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The dialogue between father-in-law and son-in-law revealed the love that surrounded them; Jethro much rejoiced "for all the good that the Lord did to Israel" (v.9). How wonderful it is to have people who love us and care about us! This is a special characteristic of one who is led by the Holy Spirit: to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who mourn (Rom 12:15). Jethro's counsel in the face of the "too heavy" burden (v. 18) is one of the greatest teachings on leadership. There are many who have assumed positions of great responsibility and carried a weight beyond their strength. It is God's purpose for His people to join in mutual help and to bring their concerns to Him first. Some leaders forget that the most sacred work is working for the salvation of their household. The Lord will never demand of anyone a service that endangers the salvation of the family. The Lord needs "able men, fearful of God, men of truth, who hate greed" (v.21). God needs men who assume their role as priests of the home and who are wise in the use of time. Do you accept the call? (see Acts 16:31). Rosana Garcia Barros
Housewife and mother
Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil Our accounts in other social networks:
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Christian Service, ch. 8 | Believe His Prophets | Weekly Spirit of Prophecy Reading Guide π
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It is not strange that from the beginning of the biblical record to its end we see a God of order (Gen. 1-2; Num. 2; Matt. 10:1-4; Rev. 7:1-6). This stands out even more when we understand that the history of this world develops in the context of the "great controversy." If we want to be successful in this war, we must organize the church in the best way. One highly effective strategy is called: small groups. There are at least three reasons why small groups should be considered in evangelism. First, it is an infallible strategy. If it is a divine idea, it cannot fail. Second, it is an inclusive strategy. There is no social group that can resist such a method; it will work in whatever sphere it is employed. Third, it is a revitalizing strategy. This is so because under this strategy, the whole church will be actively involved and each member will put his or her gifts at the service of the Lord. This will result in soul winning and spiritual revival. It is time to put this strategy into practice in your local church. Success is assured! Gamaliel Méndez,
Pastoral Ministry Lecturer, Linda Vista University, Chiapas, Mexico Our accounts in other social networks:
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Exodus 17 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide π
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Even after God turned bitter water into clean water, there was murmuring. Moses became the target of the wrath of a nation that had to experience the deprivation of basic needs in order to understand the most urgent need– to trust in God. Israel's thirst was quenched and their rebellion placated by a stricken rock. However, Israel needed to experience further setbacks in order to grow and mature as a holy nation. It was not the raising up of the hands of Moses that gave victory to the chosen people, but the faith that moved them to submit to "Thus saith the Lord." Christ is the Rock of salvation and the Water of Life! He was wounded so that we may freely receive the water that never ends (Rev.22:17). Just as Moses struck the rock in obedience to God's word, so we should build our life on the rock that is Christ (Mt 5:24).
And do not forget: building on the Rock and drinking from the Water of Life (Jesus) must be a personal experience. Rosana Garcia Barros
Housewife and mother
Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil Our accounts in other social networks:
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Exodus 16 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide π
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In Exodus 16 we see the entire congregation of the children of Israel murmuring against Moses and Aaron because they missed the bread and the meat they ate in Egypt. It was, indeed, against the Lord that they murmured, grieving His heart with their unbelief. Nonetheless, God listened and answered the people, sending them what they asked for. He sent quail and also manna, the bread from heaven. Every day manna covered the ground with a message that God's mercy is renewed every morning and were it not for this, they would all be consumed. God has always been and still is attentive to the needs of His children, giving them demonstrations of His care. That care is best demonstrated in Jesus, Who is superior to the manna given to the children of Israel in the wilderness. "I am the bread of life" (John 6:48). "This is the bread that cometh down from heaven, that whoever eats of it should not perish" (John 6:50). Today, let us acknowledge the bestowed blessings instead of murmuring for what is not pleasing us on the journey to heavenly Canaan. Let us be grateful for His love and care! Wilma Raquel B. Ribeiro Spagnolo
Professor of Psychology at the Adventist Faculty of Bahia – FADBA
Brazil Our accounts in other social networks:
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Exodus 15 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide π
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Facing the greatest difficulty of their lives, the Israelites are miraculously saved by the Lord. Then, in wonder, they sing the Song written by Moses. This same praise will be sung by the saved in Heaven (Rev 15: 3). One might imagine that with the wonderful miracle of being delivered in the Red Sea, the Hebrews' faith would be strengthened for the rest of their lives. But this did not happen. Soon after, in expectation of dying of thirst, the people complained again to the Lord (v. 24; Gen 16:8). Why did this happen? They had not developed and improved their faith; their character still reflected the environment from which they came. As someone very aptly said, "They came out from Egypt, but Egypt had not come out of them …" So, we also must remove "Babylon the Great" (Rev 17:5) from within us to enter heaven's Canaan. And how to do it? The character of Jesus must be developed in us. "It is by loving Him, copying Him, depending wholly upon Him, that you are to be transformed into His likeness." (Steps to Christ, p 70). This is the truth, the way to eternal life (Jo 14:6; Is 45:22). Jeferson and Gisele Quimelli
Lecturers at State University of Ponta Grossa
Paraná, Brazil. Our accounts in other social networks:
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