of Job reveals to us the depths of the great struggle between good and evil, between Christ and Satan. It shows us that this battle isn’t only distant but takes place in our world—a world often marked by mysteries and inexplicable suffering. Like Job, many of us have experienced life’s trials. We’ve been confronted with challenges that shook us, caused fear, and confusion.
Yet, amid all these trials, Job stood firm in his faith. Even in his worst times, when everything seemed lost, he did not curse God. He said, “Should we accept good from God and not trouble?” This attitude is an inspiration to us all.
Life won’t always grant us smooth paths. We will encounter obstacles that shake us and question our faith. But in these moments of trial, when pain pierces our hearts, we should recall Job’s steadfastness. We must ask ourselves if we are ready to accept both good and difficult times while remaining steadfast in our faith.
The devil is on this earth, and his presence is often felt through anger and suffering. Yet, let’s remember that we are not alone. We have the assurance that God is with us, that His comfort and strength are with us in the toughest moments.
May Job’s story encourage us to deepen our fear of God and to remain steadfast amidst life’s trials. Let’s support each other when faced with suffering, opening our hearts and hands to those in need of comfort and encouragement.
Prayer: Lord, in moments of darkness and suffering, let us remember Job, who held onto You despite everything. Grant us the strength, fear of God, and endurance to remain steadfast in life’s trials. Help us strengthen one another in love and bring Your comfort to those amid their own trials. Amen.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/does-job-fear-god-for-naught-the-fear-of-god-and-the-trials-of-life/
Adventist News Network – November 10, 2023
Adventist News Network – November 10, 2023 |
This week on ANN: |
Communicators from over 40 countries gather in Budva, Montenegro for GAiN Europe. |
A ten-day journey in India provides cataract surgery to patients in an impoverished region. |
Plus, an Adventist children’s series about mission wins its fifth season on the Adventist streaming platform. |
Stay tuned for these top stories from around the world.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/adventist-news-network-november-10-2023/
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