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We live in an era in which our chores and tasks are made easier by labor saving devices. No more hand washing of laundry or dishes are required of those who have modern appliances. Cooking is far easier now than it was for our pioneers. We can do much of our shopping online and even have meals delivered! Sadly, this labor-saving mentality hasn’t always worked to our advantage in spreading the gospel. Instead of using every advantage that technology can offer us to have more time to witness, we have allowed ourselves to become spoiled and lazy. It is almost as if we think we can just plug in a labor-saving witnessing machine and hope to win our neighbors without ever really having to interact with them. God sees it differently. He has given us privileges and will hold us accountable for how we use our time and opportunities. “Greater light shines upon us than shone upon our fathers. We cannot be accepted or honored of God in rendering the same service, or doing the same works, that our fathers did. In order to be accepted and blessed of God as they were, we must imitate their faithfulness and zeal, —improve our light as they improved theirs, and do as they would have done had they lived in our day. We must walk in the light which shines upon us, otherwise that light will become darkness.” Christian Service 88.2. Karen D. Lifshay Communications Secretary, Hermiston SDA Church, Oregon USA Our accounts in other social networks:
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Exodus 21 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide π
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The archaeological discovery in 1902 of a stone documenting over 300 laws governing Babylonia during the reign of Hammurabi shows some similarities with this chapter. Ex 21:16 as well as the Hammurabi code indicate that the slave trade was considered a grave offense punishable by death. In Ex 21:23 a man must pay for murder with his own life. However, the Babylonian law indicates that a man may substitute his daughter in his stead. But this injustice was not permitted in the Mosaic law. In contrast to Ex 21:26, the Babylonian law speaks as if injuries were inflicted on the master of the servant rather than the servant himself. But the Hebrew law uniquely does not consider a servant the unconditional property of his master. In general the laws in Exodus focus more on the rights of individual human beings and the sanctity of life than do the Babylonian laws. While many laws in the Hammurabi code are different, there may be some indication that both laws go back to a common source. God desired fairness and justice to be exercised among His people, anciently and today. How are we treating those around us? Michael Hasel
Southern Adventist University Our accounts in other social networks:
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Exodus 20 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide π
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At Mt. Sinai, God expresses His divine nature through the giving of the moral law. Love is the root of His law, with love for God as the basis of love for each other. The giving of the law is as much an act of grace and mercy as the deliverance from Egyptian slavery, for here God shows His redeemed how they shall live. The placement of these “tables of the covenant” (Deut 9:9-11) under the mercy seat indicates that they are the foundation of the covenant. Covenant involves relationship and communion. Real relationship and communion cannot occur between two individuals without a set of norms which define that relationship. The first four commandments define our relationship with God while the next six define our relationship with each other. The Sabbath is defined by God as the seventh day wherein we rest with Him and renew our understanding and worship of God as Creator. The Sabbath becomes the covenant sign between God and His people forever (Ex 31:16-17). The person who in the right spirit keeps the Sabbath as defined by God signifies that he or she stands in a saved relationship with God. Michael Hasel
Southern Adventist University Our accounts in other social networks:
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Christian Service, ch. 9.1 | Believe His Prophets | Weekly Spirit of Prophecy Reading Guide π
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Some couples use birth control to keep their family from growing. Some have even gone as far as seeking surgical sterilization in order to avoid having children. Did you know that some churches are unknowingly practicing spiritual birth control and are limiting the growth of God’s family? They are doing this by failing to focus on what God is capable of doing and by focusing on themselves Ellen White says that Christians should not “stand still in impotency, pointing to what they cannot do.” ChS 77 They have made a religion of all the things they cannot do and have forgotten that God has unlimited power to help them overcome. I don’t think this is talking about being focused on the things that scripture asks us not to do, although being focused exclusively on these things has never helped to grow the church. Rather, I think it means being focused on our inabilities, on our lack of skills, on our weaknesses and our fears. It is too easy to excuse ourselves from working for God and from spreading His message because we feel unqualified. The church becomes impotent while it waits for someone else to do the job. The solution for this is to forget about our inabilities and to place ourselves under God’s control, “knowing that His omnipotence will supply [our] need.” ChS 77 The more we allow ourselves to be led by His Spirit and dare to share His love, the more power we will have to increase God’s family. Karen D. Lifshay Communications Secretary, Hermiston SDA Church, Oregon USA Our accounts in other social networks:
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Exodus 19 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide π
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Here at Mt. Horeb, God initiates a covenant with His people. God, in his love, chooses or elects Israel in an act of gracious initiative, just as in previous covenants made with the patriarchs. God had already redeemed Israel from Egypt and now his covenant at Sinai becomes a continuation of that act of redemption. There are conditions for this covenant relationship. “Now, therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant then you will be a peculiar treasure unto me” (19:5). Israel had up to this point experienced God’s special acts of deliverance. Would Israel now choose to go it alone, or would they choose to be obedient to God and follow Him wherever He led? How is it with us today– do we give God lip service as His people, but then complain and try to go about our lives without Him? Or will we respond like Israel, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do?” (19:8) It was God’s desire at Sinai and also today to have the deepest, most profound, and intimate relationship with His created people. Michael Hasel
Southern Adventist University Our accounts in other social networks:
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