The Great Controversy – Lesson 12.Earth’s Closing Events | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 12.Earth’s Closing Events |
Faithfulness, Outpouring of the Spirit, and the Ultimate Call |
Lesson 12 delves into the dramatic and pivotal events of the end times, centered around worship and faithfulness to God. In these last days, the world faces a clear choice: worship the Creator or the beast. The Holy Spirit will be poured out in unprecedented measure to strengthen believers and powerfully spread the Gospel. This period will be characterized by an intense spiritual battle, where the light of truth contends against the darkness of deception. Believers are called to stand firm in their faith and carry the joyful message of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
Memory Text: Proverbs 23:23 – “Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.”
12.1 Loyalty to God and His Word
The Power of Biblical Truth in the Great Controversy
Proverbs 23:2 and John 8:32; 17:17 emphasize the importance of truth and wisdom found in God’s Word. Both verses show that true freedom and sanctification come through the truth revealed in the Scriptures. Throughout the centuries, the Great Controversy has been a conflict between truth and error, with Satan as the father of lies opposing Jesus, the author of truth. The Bible, as the source of truth, exposes Satan’s deceptions and reveals God’s plans. It is our protection against error and deception and shows us the way to discern between truth and falsehood. Prophecies in the Holy Scriptures serve as a light that illuminates our path and helps us stand firm in faith, especially in the face of impending great deceptions.
12.2 Sealed for Heaven
The Sign of Faithfulness in the Final Conflict
In the coming crisis of worship, the faithful people of God will not yield to worldly pressure (Revelation 14:12). These believers will be sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) and stand firm in their conviction. In ancient times, a seal was a distinctive mark of authenticity, so we expect God’s seal to be embedded in His law (Isaiah 8:16). The Sabbath commandment (Exodus 20:8–11) contains the three elements of a seal: name, title, and territory of God. God’s seal will be received on the forehead, symbolizing a conscious decision, while the mark of the beast will be received either on the forehead or on the hand, indicating adaptation or persuasion (Revelation 7:1–3; 14:1; 13:16–17). In the Great Controversy, those who keep God’s commandments and believe in Jesus stand firm against Satan’s deceptions.
12.3 Whom Do We Worship?
The Decision in the Great Conflict
In the last days, the great battle over worship will escalate dramatically: Either we worship the Creator or the beast and its image (Revelation 14:7-10). The first angel calls for honoring the Creator, while the third angel reveals the dire consequences of worshipping the beast. Those who worship God are described as those who keep His commandments and have faith in Jesus (Revelation 14:12). Satan, who hates the Creator, will try to force the world to accept a false Sabbath, thereby asserting his authority over God’s (Daniel 7:25). In the impending crisis, humanity will be threatened with economic sanctions and even death if they do not follow the beast (Revelation 13:13-17). Despite the uncertainties, we can be sure that the end-time persecutions will be real and intense.
12.4 The Early and Latter Rain
The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost fulfilled the prophecy from Joel 2:21-24 and Acts 2:1-4. On that day, 3000 people were converted, and the Christian church began to grow powerfully (Acts 2:41-47). The apostles preached the Gospel with such power that the number of believers quickly increased, and many communities were established (Acts 4:4; 6:7; 9:31). Through the Holy Spirit, the early church reached the entire known world, symbolized as the “early rain.” The “latter rain,” an even greater outpouring of the Spirit, will prepare the final harvest and complete God’s work on earth (Zechariah 4:6; 10:1; Hosea 6:3; James 5:7-8).
12.5 The Loud Cry
The Final Proclamation of the Gospel
Revelation 18:1-4, Habakkuk 2:14, and Matthew 24:14 show that God’s work on earth will end with a powerful and comprehensive proclamation of the Gospel. The angel in Revelation 18 has “great authority” and illuminates the whole earth with God’s glory, symbolically representing human messengers who proclaim the Gospel powerfully. These messengers are endowed with the authority of Jesus to act in His name (Matthew 28:18-19). The Holy Spirit will be poured out in unprecedented measure, and the Gospel will quickly spread throughout the world. Thousands will repent, and the earth will be filled with the knowledge of God’s glory (Habakkuk 2:14). Thus, the Gospel will be spread to the ends of the earth, and the world will hear the message of hope (Matthew 24:14).
12.6 Summary
Faithfulness, Outpouring of the Spirit, and Worldwide Proclamation
The final events on earth will be characterized by a great conflict over worship, in which believers will resist the pressures of the world and remain faithful to God’s Word and His commandments. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, symbolized by the early and latter rain, will strengthen believers and spread the Gospel worldwide. A loud cry will warn the world and lead many to repentance, while the powers of hell attempt to suppress God’s truth. The faithful believers will be equipped with the power and authority of Jesus to remain steadfast in the end times. Ultimately, the Gospel will be proclaimed to all nations, and the earth will be filled with the glory of God.
The Great Controversy – Lesson 11.The Impending Conflict | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 11.The Impending Conflict |
Deciphering the End-Time Conflict: Worship, Identity, and Steadfastness |
In Lesson 11, we delve deeper into the prophetic texts of Revelation to understand the impending conflict between good and evil. This lesson sheds light on the significant role of worship and identity amidst end-time events. Through the analysis of Revelation chapters 13 and 14, we are prompted to decipher the symbols and prophecies to recognize the challenges and opportunities ahead. It becomes clear that understanding this conflict is crucial to remaining faithful and steadfast amid the challenges of the end times.
Memory Text: John 17:17 – “ ‘Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth’ ”
11.1 Revelation’s Final Conflict
Revelation: Worship in the Cosmic Conflict
Revelation interweaves symbols with the eternal truth of a loving God and a cosmic conflict between good and evil unfolding through worship. Worship and creation are inseparably linked, with the Sabbath serving as a reminder of our identity. Worship of the Creator, manifested in keeping His commandments, stands in opposition to that of the beast. The faithful worshippers are strengthened by the “faith of Jesus,” which guides them through the conflict even when they cannot see or understand.
11.2 The Coming Crisis
The Climax in the Cosmic Struggle between Worship and Coercion
The prophecy of the mark of the beast in Revelation marks the climax of the battle between good and evil, where Satan desperately tries to deceive and compel souls. Historically, religious persecution among Christians is not new and will intensify in the end times. Refusal of the mark will have economic and ultimately life-threatening consequences. Believers are urged to have patience and hold fast to God’s commandments and faith in Jesus, as they will overcome through Christ’s power over the trials. The central conflict between worship and coercion becomes evident here.
11.3 Identifying the Beast, Part 1
Origin and Authority of Power in Revelation
Revelation 13:1–2 identifies the beast as a power deriving its authority from the dragon, symbolically representing Satan. This power originated from the Roman Empire and was exercised through political and religious institutions. The transfer of the throne from Rome to Constantinople paved the way for the rise of the papacy, seeking to elevate itself above humans and God. The key word for identifying this power is “blasphemy,” referring to claims belonging to God, such as the power to forgive sins and the privileges of God on earth attributed to the papacy.
11.4 Identifying the Beast, Part 2
Prophetic Fulfillment and Future Developments
Instead of worshiping the beast, God’s followers find joy in serving God, motivated by their loving hearts and the recognition of God’s faithfulness. Revelation 13:5 describes a period of 42 months, equivalent to 1260 years, marking the papacy’s dominance, which ended with the papal captivity. However, the prophecy predicts that this power will regain global influence. Today, the pope is recognized as a moral leader, suggesting the fulfillment of these prophetic words once again.
11.5 The Beast from the Earth
The Second Beast: The USA and Its Prophetic Significance
The second beast in Revelation 13:11–18 differs from the first by emerging from the earth rather than the sea, indicating a less populated area. It appears around 1798, aligning with the United States, which declared independence in 1776 and became a world power by the late 19th century. This beast has two lamb-like horns symbolizing political and religious freedom, but it speaks like a dragon, foreshadowing future oppression. It will exercise all the power of the first beast and compel worship, portraying the United States as a nation forsaking its freedom principles for a union of church and state.
11.6 Summary
Preparation for the End-Time Conflict: Identification and Steadfastness
Lesson 11 addresses the impending conflict described in Revelation. The central conflict revolves around worship, with faithful followers of God opposing worship of the beast. Historical and prophetic analyses identify the first beast as the papacy and the second beast as the United States, which will introduce religious persecution. The prophecies emphasize the importance of keeping God’s commandments and having faith in Jesus as a source of strength for believers. Amid deception and coercion, faith in God is highlighted as crucial.
The Great Controversy – Lesson 10.Spiritualism Exposed | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 10.Spiritualism Exposed |
Biblical Truth Against End-Time Deceptions |
Lesson 10 delves into biblical teachings about death and the dangers of spiritism, especially in the end times. The Bible clearly states that death is a state of sleep, with no conscious existence until the resurrection. This lesson demonstrates how spiritism, based on the false doctrine of soul immortality, leads people astray. In the end times, Satan will intensify the use of supernatural signs and wonders to deceive believers. It is crucial for Christians to remain firmly rooted in God’s Word and faith in Jesus to resist these deceptions.
Memory Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:16.17 – “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”
10.1 The Deadly Consequences of Spiritualism
The Dangerous Contradiction to Biblical Truth
The notion of the soul’s natural immortality and communication with the deceased, as practiced in spiritism, contradicts biblical teachings. The Bible emphasizes death as a state of unconsciousness (Ecclesiastes 9:5) and warns against all forms of occultism (Deuteronomy 18:11). Belief in soul immortality, derived from pagan traditions, can make people susceptible to satanic deceptions. These teachings divert from true worship of God and open doors to dangerous spiritual practices. Conversely, Jesus offers liberation and protection from such deceptions through His grace and power.
10.2 Death in the Old Testament
A Biblical Perspective on Life After Death
The Old Testament teaches that death is a state of sleep, where the dead rest until the resurrection. Psalms and Kings describe death as sleep or “joining one’s ancestors” (Psalm 6:6; 115:17; 1 Kings 2:10). This contradicts the notion of disembodied spirits wandering after death. Job and Daniel emphasize the resurrection as the next conscious experience of the dead (Job 14:12; Daniel 12:2). This biblical perspective guards against spiritist deceptions by showing that the dead know nothing and await their awakening. Believers should find comfort in the awareness of biblical truth and guard against occult deceptions.
10.3 Death in the New Testament
Hope for Resurrection and Eternal Life in Christ
The New Testament continues the Old Testament symbolism of death as sleep, as seen in John 11:11-14 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. Both testaments teach that there is no conscious existence after death until the resurrection. In the New Testament, the resurrection at Christ’s return is emphasized, as described in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54. These texts underscore that eternal life is found only in Christ, and the resurrection is His ultimate victory over death. Paul argues that without Christ’s resurrection, our faith would be in vain, highlighting the central role of the resurrection in Christian hope. Believers in the New Testament eagerly awaited Christ’s return and the resurrection of the dead, strengthening their faithfulness and endurance in trials.
10.4 Spiritualism in the Last Days: Part 1
The Seductive Power of Supernatural Deceptions
In the end times, people will be seduced by great signs and wonders performed by demonic spirits (Matthew 24:5, 11, 24; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9; Revelation 13:13-14; 16:13-14). These deceptions aim to manipulate people’s emotions rather than appeal to their rational thinking. Spiritism, based on the false doctrine of soul immortality, will play a central role in this deception, almost capturing the world. It is dangerous to trust our feelings, as Satan can exploit them to bypass our thought processes and deceive us. Our security lies solely in Jesus and His Word, which can protect us from these deceptions.
10.5 Spiritualism in the Last Days: Part 2
Preserving Hope and Faith Amid End-Time Deceptions
Our hope of redemption is rooted in Christ, and His sacrifice secures for us the “blessed hope” of His second coming (Titus 2:13). Satan seeks to destroy this hope by distracting people with supernatural signs and wonders from biblical truth. Matthew 24:23–27, 2 Corinthians 11:13–14, and 2 Thessalonians 2:9–12 warn of Satan’s deceptive power, even posing as Christ. These deceptions aim to hinder people from keeping the commandments of God and maintaining faith in Jesus (Revelation 14:12). We must remain vigilant and guard against teachings that divert us from these essential characteristics, regardless of accompanying supernatural phenomena.
10.6 Summary
The Biblical Truth About Spiritism and the Need to Stand Firm
Lesson 10, “Exposing Spiritism,” explores the biblical truth about the state of the dead and the dangers of spiritism. The Bible describes death as sleep, with no conscious existence until the resurrection at Christ’s return. Spiritist practices are based on the false doctrine of soul immortality and open doors to demonic deceptions. In the end times, Satan will use supernatural signs and wonders to divert people from truth and salvation in Christ. Believers must rely on God’s Word and faith in Jesus to resist these deceptions.
Lesson 9.The Foundation of God’s Government | 9.6 Summary
9.6 Summary
A Look at Law, Sabbath, and End-Time Conflict
Lesson 9 explores the foundation of God’s government, particularly through examining the three angels’ messages in Revelation 14. These messages call people to decide between worshiping the Creator and worshiping the beast. The first angel reminds us that God’s hour of judgment has come and calls for true worship of God. The second angel warns of Babylon, a symbol of fallen religious systems that lead to false worship. The essence of the decision lies in faithfulness to God by keeping His commandments and faith in Jesus Christ. This decision impacts not only spiritual life but also everyday life and values. Through obedience, trust, and strengthening of faith, God prepares believers for future challenges by guiding them through trials, instructing them in His Word, providing fellowship with other believers, and strengthening them with personal experiences of His faithfulness.
The connection between Lesson 9 and our daily life and faith is fundamental. The lesson emphasizes the choice between worshiping the Creator and worshiping false gods or systems. This decision is not only theological but also affects our daily actions and beliefs.
In everyday life, our faithfulness to the Creator is shown through our behavior and decisions. By keeping His commandments and obeying His Word, we express our faith and devotion. The Sabbath, as a sign of worshiping the Creator, can permeate our daily life by consciously setting aside time for rest, worship, and fellowship with God and other believers.
Our faith in Jesus Christ also influences our daily decisions and relationships. It enables us to show love and forgiveness to others, even when it’s difficult, and to rely on God’s promises when faced with challenges. Faith in Jesus gives us the strength to remain steadfast in difficult times and to share the hope we have found in Him with others.
Overall, the connection between Lesson 9, our daily life, and our faith is inseparable. Our decisions, beliefs, and actions in everyday life should be guided by our faith in the Creator and our Lord Jesus Christ. By understanding and living this connection, we can lead a life that honors God and aligns with His will.
Reflecting on the Sabbath issue reminds us that truth often stands in contrast to the majority, and understanding Holy Scripture is our most important source of knowledge.
1.The world is changing so quickly and dramatically. Why must we always be vigilant so that end-time events do not catch us unprepared?
We must always be vigilant so that end-time events do not catch us unprepared because the world is changing so quickly and dramatically. In a time when technological advancements and societal changes are progressing rapidly, we can easily be distracted from the fundamental values and principles rooted in Holy Scripture. Without vigilance, we risk losing sight of the signs of the times and succumbing to the temptations of a fast-paced, human-centered world. Only through vigilance can we strengthen our faith, prepare for upcoming challenges, and remain faithful to God’s guidelines in a changing world.
2.How can the understanding of God’s judgment and law be reconciled with the fact that we are saved by grace alone?
The understanding of God’s judgment and law can be easily reconciled with the fact that we are saved by grace alone. God’s grace does not mean that the law is abolished or that judgment has no place. Rather, grace, law, and judgment complement each other in God’s plan of salvation.
God’s law serves as a standard of righteousness and shows us the way of obedience to God and love for our fellow human beings. It reveals God’s character and His holy principles. However, since we are all sinners and have broken the law, we cannot stand before God through our own works.
This is where grace comes into play. Through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we have the opportunity to receive forgiveness of our sins and be saved by faith in Him. This grace is an undeserved gift from God, granting us salvation that we cannot earn on our own.
God’s judgment is part of His righteous plan to hold people accountable and judge evil. It will reveal who has accepted God’s grace through faith in Christ and who has deliberately turned away from Him. Judgment will not only condemn the guilty but also reward the faithful and bring them into fellowship with God.
In summary, the Bible shows that grace, law, and judgment are inseparable and work together to fulfill God’s plan of salvation for humanity.
3.How can you bear witness to those who do not understand the significance of the true Sabbath and seriously observe Sunday, the first day of the week?
To bear witness to those who do not understand the significance of the true Sabbath and observe Sunday, you can approach this in several ways:
Biblical Foundations: Explain the biblical principles and texts that highlight the Sabbath as the God-ordained day of rest, such as the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8-11.
Historical Background: Share information about the development of Sunday observance in the history of Christianity and emphasize the difference between God’s command and human traditions.
Personal Testimonies: Share personal experiences and testimonies about how observing the Sabbath has strengthened your faith and deepened your relationship with God.
Loving Explanation: Be patient and loving in your explanations, and approach those who observe Sunday with respect and understanding for their beliefs.
Living Example: Live out your faith consistently and show through your life how observing the Sabbath influences your values and priorities.
Prayer: Ask God for wisdom and guidance to open people’s hearts and make them receptive to the truth about the Sabbath.
By bearing a loving, respectful, and authentic witness, you can help people understand the significance of the true Sabbath and seriously consider how they want to honor God in their worship.
4.What danger lies in the union of church and state powers? How should we as Christians relate to the government?
The union of church and state powers poses the danger of restricting religious freedom and violating freedom of conscience. When religious authorities are closely linked with state institutions, there is a possibility that religious beliefs will be enforced and people will be forced to act against their conscience.
As Christians, we should relate to the government in a manner guided by biblical principles:
Prayer: We should pray for our leaders to make wise decisions and promote the common good.
Submission: According to the Bible, we should submit to governmental authorities as long as their requirements do not contradict God’s commandments (Romans 13:1-7).
Conscientious Citizenship: As citizens, we have a responsibility to engage in our government, advocate for justice and freedom, and work for the welfare of our fellow human beings.
Separation of Church and State: We should advocate for the separation of church and state to preserve religious freedom and ensure that no religion is favored or disadvantaged.
Bearing Witness: We should bear witness to Christ and His truth in all areas of our lives, including our political beliefs, and work for a society based on the principles of love, justice, and mercy.
By following these principles, we can contribute as Christians to ensuring that governments act justly and respect religious freedom, promoting a society based on the values of God’s kingdom.
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